Hero and Coward Updated

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;; Brief Introduction of the idea of Heros and Cowards Model ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; The “Heroes and Cowards” game, also called the “Friends and Enemies” game or the “Aggressors and Defenders” game dates back to the Fratelli Theater Group at
;; the 1999 Embracing Complexity conference, or perhaps earlier.
;; setup ;; each agent arbitrarily chooses another in the room to be their perceived friend, and another to be their perceived enemy.
;; setup ;; They don’t tell anyone who they have chosen, but they all move to position themselves either such that
;; Rules ;; they are between their friend and their enemy (BRAVE/DEFENDING),
;; Rules ;; they are behind their friend relative to their enemy (COWARDLY/FLEEING).
;; Purpose ;; Mostly it demonstrates how rich, complex, and surprising behavior can emerge from simple rules and interactions.
;; keywords : setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; set color one-of [ red blue ] ; personalities = "mixed" ;
                                                                       ;; globals, breeds, properties ----------------------------------------------

turtles-own [ friend enemy ]                                              ;; an agent has two properties: a friend and an enemy

to setup                                                               ;; build the world ----------------------------------------------------------
  clear-all                                                               ;; clear the universe

  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]                                        ;; ask the world to be white

  create-turtles number [                                                 ;; create 'number' of agents, and ask each agent to do the following

    setxy random-xcor random-ycor                                            ;; set each agent a random coordinate

    if (personalities = "brave")     [ set color blue ]                      ;; if agent is brave,    color it blue
    if (personalities = "cowardly")  [ set color red ]                       ;; if agent is cowardly, color it red
    if (personalities = "mixed")     [ set color one-of [ red blue ] ]       ;; if agent is mixed,    color it either color above

    set friend one-of other turtles                                          ;; make a friend with one of other agents
;    user-message (word "how many turtles left" count other turtles )
    set enemy one-of other turtles                                           ;; make an enemy with one of other agents (no replacement?)

  reset-ticks                                                             ;; put clock back to 0

to go                                                                   ;; running the world  ----------------------------------------------------------

  ask turtles [                                                           ;; ask every agent to do the following

    if (color = blue)  [ act-bravely ]                                       ;; if the agent is brave (blue) , it behaves bravely

    if (color = red)   [ act-cowardly ]                                      ;; if the agent is a coward (red) , it behaves cowardly

  tick                                                                    ;; the clock is ticking

to act-bravely                                                          ;; behaving bravely  ----------------------------------------------------------

  facexy ([xcor] of friend + [xcor] of enemy) / 2                          ;; face toward x-coordintae of middle position between frend and enemy
         ([ycor] of friend + [ycor] of enemy) / 2                          ;; face toward y-coordintae of middle position between frend and enemy

  fd 0.1                                                                   ;; move forward 0.1 unit distance

to act-cowardly                                                         ;; behaving cowardly  ----------------------------------------------------------

  facexy [xcor] of friend + ([xcor] of friend - [xcor] of enemy) / 2       ;; face toward x-coordintae of the position where friend is between agent and enemy
         [ycor] of friend + ([ycor] of friend - [ycor] of enemy) / 2       ;; face toward y-coordintae of the position where friend is between agent and enemy
  fd 0.1                                                                   ;; move forward 0.1 unit distance

to preset [ seed ]                                                      ;; preset initial states (a particular random seed ) of world or parameters  --------------

  set personalities "mixed"                                                ;; all agents to be "mixed"

  set number 68                                                            ;; total agent number to be 68

  random-seed seed                                                         ;; use a particular random seed

  setup                                                                    ;; then do the regular setup

to find-friend-enemy                                                    ;; find your friend and enemy  ----------------------------------------------------------

  ask one-of turtles [                                                     ;; ask any one of the agents

    set size 2 set shape "person"                                             ;; make it twice big and person-shape

    create-link-with enemy [ set color black ]                                ;; create a black link connect agent and enemy

    ask enemy [ set shape "enemy" set size 2 ]                                ;; ask enemy to be enemy-like and twice big

    create-link-with friend [ set color yellow ]                              ;; create a yellow link connecting agent and friend

    ask friend [ set shape "friend" set size  2 ]                             ;; ask friend to be friend-like and twice big


; Copyright 2014 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created over 5 years ago by 深度碎片 Kenny.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Hero and Coward Updated.png preview Preview for 'Hero and Coward Updated' over 5 years ago, by 深度碎片 Kenny Download

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