Survivor Voting Alliances

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1 collaborator

Default-person Isaac Lee (Author)


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Model group MAM-2018 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.3 • Viewed 211 times • Downloaded 6 times • Run 0 times
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extensions [

breed [ contestants contestant ]
undirected-link-breed [ alliances alliance ]

contestants-own [



  target ; most recent target
  vote  ; most recent vote

  finish ; for resume output
  individual-challenge-wins ; for resume output

  elimination-score ; for voting-history output
  voting-history ; for voting-history output


globals [
  phase ; 0:challenge -> 1:tribal-council -> 2:update social game -> repeat

  eliminated-contestant ; most recent eliminated contestant
  winning-contestant ; most recent individual challenge winner
  winning-tribe ; most recent tribal challenge winner

  challenge-eliminated-list ; list of challenge winner, eliminated contestant pairs

  my-contestant ; created contestant
  contestant-experiment-finishes ; list of my-contestant's finishes
  repeat-experiment-finishes-table ; table of each contestants finishes

to setup
  set-default-shape contestants "person"

  create-contestants num-contestants / 2 [ ; create first tribe
    set tribe 0
    setxy (- (random max-pxcor / 2)) - max-pxcor / 2  (social / 100) * (max-pycor * 2) - max-pycor

  create-contestants num-contestants / 2 [ ; create second tribe
    set tribe 1
    setxy (random max-pxcor / 2) + max-pxcor / 2 (social / 100) * (max-pycor * 2) - max-pycor

  if create-a-contestant? [
    ask contestant 0 [
      set my-contestant self
      set mental custom-mental
      set physical custom-physical
      set social custom-social
      set loyalty custom-loyalty
      setxy (- (random max-pxcor / 2)) - max-pxcor / 2  (social / 100) * (max-pycor * 2) - max-pycor
    watch my-contestant

  set phase -1
  set merged? false
  set challenge-eliminated-list (list)

to go
  set phase (phase + 1) mod 3

  if count contestants with [eliminated? = false] = 2 [

  if count contestants with [eliminated? = false] = num-contestants / 2 + 2 and phase = 0 [ merge ]
    phase = 0 [
    phase = 1 [
    phase = 2 [
    [ print phase ])

  ; log

; creates a contestant with random attributes

to contestant-constructor  ; turtle procedure
  set eliminated? false

  set mental random 100 + 1
  set physical random 100 + 1
  set social random 100 + 1
  set initial-social social
  set loyalty minimum-loyalty + random-float (1 - minimum-loyalty)

  set individual-challenge-wins 0

  set elimination-score ""
  set voting-history (list)

  set archetypes (list)

; adds labels to contestants for later analysis

to set-archetypes  ; turtle procedure
  if loyalty < (minimum-loyalty + 0.1) [
    set archetypes lput "Deceptive" archetypes

  if loyalty > 0.9 [
    set archetypes lput "Loyal" archetypes

  if mental > 50 and physical > 50 [
    set archetypes lput "Balanced" archetypes

  if mental > 90 [
    set archetypes lput "Smart" archetypes

  if physical > 90 [
    set archetypes lput "Strong" archetypes

  if social > 40 and social < 60 [
    set archetypes lput "Diplomatic" archetypes

  if social > 90 or social < 10 [
    set archetypes lput "Eccentric" archetypes

; merges tribes

to merge
  set merged? true
  ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
    set xcor (random max-pxcor) -  max-pxcor / 2
    ifelse tribe = 0 [
      ;set ycor social / 100 * max-pycor
      ;set ycor social / 100 * max-pycor

; sets mental/physical ratio for each challenge, randomly selects winner with probability based on overall mental/physical abilities

to challenge
  let challenge-mental-physical-ratio random-float 1
  ifelse not merged? [

    let tribe-0-mental-physical (challenge-mental-physical-ratio * tribe-0-mental + (1 - challenge-mental-physical-ratio) * tribe-0-physical) ^ 2
    let tribe-1-mental-physical (challenge-mental-physical-ratio * tribe-1-mental + (1 - challenge-mental-physical-ratio) * tribe-1-physical) ^ 2

    let tribes list (list 0 tribe-0-mental-physical) (list 1 tribe-1-mental-physical)

    set winning-tribe first rnd:weighted-one-of-list tribes [ [t] -> last t ]

    ; log
    if log? [ print word "Tribe " word winning-tribe " Won Challenge" ]
    set winning-contestant rnd:weighted-one-of contestants with [eliminated? = false] [(challenge-mental-physical-ratio * mental + (1 - challenge-mental-physical-ratio) * physical) ^ 2]

    ask winning-contestant [
      set individual-challenge-wins individual-challenge-wins + 1

    ; log
    if log? [ print word "Contestant " word [who] of winning-contestant " Won Challenge" ]

; calculates which contestant to eliminate from the game based on votes

to tribal-council
  let c contestants with [eliminated? = false]

  ifelse not merged? [
    ; Pre-Merge: losing tribe votes to eliminate a contestant
    let to-eliminate max-one-of c with [tribe != winning-tribe] [votes-against]

    ; log
    if log? [
      print word "Tribe " word (1 - winning-tribe) " Tribal Council:"
      foreach sort-on [(- [who] of vote)] contestants with [eliminated? = false and vote != nobody][ the-contestant ->
        ask the-contestant [
          let vh last voting-history
          print word who word ": " vh

    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
      if vote = to-eliminate [
        set correct-votes correct-votes + 1
      set total-votes-against total-votes-against + votes-against

    ; eliminate contestant
    ask to-eliminate [ eliminate ]
    set challenge-eliminated-list lput (list winning-tribe eliminated-contestant) challenge-eliminated-list
    ; Post-Merge: entire merged tribe votes to eliminate a contestant
    let to-eliminate max-one-of c [votes-against]

    ; log
    if log? [
      print "Tribal Council:"
      foreach sort-on [(- [who] of vote)] contestants with [eliminated? = false][ the-contestant ->
        ask the-contestant [
          let vh last voting-history
          print word who word ": " vh

    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
      if vote = to-eliminate [
        set correct-votes correct-votes + 1
      set total-votes-against total-votes-against + votes-against

    ask to-eliminate [ eliminate ]
    set challenge-eliminated-list lput (list winning-contestant eliminated-contestant) challenge-eliminated-list

; completes bookwork required to eliminate a contestant

to eliminate  ; turtle procedure
  if log? [ print word "Contestant " word who " Eliminated" ]
  set eliminated? true
  set eliminated-contestant self
  ask my-alliances[ die ]
  set finish count contestants - count contestants with [eliminated? = true] + 1

; sets each contestants elimination vote for output (ex. contestant eliminated 5 votes to 3 votes, output: (5-3))

to set-elimination-score ; turtle procedure
  set elimination-score (word "(" first tribal-council-score)
  foreach but-first tribal-council-score [ num ->
    set elimination-score (word elimination-score "-" num)
  set elimination-score (word elimination-score ")")

; updates contestant's social property and alliance links based on previous vote

to update-alliances

  ; Line In The Sand: if contestant did not vote with their ally, they are no longer allies
  ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
    ask my-alliances [
      if [vote] of other-end != [vote] of myself [ die ]

  ; contestants who vote together are linked together and have their "social" properties grow closer
  ask contestants with [eliminated? = false and vote != nobody] [
    let mean-alliance-social mean [social] of contestants with [eliminated? = false and vote = [vote] of myself]
    let social-change social-update-rate * (mean-alliance-social - social)
    set social social + social-change
    set ycor (social / 100) * (max-pycor * 2) - max-pycor
    ifelse not merged? [
      create-alliances-with other contestants with [eliminated? = false and tribe = [tribe] of myself and vote = [vote] of myself]
      create-alliances-with other contestants with [eliminated? = false and vote = [vote] of myself]

; sets each contestants vote for an elimination

to set-vote
  ask contestants [
    set target nobody
    set vote nobody
  ifelse not merged? [
    ; Pre-Merge, every contestant on the losing tribe selects one target at random w/probability = (social-difference myself) / (mental + physical) ^ 2
    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false and tribe != winning-tribe] [
      set target rnd:weighted-one-of other contestants with [ eliminated? = false and tribe = [tribe] of myself ] [(social-difference myself) / (mental + physical) ^ 2]
    ; next, every contestant chooses between the top two targets based solely on social difference
    let target-table table:counts [[who] of target] of contestants with [eliminated? = false and tribe != winning-tribe]

    let primary-target key-with-max-value target-table
    table:remove target-table primary-target
    let secondary-target key-with-max-value target-table

    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false and tribe != winning-tribe] [
      set vote max-one-of (turtle-set (contestant primary-target) (contestant secondary-target)) [ social-difference myself ]

    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
      ifelse vote = nobody [
        set voting-history lput "-" voting-history
        set voting-history lput [who] of vote voting-history
    ; Post-Merge, every contestant selects one target at random w/probability = (social-difference + perceived-threat)
    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
      set target rnd:weighted-one-of other contestants with [ eliminated? = false and self != winning-contestant ] [social-difference myself + perceived-threat]
    ; next, every contestant chooses between the top two targets based solely on social difference
    let target-table table:counts [[who] of target] of contestants with [eliminated? = false]

    let primary-target key-with-max-value target-table
    table:remove target-table primary-target
    let secondary-target key-with-max-value target-table

    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
      set vote max-one-of other (turtle-set contestant primary-target contestant secondary-target) [social-difference myself]

    ask contestants with [eliminated? = false] [
      ifelse vote = nobody [ set voting-history lput "-" voting-history ]
      [ set voting-history lput [who] of vote voting-history ]


to-report absolute-value [number]
  ifelse number >= 0
    [ report number ]
  [ report (- number) ]

to-report key-with-max-value [ t ]
  let l table:to-list t ; convert to list of key/value pairs
  report first reduce [ [a b] -> ifelse-value (last a > last b) [a] [b]] l ; find pair with max value, report key

to-report perceived-threat  ; turtle reporter
  report (
    (mental + physical)
    + individual-challenge-wins * 20

to-report social-difference [ ms ] ; turtle reporter
  if not merged? [
    report (absolute-value (social - [social] of ms)) * [loyalty] of ms
  report round absolute-value (social - [social] of ms) * [loyalty] of ms
  ;report round absolute-value ((social - [social] of ms) + (0.9) ^ (sum [individual-challenge-wins] of contestants) * 50 * absolute-value (tribe - [tribe] of ms)) * [loyalty] of ms
  ; post-merge social difference: social-difference + 50 * decay (if different tribe)

to-report tribal-council-score
  let l (list)
  ; iterates through contestants who had votes cast against them
  foreach sort-on [(- votes-against)] contestants with [votes-against > 0][ the-contestant ->
    set l lput [votes-against] of the-contestant l  ]
  report l

to-report tribe-0-mental
  if count contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false] = 0 [ report 0 ]
  report sum [mental] of contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false] / count contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false]

to-report tribe-0-physical
  if count contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false] = 0 [ report 0 ]
  report sum [physical] of contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false] / count contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false]

to-report tribe-1-mental
  if count contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false] = 0 [ report 0 ]
  report sum [mental] of contestants with [tribe = 1 and eliminated? = false] / count contestants with [tribe = 1 and eliminated? = false]

to-report tribe-1-physical
  if count contestants with [tribe = 0 and eliminated? = false] = 0 [ report 0 ]
  report sum [physical] of contestants with [tribe = 1 and eliminated? = false] / count contestants with [tribe = 1 and eliminated? = false]

to-report votes-against  ; turtle reporter
  ifelse not merged?
  [ report count contestants with [eliminated? = false and tribe = [tribe] of myself and vote = myself] ]
  [ report count contestants with [eliminated? = false and vote = myself] ]

to-report winning-contestant-reporter
  report winning-contestant

to-report winning-tribe-reporter
  report winning-tribe


to log-challenge-eliminated-list-to-file
  csv:to-file "challenge-eliminated-list.csv" fput (list "challenge-winner" "eliminated-contestant") challenge-eliminated-list

to log-contestant-resumes-to-file
  let l (list)
  set l lput (list "contestant" "tribe" "finish" "individual-challenge-wins" "mental" "physical" "social" "loyalty" "correct-votes" "total-votes-against" "archetypes") l
  foreach sort-on [(- finish)] contestants[ the-contestant ->
    ask the-contestant [
      set l lput (list who tribe finish individual-challenge-wins mental physical initial-social precision loyalty 2 correct-votes total-votes-against archetypes) l
  csv:to-file "contestant-resumes.csv" l

to log-voting-histories-to-file
  let l (list)

  let r (list "contestant")
  foreach sort-on [(- finish)] contestants [ the-contestant ->
    ask the-contestant [
      set r lput (word who " " elimination-score) r

  set l lput r l

  foreach sort-on [finish] contestants[ the-contestant ->
    ask the-contestant [
      set l lput fput who voting-history l
  csv:to-file "voting-histories.csv" l

There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Isaac Lee.

Attached files

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Survivor Voting Alliances.png preview Preview for 'Survivor Voting Alliances' almost 6 years ago, by Isaac Lee Download

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