Student Group Connections

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1 collaborator

Default-person Alex Cohen (Author)


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Model group MAM-2018 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
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 globals [ category-count

breed [ students student ]
breed [ clubs club ]
undirected-link-breed [social-links social-link]

extensions [Nw]

students-own [

clubs-own [

to setup
  ask students [ create-network ]

  ;set popular? and unpopular? tags for students with most and least links respectively
  ;This is used later to track liklihood of success for different types of students
  ask one-of students with [class = 0 and count link-neighbors = max [count link-neighbors] of students with [class = 0]] [set popular? true]
  ask one-of students with [class = 0 and count link-neighbors = min [count link-neighbors] of students with [class = 0]] [set unpopular? true]

  ask students [ generate-club-links ]
  ask links [set hidden? true]

to create-initial-students

  ;;Set global constants
  set category-count 5
  set successful-popular-students 0
  set successful-unpopular-students 0
  set popular-student-count 0
  set unpopular-student-count 0

  ;Create 4 years of students with a attributes
  create-students student-count / 4 [
    set class 0

  create-students student-count / 4 [
    set class 1
  create-students student-count / 4 [
    set class 2
  create-students student-count / 4 [
    set class 3
  ask students [
    set heading 0
    set skill random-float 10
    set category random category-count
    set highest-rank 0
    set club-list []
    set sociability random-float 1

to create-network ; Trutle Procedure
  ask n-of random 5 other students with [class = [class] of myself] [ ;Create links with people in the same class
    create-social-link-with myself [hide-link]
  ask n-of ((random 2) + 1) other students with [class != [class] of myself] [ ;Create less links with people in other classes
    create-social-link-with myself [hide-link]

;This function creates the clubs

to set-clubs ;Observer Procedure
             ;create clubs for each category
  let club-count 30
  let x 0
  while [ x < category-count ]
    let y 0
    while [y < club-count]
      create-clubs 1 [
        ifelse random-float 1 < .10 [set rank 4] [set rank random 4] ; set rank of club (only 10 percent of clubs should be highest rank)
        set max-members ((random 20) + 5) ;Set club range 5 - 24
        set open-spots max-members
        set member-count 0
        set category x
        set color red
        set hidden? true
      set y y + 1
    set x x + 1

;This function randomly assigns students to different clubs in their preferred category

to populate-clubs
  ask clubs with [member-count < max-members] [
    if any? students with [category = [category] of myself] [
      let c max-members - member-count
      ask n-of c other students with [category = [category] of myself] [
        ask myself [set member-count member-count + 1]
        if class != 3 [ ask myself [set open-spots open-spots - 1]]
        set club-list lput myself club-list
        if [rank] of myself > highest-rank [ set highest-rank [rank] of myself]

;This function generates links with members in the same category and in the same club, based on percentages set in the interface

to generate-club-links ;Turtle Procedure
  let cat category
  let student-list get-clubmates club-list
  let category-list other students with [category = cat and club-list != []]
  ask category-list [
    if random-float 1 < propensity-to-befriend-groupmates [create-social-link-with myself] ;Generate links based on propensity-to-befriend-groupmates for those who share a club category
  foreach student-list [ [agentset] ->
    ask agentset [
      if random-float 1 < propensity-to-befriend-clubmates [create-social-link-with myself] ;Generate links based on propensity-to-befriend-clubmates for those who are in the same club

;for all clubs that have open spots (number of seniors that are about to graduate) pick new members to fill their spots
;Students apply to clubs that are in their category with a rank equal to or higher than their higest rank club
;Students with highest percieved skill make it to the club

to select-new-students ;Observer Procedure
  ask clubs with [open-spots > 0] [
    ;Students who know someone in the club can apply (do not need to be in the same category
    let recruited-students [link-neighbors] of students with [member? myself club-list] with [class != 3 and not member? myself club-list and length club-list < 6]
    ;Students will apply to clubs in their category if the club is greater than or equal to their higest-rank club
    ;6 clubs is the max amount of clubs someone can be in at once
    let applicants students with [category = [category] of myself and not member? myself club-list and highest-rank <= [rank] of myself and class != 3 and length club-list < 6]

    let possible-students turtle-set sentence recruited-students applicants
    if possible-students != NOBODY [
      let top-applicants pick-top-applicants possible-students self open-spots
      ask top-applicants [
        set club-list lput myself club-list
        ask myself [set open-spots open-spots - 1]
        if [rank] of myself > highest-rank [ set highest-rank [rank] of myself]

;; returns a list of applicants sorted by a calculated "percieved skill"

to-report pick-top-applicants [applicants cl number]
  ask applicants [

    ifelse not third-party-selection-committee? [
      let link-count count link-neighbors with [member? cl club-list]
      set percieved-skill link-count * link-count
      set percieved-skill percieved-skill + skill
      set percieved-skill percieved-skill + highest-rank
      set percieved-skill percieved-skill + length club-list
      set percieved-skill percieved-skill - (class * 3)
      ;      if unpopular? = true [show self show percieved-skill]
      set percieved-skill skill

  ifelse number > count applicants [ report turtle-set sort-on [ (- percieved-skill)] applicants]
  [report turtle-set sublist sort-on [ (- percieved-skill)] applicants 0 number]

;Moves turtles on the screen based on what clubs they are in and how many connections they have

to move-turtles
  ask students [
    setxy min-pxcor min-pycor
    foreach club-list [[cl] ->
      set heading 0
      fd 1 * [rank] of cl
    set heading 90
    fd count link-neighbors


;Represents a year

to go
  ask students [ generate-club-links ]
  ask links [set hidden? true]
  ;  ask students with [unpopular? = true] [show club-list]

;Remove Seniors from the pool of students

to remove-seniors
  ask students with [class = 3] [
    die ;The students graduate (but coming from an outgoing senior, whats the difference?)
;Add a year to each student, update clubs that have outgoing seniors

to add-year
  ask students[
    set class class + 1
  ;Clubs that have seniors now have open spots for an incoming class
  ask students with [class = 3] [
    foreach club-list [[cl] ->
      ;      show cl
      ask cl [
        set open-spots open-spots + 1

;;Generate a new set of freshman

to generate-freshman
  create-students student-count / 4 [
    setxy min-pxcor min-pycor
    ;    set label who
    set class 0
    set heading 0
    set skill random-float 10
    set category random 5
    set club-list []
    set sociability random-float 1
    ;Generate links to some other people in the class
    ask n-of random 5 other students with [class = 0] [
      create-social-link-with myself
    ;Generate links with some people in other classes
    ask n-of ((random 2) + 1) other students with [class != 0] [
      create-social-link-with myself
  ;Record a popular student and unpopular student for data purposes
  ask one-of students with [class = 0 and count link-neighbors = max [count link-neighbors] of students with [class = 0]] [set popular? true ]
  ask one-of students with [class = 0 and count link-neighbors = min [count link-neighbors] of students with [class = 0]] [set unpopular? true ]

;;Generate some new friends and lose some new friends based sociability and propensity-to-lose-friends, respectively

to generate-new-social-links ; Observer Procedure
  ask students [
    ask n-of ((random 3) + 1) other students with [not member? myself link-neighbors] [
      if random-float 1 < sociability [create-social-link-with myself]
    ask n-of random 3 links [
      if random-float 1 < propensity-to-lose-friends [ask self [die]]

;;This reports a list of students who are in clubs listed in the input

to-report get-clubmates [arr]
  let final-list []
  foreach arr [ [cl] ->
    set final-list sentence final-list other students with [ member? cl club-list]
  report final-list

;Some students are assigned popular? and unpopular? attributes when they are first created based on how many (random) links they create
;When they are about to graduate the model records if they had success based on if they are in a high ranking club
;Students who are in a rank 4 club are considered successful

to plot-popular-students
  if ticks > 6 [
    ;It takes some time for the model to stabalize because initial clubs selections are randomly assigned
    ;This is done so the data isnt skewed
    ask students with [popular? = true and class = 3] [
      ;    show self
      if highest-rank = 4 [
        set successful-popular-students successful-popular-students + 1
      set popular-student-count popular-student-count + 1

    ask students with [unpopular? = true and class = 3] [
      ;    show self
      if highest-rank = 4 [
        set successful-unpopular-students successful-unpopular-students + 1
      set unpopular-student-count unpopular-student-count + 1

;This function reports the global-clustering-coefficient

to-report global-clustering-coefficient
  let closed-triplets sum [ nw:clustering-coefficient * count my-links * (count my-links - 1) ] of turtles
  let triplets sum [ count my-links * (count my-links - 1) ] of turtles
  report closed-triplets / triplets

;This procedure generates the High Rank Student Skill Level plot
;and the Degree Vs. Highest rank plot

to plot-skill-vs-rank

  set-current-plot "High Rank Student Skill Level"
  set-current-plot-pen "test"
  ask students with [club-list != []] [
    plotxy skill highest-rank

  set-current-plot "Degree Vs. Highest Rank"
  set-current-plot-pen "test"
  ask students with [club-list != []] [
    plotxy count link-neighbors highest-rank

There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Alex Cohen.

Attached files

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Student Group Connections.png preview Preview for 'Student Group Connections' almost 6 years ago, by Alex Cohen Download

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