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Default-person Amanda Durso (Author)


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globals [

breed [immigrants immigrant]
breed [citizens citizen]
breed [cities city]

turtles-own [

citizens-own [
  preferences  ;citizens have immigration level preferences
  happiness    ;citizens have a level of happiness
  alphai       ;alpha level of preferred immigration
  alphap       ;alpha level of preferred policy
  sum-alphas   ;the sum of the alpha coefficient
  utility      ;the utility function of all the weighted alphas

immigrants-own [
  ipreferences ;citizens have immigration level preferences
  ihappiness   ;citizens have a level of happiness
  ialphai       ;alpha level of preferred immigration
  ialphap       ;alpha level of real policy
  isum-alphas   ;the sum of the alpha coefficient
  iutility      ;the utility function of all the weighted alphas

cities-own [

to setup
  set margins 2
  ask patches[set pcolor grey - 2]
  ask turtles [update-reality-community
  ask cities [
    set legislation random-float 1
    set color scale-color violet legislation 1 0 ]
  output-print "new trial"
  output-type "citizen-community-preference "
  output-print citizen-community-preference
  output-type "citizen-policy-preference "
  output-print citizen-policy-preference
  output-type "%-immigrants "
  output-print %-immigrants
  output-print "initial legislation"
  ask cities [
    output-show [legislation] of cities with [( who = [who] of myself) ]
  ask citizens [
    set xlist (sentence reality-community reality-community)
    let first-mean mean xlist
    set xlist replace-item 0 xlist first-mean
    set initial-preference reality-community

to go
  if ticks mod 4 = 0    ; hold elections once every four iterations
  [ hold-elections ]
  tick    ; go once per iteration
        output-type "ticks " output-print ticks
   ask cities [
    output-show [legislation] of cities with [( who = [who] of myself) ]
  ask turtles [update-reality-community]
  ask citizens [update-preferences]
  if sum [happiness] of citizens / 100 >= 0.99 ; and sum [ihappiness] of immigrants / num-immigrants >= 0.99
  [output-type "all happy ticks "
  output-print ticks
  output-print "distribution of citizen preferences"
    ask cities [
    output-show sort-by < [preferences] of citizens with [ (my-city = [my-city] of myself) ] ]
    output-print "end"
    output-print " "]

to setup-cities
  create-cities num-cities
  ask cities [
    ;set legislation random-float 1
    set my-city self
    set shape "house"
  let spacing floor (world-width - 2 * margins)/(count cities)
  ask cities [
    setxy (min-pxcor + margins + spacing * (who + 0.5))(max-pycor)

to setup-citizens
  create-citizens 100
  ask citizens [
    set color white
    set shape "person"
    set my-city one-of cities
    move-to my-city
    set heading 0
    while [count turtles-here > 1 and ycor > min-pycor]    ; has the citizens line up on top of one another
    [fd -1]
  ask citizens [
    set alphap random-float citizen-community-preference  ; sets the alpha of the weight of the city's population ideology to be a function of the slider
    set alphai random-float citizen-policy-preference    ; sets the alpha of the weight of the city's newsletters ideology to be a function of the slider
    set sum-alphas alphai + alphap   ; sums the alphas and normalize them to all equal 1
    set alphap ( alphap / sum-alphas )
    set alphai ( alphai / sum-alphas )

to setup-immigrants
  create-immigrants (100 * %-immigrants)
  ask immigrants [
    set color pink + 1
    set shape "immigrant"
    set my-city one-of cities
    move-to my-city
    set heading 0
    while [count turtles-here > 1 and ycor > min-pycor ]
    [fd -1]
  ask immigrants [
    set ialphai random-float immigrants-community-preference
    set ialphap random-float immigrants-community-preference  ; sets the alpha of the weight of the city's population ideology to be a function of the slider
    set isum-alphas ialphai + ialphap  ; sums the alphas and normalize them to all equal 1
    set ialphap ( ialphap / isum-alphas )
    set ialphai ( ialphai / isum-alphas )

to update-reality-community
  let count-immigrants count immigrants with [ (my-city = [my-city] of myself) ]
  let count-total ( count turtles with [ (my-city = [my-city] of myself)] ) - 1
  set reality-community (count-immigrants / count-total)

to update-preferences
  set preferences mean xlist
  set xlist (sentence preferences reality-community)

to check-happiness
  ask citizens [
    set happiness ( alphai * (1 - ( preferences - reality-community)^ 2) ) + ( alphap *  (1 - ( preferences -  ( [legislation] of my-city ) )^ 2) ) ;reality-policy
  ask immigrants [
    set ihappiness (ialphai * (1 - (0.49 - reality-community)^ 2)) + (ialphap * (1 - ([legislation] of my-city) ^ 2 ) )

to update-utility
  ask citizens
  [if happiness < 1
    [set my-city one-of cities
      move-to my-city
      set heading 0
      while [count turtles-here > 1 and ycor > min-pycor]
      [fd -1]
  ask immigrants
  [if ihappiness < 1
    [set my-city one-of cities
      move-to my-city
      set heading 0
      while [count turtles-here > 1 and ycor > min-pycor]
      [fd -1]

to-report check-happiness-city [local-legislation]
  ifelse ( preferences = local-legislation)    ; if the preference of the citizen is the same as the city ideology, report a 1, if not 0
  [report 1]
  [report 0]

to hold-elections
  ask cities [
    set legislation reality-community
    set color scale-color violet legislation 1 0]

There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by Amanda Durso.

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