Generalised Urn Model with Triggering
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extensions[rnd] globals[selected-colour-count current-cohort last-cohort last-colour max-ball-index ball-colours ball-pile-x ball-pile-y colour-created-time ball-counts ball-in-transit gini-index youth-index time-to-unlocked] turtles-own[in-transit cohort ball-index adjacent-possible ball-created-time] to setup ca reset-ticks set-default-shape turtles "circle" import-drawing "urn.png" ;set initial-colour-count 3 set selected-colour-count 0 set ball-in-transit false set current-cohort 1 set last-cohort 1 set max-ball-index 0 set ball-counts [] set ball-colours [15 65 95 125 85 45 55 135 75 35 25 5 115 13 63 93 123 83 43 53 133 73 33 23 2 113 17 67 97 127 87 47 57 137 77 37 27 7 117] set ball-pile-x [-14 -11 -8 -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 -14 -11 -8 -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 -14 -11 -8 -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 -14 -11 -8 -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13] set ball-pile-y [14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2] set colour-created-time [] set time-to-unlocked 0 set gini-index 0 set youth-index 0 ; add initial balls repeat initial-colour-count [ start-new-colour set ball-counts lput 1 ball-counts ] ask turtles[ ; Act like these initial balls have been "instantiated" set adjacent-possible false ; Put each initial ball in a different cohort set cohort current-cohort set current-cohort current-cohort + 1 ] setup-plots end ; Main function pick a new ball and move it to the pile. to go pick-ball set ball-in-transit true if behaviorspace-run-number = 0 [move-to-pile] set ball-counts [] clear-output tick set-current-plot "gini-curve" clear-plot do-plotting update-labels end ; Select a new ball from the urn, triggering additions to pick-ball set last-colour 0 let last-ball-index 0 ; hatch according to turtle weights ask rnd:weighted-one-of turtles [colour-weight][ hatch 1 [ setxy 0 -2.2 set shape "circle" set size 2 let mycolor color ; set turtle vars set in-transit true set last-colour color set last-ball-index ball-index set last-cohort cohort set ball-created-time ticks ; ball colour is "instantiated", so no longer in the adjacent possible ask turtles with [color = mycolor] [set adjacent-possible false] ] ] if triggering [ ; we add new colours if the ball was from the adjacent possible if count turtles with [color = last-colour] = 2 [ set selected-colour-count selected-colour-count + 1 ; Is this from the adjacent possible? if (selected-colour-count > (initial-colour-count - 1)) [ ; do we still have new colours? ifelse (max-ball-index + initial-colour-count < length(ball-colours)) [ set current-cohort current-cohort + 1 ; Create balls of new colours repeat initial-colour-count + 1[ start-new-colour ] ] [ ; Store the time the last colour was unlocked if time-to-unlocked = 0 [set time-to-unlocked ticks] ] ] ] ] end ; Allow for different weights to different types of balls - used by the weighted-random function to-report colour-weight ; Initially use 1 across the board if max-ball-index = initial-colour-count[ report 1 ] ; total of balls that have been drawn before ;let drawn-count count turtles with [not adjacent-possible] let mycohort cohort ; is the current ball from the adjacent possible? (colours with only 1 ball) ifelse not adjacent-possible[ ifelse last-cohort = mycohort [ report 1 ] [ report non-cohort-weight ] ] ; balls in the adjacent possible [ ifelse last-cohort = mycohort [ report ap-weight ] [ report non-cohort-ap-weight ] ] end ; triggers creation of a new ball colour to start-new-colour create-turtles 1 [ set ball-index max-ball-index setxy 0 -2.2 set color item ball-index ball-colours let x item ball-index ball-pile-x let y item ball-index ball-pile-y facexy x y ; for the inherited trajectory setxy x y set shape "circle" set in-transit false set size 2 set max-ball-index max-ball-index + 1 set cohort current-cohort set adjacent-possible true ; keep track of how far into the model the new colour is added set colour-created-time lput ticks colour-created-time ; add a new pen to the distribution plot set-current-plot "distribution" create-temporary-plot-pen word "ball" ball-index ] end ; Animate the ball moving to the relevant pile to move-to-pile while [ball-in-transit] [ ; See if it has reached pile ask turtles with [in-transit][ ifelse ycor > item ball-index ball-pile-y [ ; ball has reached the pile set shape "checker piece 2" set size 3 set ball-in-transit false set in-transit false ] [ fd 0.008 ] ] ] end ; this updates the charts dynamically as we have new colours being added so can't store the pens to do-plotting let current-pen 0 repeat max-ball-index [ set-current-plot "distribution" set-current-plot-pen word "ball" current-pen set-plot-pen-color item current-pen ball-colours plotxy ticks count turtles with [color = item current-pen ball-colours] set-current-plot "gini-curve" set-current-plot-pen "gini" set ball-counts lput count turtles with [color = item current-pen ball-colours] ball-counts plotxy item current-pen colour-created-time sum ball-counts set current-pen current-pen + 1 ] let current-tick-interval floor(ticks / 10) if ticks mod 10 = 0 and current-tick-interval > 0 [ ;record most popular after intervals of 10 ticks set-current-plot "Popular by time slot" set-current-plot-pen "appearance" ;get the colour of the most popular in the time slot let current-index 0 let colour-count 0 let last-colour-count 0 let top-colour 0 let youth-sum 0 repeat max-ball-index [ let current-colour item current-index ball-colours set colour-count count turtles with [(color = current-colour) and (ball-created-time >= (current-tick-interval - 1) * 10 ) and (ball-created-time < current-tick-interval * 10) ] set youth-sum youth-sum + (item current-index ball-counts * item current-index colour-created-time) if colour-count > last-colour-count[ set last-colour-count colour-count set top-colour current-colour ] set current-index current-index + 1 ] let youth-ticks ticks ; calculate youth index if (time-to-unlocked < ticks and time-to-unlocked > 0)[ set youth-ticks time-to-unlocked ] set youth-index youth-sum / (sum(ball-counts) * youth-ticks) ;get the created time of the top colour in the interval set-plot-pen-color top-colour let top-colour-index [ball-index] of one-of turtles with [color = top-colour] let appearance-time item top-colour-index colour-created-time plotxy current-tick-interval * 10 appearance-time ] ;calculate gini-index let sorted-count sort ball-counts let cum-count 0 let index 0 set gini-index 0 ;print word "number of colours: " max-ball-index ;print word "counts: " ball-counts repeat max-ball-index [ set cum-count cum-count + ((max-ball-index - index ) * item index sorted-count) set index (index + 1) ] set gini-index (1 / max-ball-index) * (max-ball-index + 1 - (2 * ( cum-count / sum(ball-counts)))) update-plots end ; this procedure puts the colour count labels onto the relevant patches to update-labels let current-colour 0 repeat max-ball-index [ ask patch item current-colour ball-pile-x (item current-colour ball-pile-y - 2)[ set plabel item current-colour ball-counts ;count turtles with [color = item current-colour ball-colours] ] set current-colour current-colour + 1 ] end to-report gini report gini-index end to-report youth report youth-index end
There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Paul Matthews.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Generalised Urn Model with Triggering.png | preview | Preview for 'Generalised Urn Model with Triggering' | over 7 years ago, by Paul Matthews | Download |
urn.png | png | Urn image - should be placed in same folder as model | over 7 years ago, by Paul Matthews | Download |
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