ShoeFactory - PheromoneApproach

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Default-person Rotimi Ogunsakin (Author)


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globals [tsize all-resources mylist sole-link-set head-link-set design-link-set finishing-link-set task world-condition newlist num num-produced]

breed [shoe-orders shoe-order]
breed [sole-makers sole-maker]
breed [shoe-head-makers shoe-head-maker]
breed [design-makers design-maker]
breed [shoe-finishings shoe-finishing]
breed [dispatches dispatch]
breed [shoe-shippings shoe-shipping]
breed [new-orders new-order]
undirected-link-breed [borders border]

patches-own [task-color cx]
shoe-orders-own [orders-set ]
sole-makers-own [sole-set]
shoe-head-makers-own [head-set]
design-makers-own [design-set]
shoe-finishings-own [finishing-set]
dispatches-own [dispatch-set]
new-orders-own [ new-order-set found-shoe order-plan next-plan plan plan-index exit prev-plan]
borders-own [border-tikness]

to set-parameters
   ask new-orders [set found-shoe 0]
   ask patches [set task-color 45 ]
   ask new-orders [set plan-index 0]
   ask new-orders [set exit 0]
   set num-produced 0

to setup
;set-default-shape borders "boundary"

to go

to setup-patches
  ask patches [set pcolor white]

to write-up
  ask patch 14 20 [set plabel "Mass Customization - Coordination Model | Shoe Production Secenarion" set plabel-color black]
  ask patch -19 16 [set plabel (word "Shoe Sole Makers") set plabel-color black]
  ask patch -19 -17 [set plabel (word "Shoe Head Makers") set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 20 -17 [set plabel (word "Shoe Gumming") set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 20 17.5 [set plabel (word "Design Makers") set plabel-color black]
  ask patch -20 0 [set plabel (word "Order Generators") set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 25 0 [set plabel (word "Dispatchers") set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 24 18 [set plabel (word "Shipping") set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 24 -18 [set plabel (word "Shipping") set plabel-color black]

to create-resources

  set tsize 2
  (foreach [3 -3] [ [x] -> create-shoe-orders 1[
    set shape "circle"
    set color green
    set xcor -22
    set ycor x
    ;set label "free"
    set pcolor black
    set size tsize
     ask neighbors [set pcolor black]


    (foreach [3  -3  3] [ [x] -> create-dispatches 1[
    set shape "letter sealed"
    set xcor 23
    set ycor x
    set color white
    set label "free"
    set size 2
    set pcolor black
    ask neighbors [set pcolor black]

(foreach [ -19 -16 -13 ][13 15 17] [ [x y] -> create-sole-makers 1[
    set shape "square"
    set color red
    set xcor x
    set ycor y
    set label "free"
    set pcolor black
    set size tsize
    ask neighbors [set pcolor black]

(foreach [ 13 16 19 ] [17 15 13] [ [x y] -> create-design-makers 1[
    set shape "triangle"
    set color blue
    set xcor x
    set ycor y
    set label "free"
    set pcolor black
    set size tsize
    ask neighbors [set pcolor black]

(foreach [ -19 -16 -13 ] [-13 -15 -17] [ [x y] -> create-shoe-head-makers 1[
    set shape "star"
    set color yellow
    set xcor x
    set ycor y
    set label "free"
    set pcolor black
    set size tsize
    ask neighbors [set pcolor black]

(foreach [ 13 16 19 ] [-17 -15 -13] [ [x y] -> create-shoe-finishings 1[
    set shape "pentagon"
    set color magenta
    set xcor x
    set ycor y
    set label "free"
    set pcolor black
    set size tsize
    ask neighbors [set pcolor black]

  (foreach [23 23] [ 15 -15] [ [x y] -> create-shoe-shippings 1[
    set shape "truck"
    set xcor x
    set ycor y
    ;set label "free"
    set pcolor black
    set size tsize
    ask neighbors [set pcolor black]

to setup-links
; Creating link in-between turtles-breed
  set sole-link-set get-resource-list (sole-makers)
    ask item 0 sole-link-set [create-links-with other sole-makers]
  set head-link-set  get-resource-list (shoe-head-makers)
    ask item 0 head-link-set [create-links-with other shoe-head-makers]
  set design-link-set  get-resource-list (design-makers)
    ask item 0 design-link-set [create-links-with other design-makers]
  set finishing-link-set  get-resource-list (shoe-finishings)
    ask item 0 finishing-link-set [create-links-with other shoe-finishings]

; Creating link between different turtles-breeds
  ask last sole-link-set [create-link-with first design-link-set]
  ask first sole-link-set [create-link-with first head-link-set]
  ask last head-link-set [create-link-with first finishing-link-set]
  ask last finishing-link-set [create-link-with last design-link-set]

to plan-assignment-1
  ;set order-plan (list (random 4) (random 4) (random 4))
  set plan item plan-index order-plan
  set next-plan get-plan(plan)
  set color [color] of one-of next-plan
  set task-color [color] of one-of next-plan
  ;set task-color plan-color(plan)
  ;face one-of next-plan
  ;show task-color
  ;show order-plan

to set-shape
  ask new-orders [
    ifelse plan-index = 0 [set shape "shoe_1"][
      ifelse plan-index = 1 [set shape "shoe_2"][
        ifelse plan-index = 2 [set shape "shoe_3"][shipping]]]]

to-report get-plan [new-plan]
  ifelse (new-plan = 0 and not any? sole-makers-on neighbors ) [report sole-makers][
  ifelse (new-plan = 1 and not any? shoe-head-makers-on neighbors ) [report shoe-head-makers][
  ifelse (new-plan = 2 and not any? design-makers-on neighbors ) [report design-makers][
     ifelse (new-plan = 3 and not any? shoe-finishings-on neighbors ) [report shoe-finishings][report shoe-finishings]]]]
    ;ifelse (new-plan = 3 and not any? shoe-finishings-on neighbors ) [report shoe-finishings][plan-assignment-1]]]]
  ;if (new-plan = 3 and not any? shoe-finishings-on neighbors ) [report shoe-finishings]]]]
;to-report find-direction

to-report plan-color [resource-color]
  if (resource-color = 0 ) [report red]
  if (resource-color = 1 ) [report yellow]
  if (resource-color = 2 ) [report blue]
  if (resource-color = 3 ) [report magenta]

to create-orders
  ask one-of shoe-orders [ hatch-new-orders 1 [
  set order-plan (list (random 4) (random 4) (random 4))
  set color gray
  set size 5
  set shape "default"
  set heading 90
  fd 5
  show order-plan

to move-orders

; ask new-orders [
; ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != black) and (ycor <= 17 and ycor >= -17 and xcor <= 18 and xcor >= -18) [fd 0.2][
;   ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = black and exit = 0)[if any? next-plan in-cone 3 90 [ set found-shoe found-shoe + 1 next-plan-execution]][
;     ifelse (exit = 1)[set found-shoe 0 fd 0.2] [get-random-direction set found-shoe 0]]]]

 ;ask new-orders [if (found-shoe = 1) [ask patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 0 [set pcolor task-color] next-plan-execution]]
 let num-shoe-orders count new-orders
 ask one-of shoe-orders [if order-number > num-shoe-orders + num-produced [create-orders]]
  ask new-orders [
    if ([pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = black)[if any? next-plan in-cone 5 120 [set found-shoe found-shoe + 1 set num found-shoe set prev-plan next-plan next-plan-execution]]]
  ask new-orders [ if (found-shoe >= 1) [drop-pheromone]]
  ask new-orders [ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != black) and (ycor <= 17 and ycor >= -17 and xcor <= 18 and xcor >= -18) [fd 0.2][
    ifelse (exit = 1)[set found-shoe 0 fd 0.2 set num found-shoe] [get-random-direction set found-shoe 0 set num found-shoe]]]

to sence-pheromone
  if (sense-pheromone?)[
  ;let color1 [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1
  ;ask new-orders [if ([pcolor] of patch-ahead 1  >= task-color and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1  <= task-color + 4.5 and exit = 0)[face one-of next-plan]]
    ask new-orders [if ([pcolor] of patch-ahead 1  >= [color] of self and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1  <= [color] of self + 4.5 and exit = 0)[face one-of next-plan]]

to drop-pheromone
 set task-color [color] of one-of prev-plan
 set pcolor task-color

to execute-plan
 ask patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 0 [set pcolor grey]

to next-plan-execution
  ifelse (plan-index < 2) [set plan-index plan-index + 1
    plan-assignment-1][set color green set exit 1 face one-of dispatches fd 0.2 ]

to shipping
  ask new-orders [if any? dispatches-on neighbors[
    set plan-index 3
    set shape "shoe_box"
      face min-one-of shoe-shippings  [distance myself]
      fd 0.1]]

to terminate-production
  ask new-orders [if any? shoe-shippings-on neighbors[ set num-produced num-produced + 1 die]]

to do-task
   set task yellow
   ask new-orders [ if any? shoe-head-makers-on neighbors[
   set color yellow
   ask patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1 [set pcolor yellow]]

to fade-signals
  ask patches [set cx task-color + 4.9]
  ask patches [if (pcolor <= precision cx 8 and pcolor >= precision task-color 8) [set pcolor pcolor + pheromone-difusion-rate]]

to get-random-direction
  set heading heading + 180
  fd 0.2
  fd 0.2

to get-random-direction-1
  set heading random 360

to-report get-resource-list [resource-name]
  report sort (resource-name)

to test
  show get-resource-list (sole-makers)
  ;show sole-set

to setup-caller

There are 4 versions of this model.

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Rotimi Ogunsakin almost 7 years ago New update Download this version
Rotimi Ogunsakin almost 7 years ago New update Download this version
Rotimi Ogunsakin almost 7 years ago update Download this version
Rotimi Ogunsakin almost 7 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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ShoeFactory - PheromoneApproach.png preview Preview for 'ShoeFactory - PheromoneApproach' almost 7 years ago, by Rotimi Ogunsakin Download

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