ComRET (Community Renewable Energy Transition)Model
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extensions [ gis ] globals [ CaseStudyReußenköge observer-wind-wanted percentage-solar-wanted ;; percentage of agents who want to adopt solar percentage-solar-happy ;; percentage of agents who are satisfied with solar percentage-wind-wanted ;; percentage of agents who want to adopt wind percentage-wind-happy ;; percentage of agents who are satisfied with wind ] breed [ households household ] households-own [ ;; household characteristics household-type ;; innovator, supporter, follower, opponent ;; solar specific characteristics solar-utility ;; utility of an individual adoption of a solar panel threshold-solar-utility ;; threshold which needs to be reached to adopt solar energy solar-accepted? ;; true if agents utility is higher than the threshold solar-not-accepted? ;; true if agents utility is euqal or lower than the threshold roof-available-solar? ;; true if the households has a suitable roof for solar (randomly chosen) solar-wanted? ;; true if households has a suitable roof to adopt solar solar-adopted? ;; true if agent has adopted technology solar-happy? ;; true if agent is satisfied with adopted techology solar-participate-meeting? ;; true if agents participates in wind-community-meeting (randomly chosen) ;; wind specific characteristics wind-utility ;; utility of an collective adoption of a wind mill threshold-wind-utility ;; threshold which needs to be reached to adopt wind mill wind-accepted? ;; true if agents utility is higher than the threshold wind-not-accepted? ;; true if agents utility is euqal or lower than the threshold wind-wanted? ;; true if agent has accepted technology wind-adopted? ;; true if agent has adopted technology wind-happy? ;; true if agent is satisfied with adopted techology wind-participate-meeting? ;; true if agents participates in wind-community-meeting (randomly chosen) ;; attitudes towards the behaviour solar-attitude ;; agents attitudes about solar panels wind-attitude ;; agents attitudes about wind farms solar-climate-benefit-belief ;; agents belief that solar energy contributes to mititgate climate change wind-climate-benefit-belief ;; agents belief that wind energy contributes to mititgate climate change solar-landscape-change-perceived ;; agents perceived landscape change due to solar panels wind-landscape-change-perceived ;; agents perceived landscape change due to wind farms solar-energy-independence-belief ;; agents belief that solar energy contributes to energy idependence wind-energy-independence-belief ;; agents belief that wind energy contributes to energy idependence solar-social-benefit-perceived ;; agents belief that solar energy provides a social benefit wind-social-benefit-perceived ;; agents belief that wind energy provides a social benefit solar-economic-advantage-perceived ;; agents belief that solar energy provides a personal economic benefit wind-economic-advantage-perceived ;; agents belief that wind energy provides a personal economic benefit ;; social norms solar-norm ;; agents perceived social norms related to the adoption of solar energy wind-norm ;; agents perceived social norms related to the adoption of wind energy solar-social-pressure ;; agents perceived social pressured induced by the percentage of agents who are satisfied with solar energy wind-social-pressure ;; agents perceived social pressured induced by the percentage of agents who are satisfied with wind energy ;; behavioural control solar-control ;; agents perceived behavioural control underlying the adoption of a solar panel wind-control ;; agents perceived behavioural control underlying the adoption of a wind mill openness-for-change ;; agents openness for a new techology solar-potential-perceived ;; agents perceived physical potential of solar energy wind-potential-perceived ;; agents perceived physical potential of wind energy solar-technological-knowledge ;; agents perceived technological knowledge about solar energy wind-technological-knowledge ;; agents perceived technological knowledge about wind energy solar-personal-ability-perceived ;; agents perceived personal ability to adopt solar panels wind-personal-ability-perceived ;; agents perceived personal ability to participate in wind farms solar-financial-ability-perceived ;; agents perceived financial ability to adopt solar panels wind-financial-ability-perceived ;; agents perceived financial ability to participate in wind farms ] patches-own [ life-patch ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; SETUP PROCEDURES ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all setup-landscape-casestudy setup-households setup-patches reset-ticks end to setup-landscape-casestudy ca ;; load landscape dataset for Case Study Reußenköge set CaseStudyReußenköge gis:load-dataset "landscape_reussenkoege.shp" gis:set-world-envelope (gis:envelope-union-of (gis:envelope-of CaseStudyReußenköge)) ;; draw a white municipality border gis:set-drawing-color white gis:draw CaseStudyReußenköge 1 ;; represent the patches/grids outside the municipality in blue and the ones representing the municipality in brown and define them as life-patches ask patches [ set pcolor 87 ] ask patches gis:intersecting CaseStudyReußenköge [ set life-patch true set pcolor 35 ] end to setup-households ;; create households of 4 different types (innovators, supporters, followers, opponents) each with a different colour ;; households are represented as houses ;; spread households randomly on patches ask patches with [ pcolor = 35 ] [ let test-num random-float 1 ifelse test-num < #innovators / count patches with [ pcolor = 35 ] [ sprout-households 1 [ set household-type "innovator" set shape "house" set color 103 ] ] [ ifelse test-num < (#innovators + #supporters) / count patches with [ pcolor = 35 ] [ sprout-households 1 [ set household-type "supporter" set shape "house" set color 105 ] ] [ ifelse test-num < (#innovators + #supporters + #followers) / count patches with [ pcolor = 35 ] [ sprout-households 1 [ set household-type "follower" set shape "house" set color 95 ] ] [ if test-num < (#innovators + #supporters + #followers + #opponents) / count patches with [ pcolor = 35 ] [ sprout-households 1 [ set household-type "opponent" set shape "house" set color 85 ] ] ] ] ] ] ;; random distribution of roof suitabality based on the chosen roof availability (slider) ;; roof stuitability is defined by the location of the rood and monumental protection status ;; only suitable roofs are available for solar panel adoption ask households [ ifelse random-float 1 < roof-suitability-solar / 100 [ set roof-available-solar? true ] [ set roof-available-solar? false ] ] ;; define households' parameters for each household type ask households [ set threshold-solar-utility 2.5 set threshold-wind-utility 2.5 set solar-accepted? false set solar-not-accepted? true set solar-wanted? false set solar-adopted? false set solar-happy? false set solar-participate-meeting? false set wind-accepted? false set wind-not-accepted? true set wind-wanted? false set wind-adopted? false set wind-happy? false set wind-participate-meeting? false ifelse household-type = "innovator" [ set solar-climate-benefit-belief 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set wind-climate-benefit-belief 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set solar-landscape-change-perceived -0 + random-float 0.1 set wind-landscape-change-perceived -0.1 + random-float 0.1 set solar-energy-independence-belief 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set wind-energy-independence-belief 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-benefit-perceived 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-benefit-perceived 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set solar-economic-advantage-perceived 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set wind-economic-advantage-perceived 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set solar-potential-perceived 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set wind-potential-perceived 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set solar-technological-knowledge 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set wind-technological-knowledge 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set solar-personal-ability-perceived 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set wind-personal-ability-perceived 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set openness-for-change 0.9 + random-float 0.1 set solar-financial-ability-perceived 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set wind-financial-ability-perceived 0.9 + random-float 0.1 ] [ ifelse household-type = "supporter" [ set solar-climate-benefit-belief 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set wind-climate-benefit-belief 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set solar-landscape-change-perceived -0.1 + random-float 0.1 set wind-landscape-change-perceived -0.3 + random-float 0.1 set solar-energy-independence-belief 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set wind-energy-independence-belief 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-benefit-perceived 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-benefit-perceived 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set solar-economic-advantage-perceived 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set wind-economic-advantage-perceived 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set solar-potential-perceived 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set wind-potential-perceived 0.8 + random-float 0.1 set solar-technological-knowledge 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-technological-knowledge 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set solar-personal-ability-perceived 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set wind-personal-ability-perceived 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set openness-for-change 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set solar-financial-ability-perceived 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set wind-financial-ability-perceived 0.8 + random-float 0.1 ] [ ifelse household-type = "follower" [ set solar-climate-benefit-belief 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set wind-climate-benefit-belief 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set solar-landscape-change-perceived -0.3 + random-float 0.1 set wind-landscape-change-perceived -0.5 + random-float 0.1 set solar-energy-independence-belief 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-energy-independence-belief 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-benefit-perceived 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-benefit-perceived 0.7 + random-float 0.1 set solar-economic-advantage-perceived 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-economic-advantage-perceived 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set solar-potential-perceived 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-potential-perceived 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set solar-technological-knowledge 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-technological-knowledge 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set solar-personal-ability-perceived 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set wind-personal-ability-perceived 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set openness-for-change 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set solar-financial-ability-perceived 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-financial-ability-perceived 0.6 + random-float 0.1 ] [ if household-type = "opponent" [ set solar-climate-benefit-belief 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-climate-benefit-belief 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set solar-landscape-change-perceived -0.4 + random-float 0.1 set wind-landscape-change-perceived -0.6 + random-float 0.1 set solar-energy-independence-belief 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set wind-energy-independence-belief 0.6 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-benefit-perceived 0.3 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-benefit-perceived 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set solar-economic-advantage-perceived 0.3 + random-float 0.1 set wind-economic-advantage-perceived 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set solar-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set wind-social-pressure 0 + random-float 0.1 set solar-potential-perceived 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set wind-potential-perceived 0.5 + random-float 0.1 set solar-technological-knowledge 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set wind-technological-knowledge 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set solar-personal-ability-perceived 0.3 + random-float 0.1 set wind-personal-ability-perceived 0.3 + random-float 0.1 set openness-for-change 0.3 + random-float 0.1 set solar-financial-ability-perceived 0.4 + random-float 0.1 set wind-financial-ability-perceived 0.5 + random-float 0.1 ] ] ] ] ] end to setup-patches ;; define green land available for wind mills ;; to keep a distance between houses and wind mills, land in a radius of 2 is not available ask households [ ask patches in-radius 2 [ set life-patch false ] ] ;; setup available land for wind farms based on the chosen land availability (slider) ;; colour the patches green ask n-of available-land patches with [ life-patch = true ] [ set pcolor 55 ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; GO PROCEDURES ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go run-decision-making run-implementation run-communication update-social-pressure tick end to run-decision-making ;;;;;;;;;;;;SOLAR DECISION;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; if solar NOT adopted, consider acceptance of solar ;; solar acceptance decision-making for each household type ;; calculate attitude, norm and control for each household type ask households with [ (household-type = "innovator") and (solar-adopted? = false) ] [ set solar-attitude ( ( 2 * solar-climate-benefit-belief ) + solar-landscape-change-perceived + ( 3 * solar-energy-independence-belief ) + solar-social-benefit-perceived + solar-economic-advantage-perceived ) / 8 set solar-norm solar-social-pressure set solar-control ( solar-potential-perceived + solar-technological-knowledge + solar-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + solar-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set solar-utility ( ( 2 * solar-attitude ) + solar-norm + solar-control ) ;; if the solar energy utility is higher than the threshold, solar energy is accepted ;; if solar accepted is true, solar panel is wanted ;; if the solar energy utility is below or equal the threshold, solar energy is NOT accepted if ( solar-utility > threshold-solar-utility ) [ set solar-accepted? true set solar-not-accepted? false set solar-wanted? true ] ] ask households with [ (household-type = "supporter") and (solar-adopted? = false) ] [ set solar-attitude ( solar-climate-benefit-belief + ( 2 * solar-landscape-change-perceived ) + solar-energy-independence-belief + ( 2 * solar-social-benefit-perceived ) + ( 2 * solar-economic-advantage-perceived ) ) / 8 set solar-norm solar-social-pressure set solar-control ( solar-potential-perceived + solar-technological-knowledge + solar-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + solar-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set solar-utility ( solar-attitude + solar-norm + ( 2 * solar-control ) ) ;; if the solar energy utility is higher than the threshold, solar energy is accepted ;; if solar accepted is true, solar panel is wanted ;; if the solar energy utility is below or equal the threshold, solar energy is NOT accepted if ( solar-utility > threshold-solar-utility ) [ set solar-accepted? true set solar-not-accepted? false set solar-wanted? true ] ] ask households with [ (household-type = "follower") and (solar-adopted? = false) ] [ set solar-attitude ( solar-climate-benefit-belief + ( 2 * solar-landscape-change-perceived ) + solar-energy-independence-belief + ( 2 * solar-social-benefit-perceived ) + ( 2 * solar-economic-advantage-perceived ) ) / 8 set solar-norm solar-social-pressure set solar-control ( solar-potential-perceived + solar-technological-knowledge + solar-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + solar-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set solar-utility ( solar-attitude + solar-norm + ( 2 * solar-control ) ) ;; if the solar energy utility is higher than the threshold, solar energy is accepted ;; if solar accepted is true, solar panel is wanted ;; if the solar energy utility is below or equal the threshold, solar energy is NOT accepted if ( solar-utility > threshold-solar-utility ) [ set solar-accepted? true set solar-not-accepted? false set solar-wanted? true ] ] ask households with [ (household-type = "opponent") and (solar-adopted? = false) ] [ set solar-attitude ( solar-climate-benefit-belief + ( 2 * solar-landscape-change-perceived ) + solar-energy-independence-belief + ( 2 * solar-social-benefit-perceived ) + ( 2 * solar-economic-advantage-perceived ) ) / 8 set solar-norm solar-social-pressure set solar-control ( solar-potential-perceived + solar-technological-knowledge + solar-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + solar-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set solar-utility ( ( 2 * solar-attitude ) + solar-norm + solar-control ) ;; if the solar energy utility is higher than the threshold, solar energy is accepted ;; if solar accepted is true, solar panel is wanted ;; if the solar energy utility is below or equal the threshold, solar energy is NOT accepted if ( solar-utility > threshold-solar-utility ) [ set solar-accepted? true set solar-not-accepted? false set solar-wanted? true ] ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;WIND DECISION;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; wind acceptance decision-making for each household type ;; calculate attitude, norm and control for each household type ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and (wind-adopted? = false or wind-happy? = true) ] [ set wind-attitude ( ( 2 * wind-climate-benefit-belief ) + wind-landscape-change-perceived + ( 3 * wind-energy-independence-belief ) + wind-social-benefit-perceived + wind-economic-advantage-perceived ) / 8 set wind-norm wind-social-pressure set wind-control ( wind-potential-perceived + wind-technological-knowledge + wind-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + wind-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set wind-utility ( ( 2 * wind-attitude ) + wind-norm + wind-control ) ;; if wind energy utility is higher than the threshold, wind energy is accepted ;; if wind accepted is true, wind mill is wanted ;; if the solar energy utility is below or equal the threshold, wind energy is NOT accepted if ( wind-utility > threshold-wind-utility ) [ set wind-accepted? true set wind-not-accepted? false set wind-wanted? true ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and (wind-adopted? = false or wind-happy? = true) ] [ set wind-attitude ( wind-climate-benefit-belief + ( 2 * wind-landscape-change-perceived ) + wind-energy-independence-belief + ( 2 * wind-social-benefit-perceived ) + ( 2 * wind-economic-advantage-perceived ) ) / 8 set wind-norm wind-social-pressure set wind-control ( wind-potential-perceived + wind-technological-knowledge + wind-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + wind-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set wind-utility ( wind-attitude + ( 2 * wind-norm ) + wind-control ) ;; if wind energy utility is higher than the threshold, wind energy is accepted ;; if wind accepted is true, wind mill is wanted ;; if the wind energy utility is below or equal the threshold, wind energy is NOT accepted if ( wind-utility > threshold-wind-utility ) [ set wind-accepted? true set wind-not-accepted? false set wind-wanted? true ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and (wind-adopted? = false or wind-happy? = true) ] [ set wind-attitude ( wind-climate-benefit-belief + ( 2 * wind-landscape-change-perceived ) + wind-energy-independence-belief + ( 2 * wind-social-benefit-perceived ) + ( 2 * wind-economic-advantage-perceived ) ) / 8 set wind-norm wind-social-pressure set wind-control ( wind-potential-perceived + wind-technological-knowledge + wind-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + wind-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set wind-utility ( wind-attitude + ( 2 * wind-norm ) + wind-control ) ;; if wind energy utility is higher than the threshold, wind energy is accepted ;; if wind accepted is true, wind mill is wanted ;; if the wind energy utility is below or equal the threshold, wind energy is NOT accepted if ( wind-utility > threshold-wind-utility ) [ set wind-accepted? true set wind-not-accepted? false set wind-wanted? true ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and (wind-adopted? = false or wind-happy? = true) ] [ set wind-attitude ( wind-climate-benefit-belief + ( 2 * wind-landscape-change-perceived ) + wind-energy-independence-belief + ( 2 * wind-social-benefit-perceived ) + ( 2 * wind-economic-advantage-perceived ) ) / 8 set wind-norm wind-social-pressure set wind-control ( wind-potential-perceived + wind-technological-knowledge + wind-personal-ability-perceived + openness-for-change + wind-financial-ability-perceived ) / 5 set wind-utility ( ( 2 * wind-attitude ) + wind-norm + wind-control ) ;; if wind energy utility is higher than the threshold, wind energy is accepted ;; if wind accepted is true, wind mill is wanted ;; if the wind energy utility is below or equal the threshold, wind energy is NOT accepted if ( wind-utility > threshold-wind-utility ) [ set wind-accepted? true set wind-not-accepted? false set wind-wanted? true ] ] update-plots end to run-implementation ;;;;;;;;;;;;SOLAR ADOPTION;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; households who accept solar and did not implement it so far, run the adoption decision if any? households with [ (solar-adopted? = false) and (solar-wanted? = true) ] [ ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and (solar-adopted? = false) and (solar-wanted? = true) ] [ if roof-available-solar? = true ;; if the roof is suitable, do adopt solar [ set solar-adopted? true set color green set solar-wanted? false ;; all households who adopted solar reflect on their satisfaction wind the adoption decision ;; the satisfaction is randonly distributed along the households based on the chosen solar technology satifaction (slider) ;; if househodls are satisfied, households are happy ifelse random-float 1 < (solar-satisfaction / 100) [ set solar-happy? true ] [ set solar-happy? false ] ] ;; if the roof is not suitable, do NOT adopt if roof-available-solar? = false [ set solar-adopted? false set solar-wanted? false ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and (solar-adopted? = false) and (solar-wanted? = true) ] ;; if the roof is suitable, adopt solar [ if roof-available-solar? = true [ set solar-adopted? true set color yellow set solar-wanted? false ;; all households who adopted solar reflect on their satisfaction wind the adoption decision ;; the satisfaction is randonly distributed along the households based on the chosen solar technology satifaction (slider) ;; if househodls are satisfied, households are happy ifelse random-float 1 < (solar-satisfaction / 100) [ set solar-happy? true ] [ set solar-happy? false ] ] ;; if the roof is not suitable, do NOT adopt if roof-available-solar? = false [ set solar-adopted? false set solar-wanted? false ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and (solar-adopted? = false) and (solar-wanted? = true) ] ;; if the roof is suitable, adopt solar [ if roof-available-solar? = true [ set solar-adopted? true set color orange set solar-wanted? false ;; all households who adopted solar reflect on their satisfaction wind the adoption decision ;; the satisfaction is randonly distributed along the households based on the chosen solar technology satifaction (slider) ;; if househodls are satisfied, households are happy ifelse random-float 1 < (solar-satisfaction / 100) [ set solar-happy? true ] [ set solar-happy? false ] ] ;; if the roof is not suitable, do NOT adopt if roof-available-solar? = false [ set solar-adopted? false set solar-wanted? false ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and (solar-adopted? = false) and (solar-wanted? = true) ] ;; if the roof is suitable, adopt solar [ if roof-available-solar? = true [ set solar-adopted? true set color red set solar-wanted? false ;; all households who adopted solar reflect on their satisfaction wind the adoption decision ;; the satisfaction is randonly distributed along the households based on the chosen solar technology satifaction (slider) ;; if househodls are satisfied, households are happy ifelse random-float 1 < (solar-satisfaction / 100) [ set solar-happy? true ] [ set solar-happy? false ] ] ;; if the roof is not suitable, do NOT adopt if roof-available-solar? = false [ set solar-adopted? false set solar-wanted? false ] ] ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;WIND ADOPTION;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; households who want to adopt wind, run the adoption decision set observer-wind-wanted count households with [ wind-wanted? = true ] ;; if number of households who want to build wind mills reaches the defined wind community size (slider) but is not larger than a community of 40 and if green land is still available if ( count patches with [ pcolor = 55 ] >= int (observer-wind-wanted / 2) and (observer-wind-wanted >= wind-community-size) and (observer-wind-wanted <= 30) ) ;; asking one households of the wind community to build wind mills ;; building up to 20 wind mill by colouring up tp 20 green patch white-grey [ ask one-of households with [ wind-wanted? = true ] [ ask n-of int ( observer-wind-wanted / 2 ) patches with [ pcolor = 55 ] [ set pcolor 8 ] ] ;; update the households status to wind adopted is true and wind wanted is false ask households with [ wind-wanted? = true ] [ set wind-adopted? true set wind-wanted? false ] ;; colour the patch of the household who adopted wind black ask households with [ wind-adopted?] [ set pcolor 0 ;; random happiness chance wind based on the choosen satisfaction propability (slider) defines the households who are happy with wind mill ifelse random-float 1 < (wind-satisfaction / 100) [ set wind-happy? true ] [ set wind-happy? false ] ] ] ;; if number of households who want to build wind mills reaches the defined wind community size (slider) but is not larger than a community of 40 and if green land is still available if ( count patches with [ pcolor = 55 ] >= 20 and (observer-wind-wanted >= wind-community-size) and (observer-wind-wanted > 30) ) ;; asking one households of the wind community to build wind mills ;; building 20 wind mills by colouring 20 green patch white-grey [ ask one-of households with [ wind-wanted? = true ] [ ask n-of 15 patches with [ pcolor = 55 ] [ set pcolor 8 ] ] ;; update the households status to wind adopted is true and wind wanted is false ask households with [ wind-wanted? ] [ set wind-adopted? true set wind-wanted? false ] ;; colour the patch of the household who adopted wind black ask households with [ wind-adopted?] [ set pcolor 0 ;; random happiness chance wind based on the choosen satisfaction propability (slider) defines the households who are happy with wind mill ifelse random-float 1 < (wind-satisfaction / 100) [ set wind-happy? true ] [ set wind-happy? false ] ] ] update-plots end to run-communication ;INFLUENTIAL COMMUNICATION; ;; if communication type infuential communication or all is on, communication takes place between households in chosen radius (slider) ;; influential communicator/innovator is changing openness for change ;; the openness for change of the influenced person is updated if ( communication-types = "influential communication" ) or ( communication-types = "all" ) [ ask households [ let my-influence-group-solar households in-radius solar-communication-radius if any? households with [ household-type = "innovator" and ( solar-adopted? = true ) ] in-radius solar-communication-radius [ ask my-influence-group-solar [ set openness-for-change [ openness-for-change ] of myself set solar-social-benefit-perceived [ wind-social-benefit-perceived ] of myself set solar-economic-advantage-perceived [ solar-economic-advantage-perceived ] of myself ] ] ] ] if ( communication-types = "influential communication" ) or ( communication-types = "all" ) [ ask households [ let my-influence-group-wind households in-radius wind-communication-radius if any? households with [ household-type = "innovator" and ( wind-adopted? = true ) ] in-radius wind-communication-radius [ ask my-influence-group-wind [ set openness-for-change [ openness-for-change ] of myself set wind-social-benefit-perceived [ wind-social-benefit-perceived ] of myself set wind-economic-advantage-perceived [ wind-economic-advantage-perceived ] of myself ] ] ] ] ;SEEK ADVICE SOLAR AND WIND; ;; if communication type seek advice or all is on, communication takes place between households ;; households seek information by agents in their close environment (radius of 3) who adopted and are satisfied with the RET if ( communication-types = "seek advice" ) or ( communication-types = "all" ) ;; supporters and followers, who are close to their utiliy-threshold, receive information from innovators, who adopted already and who are within the communication-radius ;; technological knowledge, financial and personal ability are updated if communication takes place [ ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and solar-adopted? = false and solar-utility >= 2.0 and solar-utility <= 2.5 ] [ if any? households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius [ set solar-technological-knowledge [ solar-technological-knowledge ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius set solar-financial-ability-perceived [ solar-financial-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius set solar-personal-ability-perceived [ solar-personal-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and wind-adopted? = false and wind-utility >= 2.0 and wind-utility <= 2.5 ] [ if any? households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius [ set wind-technological-knowledge [ wind-technological-knowledge ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius set wind-financial-ability-perceived [ wind-financial-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius set wind-personal-ability-perceived [ wind-personal-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and solar-adopted? = false and solar-utility >= 2.0 and solar-utility <= 2.5 ] [ if any? households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius [ set solar-technological-knowledge [ solar-technological-knowledge ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius set solar-financial-ability-perceived [ solar-financial-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius set solar-personal-ability-perceived [ solar-personal-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and wind-adopted? = false and wind-utility >= 2.0 and wind-utility <= 2.5 ] [ if any? households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius [ set wind-technological-knowledge [ wind-technological-knowledge ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius set wind-financial-ability-perceived [ wind-financial-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius set wind-personal-ability-perceived [ wind-personal-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and solar-adopted? = false and solar-utility >= 2.0 and solar-utility <= 2.5 ] [ if any? households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius [ set solar-technological-knowledge [ solar-technological-knowledge ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius set solar-financial-ability-perceived [ solar-financial-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius set solar-personal-ability-perceived [ solar-personal-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ solar-adopted? = true and solar-happy? = true ] in-radius solar-seek-radius ] ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and wind-adopted? = false and wind-utility >= 2.0 and wind-utility <= 2.5 ] [ if any? households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius [ set wind-technological-knowledge [ wind-technological-knowledge ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius set wind-financial-ability-perceived [ wind-financial-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius set wind-personal-ability-perceived [ wind-personal-ability-perceived ] of one-of households with [ wind-adopted? = true and wind-happy? = true ] in-radius wind-seek-radius ] ] ] ;COMMUNITY MEETING; ;; if communication type community meeting or all is on, communication takes place between households ;; give choosen percentage of (slider) and randomly choosen, people attending wind or solar community meeting ;; technological knowledge, financial and personal ability are updated if households participate if ( communication-types = "community meeting" or communication-types = "all" ) [ ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and household-type = "supporter" and household-type = "follower" and household-type = "opponent"] [ ifelse random-float 1 < wind-community-meeting-participation / 100 [ set wind-participate-meeting? true ] [ set wind-participate-meeting? false ] ] ask households with [ wind-participate-meeting? = true and wind-utility <= 3 ] [ set wind-technological-knowledge wind-technological-knowledge + 0.5 set wind-financial-ability-perceived wind-financial-ability-perceived + 0.5 set wind-personal-ability-perceived wind-personal-ability-perceived + 0.5 ] ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and household-type = "supporter" and household-type = "follower" and household-type = "opponent" ] [ ifelse random-float 1 < solar-community-meeting-participation / 100 [ set solar-participate-meeting? true ] [ set solar-participate-meeting? false ] ] ask households with [ solar-participate-meeting? = true and solar-utility <= 3 ] [ set solar-technological-knowledge solar-technological-knowledge + 0.5 set solar-financial-ability-perceived solar-financial-ability-perceived + 0.5 set solar-personal-ability-perceived solar-personal-ability-perceived + 0.5 ] ] update-plots end to update-social-pressure ;;;;;;;;;SOLAR;;;;;;;;;;; ifelse any? households with [ solar-adopted? = true ] ;; adoption to social norms according to the households who adopted and are happy with solar panels ;; let observer-solar count households who are satisfied with solar [ let observer-solar count households with [ solar-happy? ] ;; the higher the percentage of people who adopted and are happy with the technology, the higher the social pressure to adopt it as well set percentage-solar-happy ( count households with [ solar-happy? = true ] ) * 100 / ( count households with [ solar-adopted? = true ] ) ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-happy / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-happy / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-happy / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-happy / 100 ) ] ] ;; adoption to social norms according to the households who want solar panels ;; let observer-solar count households who want solar [ let observer-solar count households with [ solar-wanted? ] ;; the higher the percentage of people who want the technology, the higher the social pressure to adopt it as well set percentage-solar-wanted ( count households with [ solar-wanted? = true ] ) * 100 / ( #innovators + #supporters + #followers + #opponents ) ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-wanted / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-wanted / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-wanted / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and ( solar-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set solar-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-solar-wanted / 100 ) ] ] ;;;;;;;;;;WIND;;;;;;;;;;;;; ifelse any? households with [ wind-adopted? = true ] ;; adoption to social norms according to the households who adopted and are happy with wind farms ;; let observer-solar count households who are satisfied with wind [ let observer-wind count households with [ wind-happy? ] ;; the higher the percentage of people who adopted and are happy with the technology, the higher the social pressure to adopt it as well set percentage-wind-happy ( count households with [ wind-happy? ] ) * 100 / ( count households with [ wind-adopted? = true ] ) ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-happy / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-happy / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-happy / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-happy / 100 ) ] ] ;; adoption to social norms according to the households who want wind farms ;; let observer-solar count households who want wind [ let observer-wind count households with [ wind-wanted? ] ;; the higher the percentage of people who want the technology, the higher the social pressure to adopt it as well set percentage-wind-wanted ( count households with [ wind-wanted? ] ) * 100 / ( #innovators + #supporters + #followers + #opponents ) ask households with [ household-type = "innovator" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-wanted / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "supporter" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-wanted / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "follower" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-wanted / 100 ) ] ask households with [ household-type = "opponent" and ( wind-norm <= 1 ) ] [ set wind-social-pressure ( 0.75 * percentage-wind-wanted / 100 ) ] ] ;; households considers lands used for windfarms let observer-wind-land count patches with [ pcolor = 8 ] let observer-green-land count patches with [ pcolor = 55 ] ;; if land used for windmills is larger than green land available, redue value for wind-landscape-change-perceived if ( count patches with [ pcolor = 8 ] ) > ( count patches with [ pcolor = 55 ] ) [ ask households with [ wind-happy? = true and wind-landscape-change-perceived <= -1 ] [ set wind-landscape-change-perceived wind-landscape-change-perceived - ( 1 - (count patches with [ pcolor = 55 ] / count patches with [ pcolor = 8 ] )) ] ] update-plots end ; Copyright 2014 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Diana Süsser.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
ComRET (Community Renewable Energy Transition)Model.png | preview | Preview for 'ComRET (Community Renewable Energy Transition)Model' | over 8 years ago, by Diana Süsser | Download |
landscape_reussenkoege.shp | extension | Case study shapefile | over 8 years ago, by Diana Süsser | Download |
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Ester Sanna
Model downloading
I am a Ph.D. student studying energy transition acceptance in solar parks and wind parks. the file can't be downloaded since it results damaged. it is possible to have access, please?
Posted over 2 years ago