Heros and Cowards (emergence extension)

Heros and Cowards (emergence extension) preview image

1 collaborator

Bob_mcleod Bob McLeod (Author)


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turtles-own [ friend enemy ]
breed [females female]
breed [males male]
globals [i]
undirected-link-breed [red-links red-link]
undirected-link-breed [blue-links blue-link]

to setup      ;;Minor change added male and females (gender)  RDM
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]  ;; create a blank background
  create-females number [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "circle"
    set size 0.5
    ;; set the turtle personalities based on chooser
    if (personalities = "brave")     [ set color magenta ]
    if (personalities = "cowardly")  [ set color green ]
    if (personalities = "mixed")     [ set color one-of [ green magenta ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed25Coward")   [ set color one-of [ green green magenta ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed75Coward")   [ set color one-of [ green magenta magenta ] ]

    ;; choose friend and enemy targets
    set friend one-of other females
    set enemy one-of other females
    create-red-link-with enemy [set color red]      ;; Links added RDM
    create-blue-link-with friend [set color blue]   ;; Links added RDM

  create-males number [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "circle"
    set size 0.5
    ;; set the turtle personalities based on chooser
    if (personalities = "brave")     [ set color blue ]
    if (personalities = "cowardly")  [ set color red ]
    if (personalities = "mixed")     [ set color one-of [ red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed25Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed75Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red blue blue ] ]

    ;; choose friend and enemy targets
    set friend one-of other males
    set enemy one-of other males
    create-red-link-with enemy [set color red]
    create-blue-link-with friend [set color blue]


to go
  ask  turtles with [color = red or color = blue or color = green or color = magenta] [
   ;; print who
    if (color = blue)  [ act-bravely ]
    if (color = red)   [ act-cowardly ]
    if (color = magenta)  [ act-bravely ]
    if (color = green)   [ act-cowardly ]

to gomf     ;; Added male female go routine  RDM
  ask  males with [color = red or color = blue] [
   ;; print who
    if (color = blue)  [ act-bravely ]
    if (color = red)   [ act-cowardly ]
  ask  females with [color = green or color = magenta] [
   ;; print who
    if (color = magenta)  [ act-bravely ]
    if (color = green)   [ act-cowardly ]

to act-bravely
  ;; move toward the midpoint of your friend and enemy
  facexy ([xcor] of friend + [xcor] of enemy) / 2
         ([ycor] of friend + [ycor] of enemy) / 2
         ;;fd 0.1
         ;;show [count turtles in-radius 1] of self
         if ([count turtles in-cone 1 60] of self < 20) [fd 0.1]   ;; Added simple collision avoidance RDM
         if ([count turtles in-radius 1] of self > 20)
           facexy random-xcor random-ycor
           fd 0.1

to act-cowardly
  ;; put your friend between you and your enemy
  facexy ([xcor] of friend + [xcor] of friend - [xcor] of enemy)
         ([ycor] of friend + [ycor] of friend - [ycor] of enemy)
         ;;fd 0.1
         if ([count turtles in-cone 1 60] of self < 20) [fd 0.1]   ;; Added simple collision avoidance RDM
         if ([count turtles in-radius 1] of self > 20)
           facexy random-xcor random-ycor
           fd 0.1

to preset [ seed ]
  ;; sets up the model for use with a particular random seed and constant
  ;; model parameters, so that a particular pattern can be re-created.
  set personalities "mixed"
  set number 68
  random-seed seed

to one   ;; Added routine to have one person be everyone's friend and enemy
         ;; set all friends and enemies to the same turtle
         ;; also interesting to set friend and enemy to different turtles
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]  ;; create a blank background
  create-turtles number [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    ;; set the turtle personalities based on chooser
    if (personalities = "brave")     [ set color blue ]
    if (personalities = "cowardly")  [ set color red ]
    if (personalities = "mixed")     [ set color one-of [ red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed25Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed75Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red blue blue ] ]

    ;; choose friend and enemy targets
    set friend turtle 1
    set enemy turtle 1

to linearWrap  ;; Added Linear Wrap around or circular buffer order RDM
               ;; set all friend of turtle i to i+1 and enemy to i-1
               ;; connect first and last turtle
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]  ;; create a blank background
  create-turtles number [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    ;; set the turtle personalities based on chooser
    if (personalities = "brave")     [ set color blue ]
    if (personalities = "cowardly")  [ set color red ]
    if (personalities = "mixed")     [ set color one-of [ red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed25Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed75Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red blue blue ] ]

    ;; choose friend and enemy targets
    set i 1
    while [i < (number - 1)]
      ask turtle i [set friend  turtle (i + 1)]
      ask turtle i [create-link-with  (friend) [set color blue]]
      ask turtle i [set enemy turtle (i - 1)]
      ask turtle i [create-link-with  (enemy) [set color red]]
      set i i + 1
    ask turtle (number - 1 ) [set friend turtle 0]
    ask turtle (number - 1 ) [set enemy turtle (number - 2)]
    ask turtle 0 [set enemy turtle (number - 1)]
    ask turtle 0 [set friend turtle 1 ]


to linearNoWrap  ;; Added Linear No Wrap around or queue order  RDM
                 ;; set all friend of turtle i to i+1 and enemy to i-1
                 ;; do not connect first and last turtle
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]  ;; create a blank background
  create-turtles number [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    ;; set the turtle personalities based on chooser
    if (personalities = "brave")     [ set color blue ]
    if (personalities = "cowardly")  [ set color red ]
    if (personalities = "mixed")     [ set color one-of [ red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed25Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red red blue ] ]
    if (personalities = "mixed75Coward")   [ set color one-of [ red blue blue ] ]

    ;; choose friend and enemy targets
    set i 1
    while [i < (number - 1)]
      ask turtle i [set friend turtle (i + 1)]
      ask turtle i [create-link-with  (friend) [set color blue]]
      ask turtle i [set enemy turtle (i - 1)]
      ask turtle i [create-link-with  (enemy) [set color red]]
      set i i + 1
    ask turtle (number - 1 ) [set friend turtle (number - 1 )]
    ask turtle (number - 1 ) [set enemy turtle (number - 2)
    ask turtle 0 [set enemy turtle 0 ]
    ask turtle 0 [set friend turtle 1 ]

; Copyright 2014 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created almost 8 years ago by Bob McLeod.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Heros and Cowards (emergence extension).png preview Preview for 'Heros and Cowards (emergence extension)' almost 8 years ago, by Bob McLeod Download

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