JacquelineNg-[team-ties]-project-EECS 472

 JacquelineNg-[team-ties]-project-EECS 472 preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Jacqueline Ng (Author)


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Model group MAM-2016 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0-M5 • Viewed 317 times • Downloaded 21 times • Run 0 times
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globals [
 imported-jobs ;;an indicator whether the csv data file import was successful
 time ;;tracks the simulation time in hours, while every tick represents five minutes.
 global-posaffect ;;mean affect of links, between 0 and 1
 global-posreciprocity ;;mean reciprocity, between 0 and 1
 global-negreciprocity ;;mean reciprocity, between 0 and 1
turtles-own [
 ;;need to import individual differences collected from HERA
 ;; current code does not incorporate personalities

links-own [
 posaffect ;;affect values for each link, ranging 0<=affect<=1


breed [jobs job]
;;have a task importer  where things you want to knwo about a job are defined and set
;;make a csv first column is when task is introduced, task duration, four columns for each hera member
;;comment code

;; Routine for the ABM Simulation setup

to setup
  set time 0
  set imported-jobs False

;;Creates the four agents for the model: CMD, FE, MS1, MS2

to setup-agents
  create-turtles 1 [
    set role "CMD"
    set shape "astronaut"
    set size 4
    set color white
    set xcor 0
    set ycor 9
  ask patch 1 5 [
    set plabel "CMD"
  create-turtles 1 [
    set role "FE"
    set shape "astronaut"
    set size 4
    set color white
    set xcor 0
    set ycor -9
  ask patch 0.3 -5 [
    set plabel "FE"
  create-turtles 1 [
    set role "MS1"
    set shape "astronaut"
    set size 4
    set color white
    set xcor -9
    set ycor 0
  ask patch -5 0 [
    set plabel "MS1"
  create-turtles 1 [
    set role "MS2"
    set shape "astronaut"
    set size 4
    set color white
    set xcor 9
    set ycor 0
  ask patch 6 0 [
    set plabel "MS2"

;; Creates the setup for all links for the model

to setup-links
  ;ask all turtles to create a link to every other turtle that's not itself
  ask turtles with [who != 0][
    create-link-to turtle 0
  ask turtles with [who != 1][
    create-link-to turtle 1
  ask turtles with [who != 2][
    create-link-to turtle 2
  ask turtles with [who != 3][
    create-link-to turtle 3
  ask links [
   ;;set color rgb 255 0 0
   set color approximate-hsb 0 90 70
   set shape "curvy"
   set thickness 0.2

;; The main simulation routine for the program

to go
  ;;randomly sets affect values of links
  ask links [
   set posaffect (p_alpha * posaffect + (1 - p_alpha) * (0.25 * posaffect + 0.25 * (random-float .25 - random-float .25) + 0.25 * (random-float .25 - random-float .25) + 0.25 * random 2))
   if posaffect > 1 [set posaffect 1]
   if posaffect < 0 [set posaffect 0]
   set negaffect (n_alpha * negaffect + (1 - n_alpha) * (0.25 * negaffect + 0.25 * (random-float .25 - random-float .25) + 0.25 * (random-float .25 - random-float .25) + 0.25 * random 2))
   if negaffect > 1 [set negaffect 1]
   if negaffect < 0 [set negaffect 0]
  ;;colors network links based upon affect values
  ask links [
   ;;set color rgb (255 - 255 * affect)  (55 + 200 * affect) 0
   set color approximate-hsb (posaffect * 140) 90 70
    set color approximate-hsb (negaffect * 140) 90 70
  ;;colors astronauts who are on the same task
  ask turtles with [who = 0 or who = 1 or who = 3][
    ifelse (random-float 1 < 0.5) [set color white]
    [ifelse (random-float 1 < 0.7) [set color 87]
      [ifelse (random-float 1 < 0.8) [set color 57] [set color 137]]]
  ;;resets global variables
  set time (time + 1 / 12)
  set global-posaffect (([posaffect] of link 0 1 + [posaffect] of link 0 2 + [posaffect] of link 0 3 + [posaffect] of link 1 0 + [posaffect] of link 1 2 + [posaffect] of link 1 3 + [posaffect] of link 2 0 + [posaffect] of link 2 1 + [posaffect] of link 2 3 + [posaffect] of link 3 0 + [posaffect] of link 3 1 + [posaffect] of link 3 2) / 12)
  set posreciprocity-01 abs ([posaffect] of link 0 1 - [posaffect] of link 1 0)
  set posreciprocity-02 abs ([posaffect] of link 0 2 - [posaffect] of link 2 0)
  set posreciprocity-03 abs ([posaffect] of link 0 3 - [posaffect] of link 3 0)
  set posreciprocity-12 abs ([posaffect] of link 1 2 - [posaffect] of link 2 1)
  set posreciprocity-13 abs ([posaffect] of link 1 3 - [posaffect] of link 3 1)
  set posreciprocity-23 abs ([posaffect] of link 2 3 - [posaffect] of link 3 2)

  set global-negaffect (([negaffect] of link 0 1 + [negaffect] of link 0 2 + [negaffect] of link 0 3 + [negaffect] of link 1 0 + [negaffect] of link 1 2 + [negaffect] of link 1 3 + [negaffect] of link 2 0 + [negaffect] of link 2 1 + [negaffect] of link 2 3 + [negaffect] of link 3 0 + [negaffect] of link 3 1 + [negaffect] of link 3 2) / 12)
  set negreciprocity-01 abs ([negaffect] of link 0 1 - [negaffect] of link 1 0)
  set negreciprocity-02 abs ([negaffect] of link 0 2 - [negaffect] of link 2 0)
  set negreciprocity-03 abs ([negaffect] of link 0 3 - [negaffect] of link 3 0)
  set negreciprocity-12 abs ([negaffect] of link 1 2 - [negaffect] of link 2 1)
  set negreciprocity-13 abs ([negaffect] of link 1 3 - [negaffect] of link 3 1)
  set negreciprocity-23 abs ([negaffect] of link 2 3 - [negaffect] of link 3 2)

;; A subroutine for importing jobs from csv

to import-jobs
  ;; open a file on the system
  let filename "CrewSchedule.csv"
  file-open filename

  ;; parses the file
  let header csv:from-row file-read-line
  while [ not file-at-end? ] [
    let items csv:from-row file-read-line
    create-jobs 1 [

      ;; make the tasks have a square shape
      set shape "square"

      set start-time item 0 items
      set duration item 1 items
      set assigned-to-CMD item 2 items
      set assigned-to-FE item 3 items
      set assigned-to-MS1 item 4 items
      set assigned-to-MS2 item 5 items

      ;; not visible until (ticks = introduction-time)

      set xcor 0
      set ycor 0
  ;; import complete, so close the file
  set imported-jobs true

There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Jacqueline Ng.

Attached files

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JacquelineNg-[team-ties]-project-EECS 472.png preview Preview for ' JacquelineNg-[team-ties]-project-EECS 472' over 8 years ago, by Jacqueline Ng Download

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