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extensions [ gis ] globals [file-name mouse-clicked mouse-double-click clicked-turtle clicked-xcor clicked-ycor scale times dumy_setting paths-dataset check-agent-num full-iso shape-list prog prog_total ] breed [peds ped] breed [vectors vector] breed [arrows arrow] breed [grids grid] breed [spectrums spectrum] breed [nodes node] breed [walls wall] breed [foots foot] breed [pictures picture] peds-own[iso-area ped_self cog_convex occlude_memory random_dist random_angle ] patches-own [agent-exposure isovist VE1 VE2 pVE access iVE3 qVE3 iVA3 qVA3 q_exposure i_exposure iDVA qDVA dumy VE1_dumy t_exposure jam_level var var_t step di head_angle head_angle_r head_angle_l wall_field_dist wall_field_angle VfT node-end ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;shp file import;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to shp-import set file-name user-file if file-name = false [stop] read-gis-datasets setup-world-envelope draw-world setup-paths-graph end to read-gis-datasets set paths-dataset gis:load-dataset file-name end to setup-world-envelope let world (gis:envelope-of paths-dataset) ;; [ minimum-x maximum-x minimum-y maximum-y ] let zoom 1.05 let x0 (item 0 world + item 1 world) / 2 let y0 (item 2 world + item 3 world) / 2 let W0 zoom * (item 0 world - item 1 world) / 2 let H0 zoom * (item 2 world - item 3 world) / 2 set world (list (x0 - W0) (x0 + W0) (y0 - H0) (y0 + H0)) gis:set-world-envelope (world) end to setup-paths-graph set-default-shape nodes "circle" ask nodes [set size 0.1] foreach polylines-of paths-dataset 10 [ (foreach butlast ? butfirst ? [ if ?1 != ?2 [ ;; skip nodes on top of each other due to rounding let n1 new-node-at first ?1 last ?1 let n2 new-node-at first ?2 last ?2 ask n2 [ask patch-here [set node-end 1]] ask n1 [face n2 while [[node-end] of patch-here != 1] [ask patch-here [set pcolor white] fd 0.001]] ask patches [set node-end 0] ]]) ] ask nodes [die] end to-report new-node-at [x y] ; returns a node at x,y creating one if there isn't one there. let n nodes with [xcor = x and ycor = y] ifelse any? n [set n one-of n] [create-nodes 1 [setxy x y set size 2 set n self]] report n end to draw-world gis:set-drawing-color [255 0 0] gis:draw paths-dataset 1 end to-report polylines-of [dataset decimalplaces] let polylines gis:feature-list-of dataset ;; start with a features list set polylines map [first ?] map [gis:vertex-lists-of ?] polylines ;; convert to virtex lists set polylines map [map [gis:location-of ?] ?] polylines ;; convert to netlogo float coords. set polylines remove [] map [remove [] ?] polylines ;; remove empty poly-sets .. not visible set polylines map [map [map [precision ? decimalplaces] ?] ?] polylines ;; round to decimalplaces ;; note: probably should break polylines with empty coord pairs in the middle of the polyline report polylines ;; Note: polylines with a few off-world points simply skip them. end to-report meters-per-patch ;; maybe should be in gis: extension? let world gis:world-envelope ; [ minimum-x maximum-x minimum-y maximum-y ] let x-meters-per-patch (item 1 world - item 0 world) / (max-pxcor - min-pxcor) let y-meters-per-patch (item 3 world - item 2 world) / (max-pycor - min-pycor) report mean list x-meters-per-patch y-meters-per-patch end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup cd ct ask patches with [ 92 < pcolor and pcolor < 97] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [ 82 < pcolor and pcolor < 87] [set pcolor cyan] ask patches with [ 32 < pcolor and pcolor < 37] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [ 42 < pcolor and pcolor < 47] [set pcolor yellow] ask patches with [ 52 < pcolor and pcolor < 57] [set pcolor green] set-initial ask patches with [count neighbors != 8] [set pcolor white] set mouse-clicked false set mouse-double-click false set clicked-turtle nobody end to set-initial ct reset-ticks clear-drawing clear-all-plots patch-color ask patches [set q_exposure 0 set i_exposure 0 set iDVA 0 set qDVA 0 set step 0 set var 0 set var_t 0 set jam_level 0 set check-agent-num 0] set times 0 set check-agent-num 0 set prog 0 set prog_total 0 end to patch-color ask patches with [pcolor != blue and pcolor != white and pcolor != cyan and pcolor != brown and pcolor != yellow and pcolor != green] [set pcolor black] end to draw-env if mouse-down? [if dwg-code = "Erase(Black)" [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [set pcolor black]] if dwg-code = "Wall(white)" [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [set pcolor white]] if dwg-code = "Exit(Cyan)" [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [set pcolor cyan]] if dwg-code = "Attractor(Brown)" [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [set pcolor brown]] if dwg-code = "Window(Blue)" [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [set pcolor blue]] if dwg-code = "Entrance(Yellow)" [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [set pcolor yellow]] if dwg-code = "Mark(Green)" [ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [set pcolor green]] ] end to set-ped set-initial ask n-of ped_num (patches with [pcolor = black]) [sprout-peds 1 [set shape "head" set size 1]] end to make-movie movie-cancel let path (word user-new-file ".mov") if not is-string? path [ stop ] ;; stop if user canceled movie-start path if Movie_Type = "Navi-Movement" [grade while [check-agent-num != ped_num or any? peds] [target-walking movie-grab-view ]] if Movie_Type = "Navi_Natural_Mov" [grade while [check-agent-num != ped_num or any? peds] [Target_Gallery-Walking movie-grab-view ]] if Movie_Type = "Natural_Movement" [while [times < sim-time] [Gallery-walking movie-grab-view ]] ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red q_exposure min [q_exposure] of patches max [q_exposure] of patches] movie-grab-view movie-close user-message (word "Exported movie to " path) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Static Analysis;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to Static_Analysis if Static_Analysis_type = "View from Agent(s)" [get-view_from_target] if Static_Analysis_type = "Isovist Field" [get-isovist] if Static_Analysis_type = "VE I" [get-VE1] if Static_Analysis_type = "VE II" [get-VE2] if Static_Analysis_type = "VE III (iVE III)" [get-iVE3] if Static_Analysis_type = "Potential Field" [patch-color grade ifelse any? patches with [var != 0][ ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red var min [var] of patches max [var] of patches] ][user-message "No Result" stop] ] if Static_Analysis_type = "Wall Field" [get-wall_field] end to get-view_from_target cd patch-color set prog 0 set prog_total 0 if not any? turtles [user-message "No Agent(S)" stop] ask patches [set VfT 0 set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] set prog_total count peds set scale real-width / world-width ask peds [without-interruption [let angle 180 while [abs angle <= 180] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != white [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 - (dist * scale / view_dist) set dumy 1]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set VfT VfT + agent-exposure] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] ] set prog prog + 1 ] patch-color ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red VfT min [VfT] of patches max [VfT] of patches] end to get-isovist ct cd patch-color set prog 0 set prog_total 0 ask patches [set isovist 0 set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] ask patches with [pcolor != white and pcolor != blue] [sprout-peds 1 [set shape "person" set color grey set heading 0]] set prog_total count peds set scale real-width / world-width ask peds [without-interruption [let angle 180 while [abs angle <= 180] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != white [if dumy = 0 [ set dumy 1]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set isovist isovist + 1] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [ set dumy 0] ] set prog prog + 1 die ] patch-color ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red isovist min [isovist] of patches max [isovist] of patches] end to get-VE1 ct cd set prog 0 set prog_total 0 patch-color ask patches [set VE1 0 set agent-exposure 0 set access 0 set pVE 0 set dumy 0 set VE1_dumy 0] ask patches with [pcolor != white and pcolor != blue] [sprout-peds 1 [set shape "person" set color grey]] set prog_total count peds let n 0 while [n <= max [who] of peds] [ask patches [set access 0] set scale real-width / world-width ask ped n [without-interruption [let angle 180 while [abs angle <= 180] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let q patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask q [ifelse pcolor != white [if VE1_dumy = 0 [set VE1_dumy 1]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] ] ] ask peds-on patches with [VE1_dumy = 1] [without-interruption [face ped n let angle 15 while [abs angle <= 15] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != white [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 set dumy 1]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] if [dumy] of ped n = 1 [ask patch-here [set access sum [agent-exposure] of patches with [dumy = 1]]] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] ] ] ask patches with [VE1_dumy = 1] [set VE1_dumy 0] ask ped n [set pVE sum [access] of patches] set n n + 1 set prog n ] ask peds [ask patch-here [set VE1 pVE]] patch-color ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red VE1 min [VE1] of patches max [VE1] of patches] ask peds [die] end to get-VE2 ct cd set prog 0 set prog_total 0 patch-color ask patches [set VE2 0 set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] ask patches with [pcolor != white and pcolor != blue] [ sprout-peds 1 [set shape "person" set color grey set heading 90]] set prog_total count peds set scale real-width / world-width ask peds [without-interruption [let angle 180 while [abs angle <= 180] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != white [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 / dist set dumy 1]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] ask patch-here [set VE2 sum [agent-exposure] of patches with [dumy = 1]] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] ] set prog prog + 1 die ] patch-color ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red VE2 min [VE2] of patches max [VE2] of patches] end to get-iVE3 ct cd set prog 0 set prog_total 0 patch-color ask patches [set iVE3 0 set qVE3 0 set iVA3 0 set qVA3 0 set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] ask patches with [pcolor != white and pcolor != blue] [ sprout-peds 1 [set shape "person" set color grey set heading 90]] set prog_total count peds set scale real-width / world-width ask peds [without-interruption [let angle 180 while [abs angle <= 180] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != white [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 - (dist * scale / view_dist) set dumy 1]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] let ia sum [agent-exposure] of patches with [dumy = 1] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set iVE3 iVE3 + agent-exposure / ia] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set qVE3 qVE3 + agent-exposure] ask patch-here [set iVA3 1 / ia] ask patch-here [set qVA3 ia] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set agent-exposure 0 set dumy 0] ] set prog prog + 1 die ] patch-color ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red iVE3 min [iVE3] of patches max [iVE3] of patches] end to get-wall_field ct cd set prog 0 set prog_total 0 patch-color ask patches [set agent-exposure 0 set access 0 set head_angle 0 set wall_field_dist 0 set wall_field_angle 0] ask patches with [pcolor != white and pcolor != blue] [ sprout-peds 1 [set shape "person" set color grey set heading 0]] set prog_total count peds set scale real-width / world-width ask peds [without-interruption [let angle 0 while [angle <= 180] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != blue and pcolor != white [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy 1 set head_angle angle ]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle + atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] set angle 0 while [angle <= 180] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-left-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != blue and pcolor != white [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy 1 set head_angle (- 1) * angle ]] [ set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle + atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] let ia count patches with [dumy = 1] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set i_exposure i_exposure + agent-exposure / ia ] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set q_exposure q_exposure + agent-exposure ] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set t_exposure agent-exposure ] ask patches with [dumy = 1 and any? neighbors with [dumy != 1]] [set dumy 2] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set di distance myself] let dum2 patches with [dumy = 2 and any? neighbors with [pcolor = white]] let dum2x sum [pxcor] of dum2 - [pxcor] of patch-here * count dum2 let dum2y sum [pycor] of dum2 - [pycor] of patch-here * count dum2 ask patch-here [set wall_field_dist sqrt (dum2x ^ 2 + dum2y ^ 2) / (world-width ^ 2)] ifelse dum2x = 0 and dum2y = 0 [ask patch-here [set wall_field_angle 0]] [ask patch-here [set wall_field_angle atan dum2x dum2y]] ask patch-here [sprout-arrows 1 [set shape "dot" set size 0.5 set color white ifelse dum2x = 0 and dum2y = 0 [set heading 0] [set heading wall_field_angle] pd fd wall_field_dist]] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set agent-exposure 0 set di 0 set dumy 0 set head_angle 0] ] set prog prog + 1 die ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Dynamic Analysis;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to step_dwg ifelse step_direction = true [pu let ped_heading heading let ped_x xcor let ped_y ycor ask patch-here [sprout-foots 1 [set shape "arrow1" setxy ped_x ped_y set color grey set heading ped_heading]] ] [pd] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Target Walking(Floor Field);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Go to the target point;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to target-walking if times > sim-time [stop] ifelse any? patches with [pcolor = yellow][entering if check-agent-num = ped_num and not any? peds [user-message "No Agent!" stop]] [if not any? peds [user-message "No Agent!" stop]] if not any? patches with [pcolor = 85] [user-message "No Exits" stop] if all? patches [var = 0] [user-message "No Potential field, Do(Click) Potential Field!" stop] if view_dist - view_min_dist < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Dist!" stop] if view_angle - view_min_angle < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Angle!" stop] check-target-walking tick ask peds [ ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = cyan [ifelse times mod exit_rate = 0 [die][stop]] [ifelse any? neighbors with [not any? peds-on self and pcolor != white and pcolor != blue] [face min-one-of neighbors with [not any? peds-on self and pcolor != white and pcolor != blue] [var] ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float noise] [rt random-float noise] while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead 0.5 = white or [pcolor] of patch-ahead 0.5 = blue] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float 30] [rt random-float 30]] ifelse not any? peds-on patch-ahead 1.5 [fd speed] [ask patch-here [set jam_level jam_level + 1] stop] ] [ask patch-here [set jam_level jam_level + 1] stop] step_dwg ] ] ask patches [set t_exposure 0] set times times + 1 end to grade if not any? patches with [pcolor = 85][user-message "NO EXIT" stop] ask patches [set var 0 set var_t 0] ask patches with [pcolor = 85] [set var 1 set var_t 1] let var_t_t 2 while [any? patches with [var_t != 0 and any? neighbors with [var = 0 and pcolor = black]]] [ask patches with [var_t = var_t_t - 1] [ask neighbors [if var = 0 and pcolor != white and pcolor != blue [set var_t var_t_t let temp_grade min-one-of neighbors with [var_t = var_t_t - 1] [var] set var [var] of temp_grade + distance temp_grade] ] ] set var_t_t var_t_t + 1 ] end to check-target-walking patch-color set scale real-width / world-width ask patches [set dumy 0] ask peds [without-interruption [set ped_self 1 if times mod 5 = 0 [set random_dist random (view_dist - view_min_dist) + view_min_dist set random_angle random (view_angle - view_min_angle) + view_min_angle ] let angle view_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_r angle ] ] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] set angle view_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-left-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_l (- 1) * angle ] ] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] let ia count patches with [dumy = 1 or dumy = 9] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set i_exposure i_exposure + agent-exposure / ia ] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set q_exposure q_exposure + agent-exposure ] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set t_exposure t_exposure + agent-exposure ] ifelse ia != 0 [ask patch-here [set iDVA 1 / ia]][ask patch-here [set iDVA 1]] ask patch-here [set qDVA ia] set iso-area count patches with [dumy != 0] ask patches with [dumy != 0][set agent-exposure 0 set di 0 set dumy 0 set head_angle_r 0 set head_angle_l 0 ] ask peds [set ped_self 0] ] ] ask patches [if any? peds-on self [set step step + 1]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Natural Movement;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to Gallery-Walking if times > sim-time [stop] if not any? peds [user-message "No Agent!" stop] if times > sim-time [stop] if view_dist - view_min_dist < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Dist!" stop] if view_angle - view_min_angle < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Angle!" stop] check-gallery-Walking tick ask patches [set t_exposure 0] set times times + 1 end to check-Gallery-Walking patch-color set scale real-width / world-width ask patches [set dumy 0 set di 0] ask peds [without-interruption [set ped_self 1 if times mod 5 = 0 [set random_dist random (view_dist - view_min_dist) + view_min_dist set random_angle random (view_angle - view_min_angle) + view_min_angle ] let angle random_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_r angle ]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] set angle view_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-left-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_l (- 1) * angle ]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] let ia count patches with [dumy != 0] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set i_exposure i_exposure + agent-exposure / ia ] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set q_exposure q_exposure + agent-exposure ] ifelse ia != 0 [ask patch-here [set iDVA 1 / ia]][ask patch-here [set iDVA 1]] ask patch-here [set qDVA ia] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set t_exposure t_exposure + agent-exposure ] ask patches with [(dumy = 2) and any? neighbors with [pcolor = white or pcolor = blue]] [set dumy 3] ask patches with [(dumy = 2) and distance myself > view_dist / 2 and any? neighbors with [any? peds-here]] [set dumy 3] ask patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] [set di distance myself] ifelse any? patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] and max [di] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] != 0 [let cog-max-dist max [di] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] ask patches with [dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown] [set di cog-max-dist * attraction_factor] ask patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] [set head_angle_r head_angle_r * (di / cog-max-dist) set head_angle_l head_angle_l * (di / cog-max-dist)] ] [ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set head_angle_r 0 set head_angle_l 0]] let ia2_r count patches with [(dumy = 3 and head_angle_r != 0) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] let ia2_l count patches with [(dumy = 3 and head_angle_l != 0) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] let ha 0 let ah 0 ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] or any? patches with [dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown] [set cog_convex 0 set ha sum [head_angle_r] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] + sum [head_angle_l] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] if ia2_r + ia2_l != 0 [set ah ha / (ia2_r + ia2_l)] ] [if cog_convex = 0 and any? patches with [dumy = 1] [ifelse occlude_memory >= 0 [set cog_convex 1][set cog_convex 2]] if cog_convex = 1 and ia2_r != 0 [set ah sum [head_angle_r] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] / ia2_r * (2 * speed)] if cog_convex = 2 and ia2_l != 0 [set ah sum [head_angle_l] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] / ia2_l * (2 * speed)] ] ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] [let gate_patch one-of patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] set occlude_memory [head_angle_r] of gate_patch + [head_angle_l] of gate_patch] [if any? patches with [dumy = 1] [set occlude_memory [head_angle_r] of max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself] + [head_angle_l] of max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself] ] ] ifelse count patches with [dumy != 0] <= 5 [ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 1] [face max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself]] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt 90] [rt 90]]] [set heading heading + ah] set iso-area count patches with [dumy != 0] ask patches with [dumy != 0][set agent-exposure 0 set di 0 set dumy 0 set head_angle_r 0 set head_angle_l 0 ] ask peds [set ped_self 0] ] while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = white or [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue ] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float 30] [rt random-float 30]] ifelse not any? peds-on patch-ahead 1.5 [fd speed] [ask patch-here [set jam_level jam_level + 1] while [any? peds-on patch-ahead 1.5] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float 30] [rt random-float 30]]] ifelse random 2 = 1 [lt random-float noise] [rt random-float noise] if times mod 8 = 0 [set cog_convex 0] step_dwg ] ask patches [if any? peds-on self [set step step + 1]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Natural Movement to Target;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to Target_Gallery-Walking if times > sim-time [stop] ifelse any? patches with [pcolor = yellow][entering if check-agent-num = ped_num and not any? peds [user-message "No Agent!" stop]] [if not any? peds [user-message "No Agent!" stop]] if all? patches [var = 0] [user-message "No Potential field, Do(Click) Potential Field!" stop] if view_dist - view_min_dist < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Dist!" stop] if view_angle - view_min_angle < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Angle!" stop] if times > sim-time [stop] check-Target_Gallery-Walking tick ask patches [set t_exposure 0] set times times + 1 end to entering if check-agent-num != ped_num [if times mod enter_rate = 0 [ask one-of patches with [pcolor = yellow] [sprout-peds 1 [set shape "head" set size 1 set check-agent-num check-agent-num + 1] ]]] end to check-Target_Gallery-Walking patch-color set scale real-width / world-width ask patches [set dumy 0 set di 0] ask peds [without-interruption [set ped_self 1 if times mod 5 = 0 [set random_dist random (view_dist - view_min_dist) + view_min_dist set random_angle random (view_angle - view_min_angle) + view_min_angle ] let angle random_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_r angle ]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] set angle random_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-left-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_l (- 1) * angle ]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] let ia count patches with [dumy != 0] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set i_exposure i_exposure + agent-exposure / ia ] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set q_exposure q_exposure + agent-exposure ] ifelse ia != 0 [ask patch-here [set iDVA 1 / ia]][ask patch-here [set iDVA 1]] ask patch-here [set qDVA ia] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set t_exposure t_exposure + agent-exposure ] ask patches with [(dumy = 2) and any? neighbors with [pcolor = white or pcolor = blue]] [set dumy 3] ifelse any? patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and dumy != 9 and pcolor = cyan)] and max [var] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] - min [var] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] != 0 [let cog-max-var max [var] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] let cog-min-var min [var] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] ask patches with [dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown] [set var cog-min-var * attraction_factor] ask patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] [set head_angle_r head_angle_r * (1 - (var - cog-min-var) / (cog-max-var - cog-min-var)) set head_angle_l head_angle_l * (1 - (var - cog-min-var) / (cog-max-var - cog-min-var))] ] [ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set head_angle_r 0 set head_angle_l 0]] let ia2_r count patches with [(dumy = 3 and head_angle_r != 0) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] let ia2_l count patches with [(dumy = 3 and head_angle_l != 0) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] let ha 0 let ah 0 ifelse any? patches with [dumy != 0 and dumy != 9 and pcolor = cyan] [face one-of patches with [dumy != 0 and dumy != 9 and pcolor = cyan]] [ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] or any? patches with [dumy != 0 and dumy != 9 and pcolor = cyan] [set cog_convex 0 set ha sum [head_angle_r] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] + sum [head_angle_l] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] if ia2_r + ia2_l != 0 [set ah ha / (ia2_r + ia2_l)] ] [if cog_convex = 0 and any? patches with [dumy = 1] [ifelse occlude_memory >= 0 [set cog_convex 1][set cog_convex 2]] if cog_convex = 1 and ia2_r != 0 [set ah sum [head_angle_r] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] / ia2_r * (2 * speed)] if cog_convex = 2 and ia2_l != 0 [set ah sum [head_angle_l] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] / ia2_l * (2 * speed)] ] ] ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] [let gate_patch one-of patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] set occlude_memory [head_angle_r] of gate_patch + [head_angle_l] of gate_patch ] [if any? patches with [dumy = 1] [set occlude_memory [head_angle_r] of max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself] + [head_angle_l] of max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself]] ] ifelse count patches with [dumy != 0] <= 5 and not any? patches with [dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan] [ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 1] [face max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself]] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt 90] [rt 90]] ] [set heading heading + ah] set iso-area count patches with [dumy != 0] ask patches with [dumy != 0][set agent-exposure 0 set di 0 set dumy 0 set head_angle_r 0 set head_angle_l 0 ] ask peds [set ped_self 0] ] while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead speed = white or [pcolor] of patch-ahead speed = blue ] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float 30] [rt random-float 30]] ifelse not any? peds-on patch-ahead 1.415 [if [pcolor] of patch-here = cyan [ifelse times mod exit_rate = 0 [die][stop]] fd speed] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float 30] [rt random-float 30]ask patch-here [set jam_level jam_level + 1] ] ifelse random 2 = 1 [lt random-float noise] [rt random-float noise] if times mod 8 = 0 [set cog_convex 0] step_dwg ] ask patches [if any? peds-on self [set step step + 1]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Natural Movement by Memory;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to Gallery-Walking_Momory if not any? peds [user-message "No Agent!" stop] if times > sim-time [stop] if view_dist - view_min_dist < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Dist!" stop] if view_angle - view_min_angle < 0 [ user-message "Check View_Angle!" stop] check-gallery-Walking_Memory tick ask patches [set t_exposure 0] set times times + 1 end to check-Gallery-Walking_Memory patch-color set scale real-width / world-width ask patches [set dumy 0 set di 0] ask peds [without-interruption [set ped_self 1 if times mod 5 = 0 [set random_dist random (view_dist - view_min_dist) + view_min_dist set random_angle random (view_angle - view_min_angle) + view_min_angle ] let angle random_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_r angle ]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] set angle view_angle / 2 set dumy_setting 1 while [angle > 0] [let dist 0 while [dist <= random_dist / scale] [let p patch-left-and-ahead angle dist ask p [if pcolor = blue [set dumy_setting 9] ifelse pcolor != white and not any? peds-here with [ped_self != 1] [if dumy = 0 or dumy = 2 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy dumy_setting set head_angle_l (- 1) * angle ]] [set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle - atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) set dumy_setting 2 ] let ia count patches with [dumy != 0] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set i_exposure i_exposure + agent-exposure / ia ] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set q_exposure q_exposure + agent-exposure ] ifelse ia != 0 [ask patch-here [set iDVA 1 / ia]][ask patch-here [set iDVA 1]] ask patch-here [set qDVA ia] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set t_exposure t_exposure + agent-exposure ] ask patches with [(dumy = 2) and any? neighbors with [pcolor = white or pcolor = blue]] [set dumy 3] ask patches with [(dumy = 2) and distance myself > view_dist / 2 and any? neighbors with [any? peds-here]] [set dumy 3] ask patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] [set di distance myself] ifelse any? patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] and max [q_exposure] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] - min [q_exposure] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] != 0 [let cog-max-q_exposure max [q_exposure] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] let cog-min-q_exposure min [q_exposure] of patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] ask patches with [dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown] [set q_exposure cog-min-q_exposure * attraction_factor] ask patches with [(dumy != 0 and dumy != 9) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = cyan)] [set head_angle_r head_angle_r * (1 - (q_exposure - cog-min-q_exposure) / (cog-max-q_exposure - cog-min-q_exposure)) set head_angle_l head_angle_l * (1 - (q_exposure - cog-min-q_exposure) / (cog-max-q_exposure - cog-min-q_exposure))] ] [ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set head_angle_r 0 set head_angle_l 0]] let ia2_r count patches with [(dumy = 3 and head_angle_r != 0) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] let ia2_l count patches with [(dumy = 3 and head_angle_l != 0) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] let ha 0 let ah 0 ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] or any? patches with [dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown] [set cog_convex 0 set ha sum [head_angle_r] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] + sum [head_angle_l] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] if ia2_r + ia2_l != 0 [set ah ha / (ia2_r + ia2_l)] ] [if cog_convex = 0 and any? patches with [dumy = 1] [ifelse occlude_memory >= 0 [set cog_convex 1][set cog_convex 2]] if cog_convex = 1 and ia2_r != 0 [set ah sum [head_angle_r] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] / ia2_r * (2 * speed)] if cog_convex = 2 and ia2_l != 0 [set ah sum [head_angle_l] of patches with [(dumy = 3) or (dumy != 0 and pcolor = brown)] / ia2_l * (2 * speed)] ] ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] [let gate_patch one-of patches with [dumy = 3 and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = black and (dumy = 0 or dumy = 9)]] set occlude_memory [head_angle_r] of gate_patch + [head_angle_l] of gate_patch ] [if any? patches with [dumy = 1] [set occlude_memory [head_angle_r] of max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself] + [head_angle_l] of max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself]] ] ifelse count patches with [dumy != 0] <= 5 [ifelse any? patches with [dumy = 1] [face max-one-of patches with [dumy = 1] [distance myself]] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt 90] [rt 90]]] [set heading heading + ah] set iso-area count patches with [dumy != 0] ask patches with [dumy != 0][set agent-exposure 0 set di 0 set dumy 0 set head_angle_r 0 set head_angle_l 0 ] ask peds [set ped_self 0] ] while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = white or [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue ] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float 30] [rt random-float 30]] ifelse not any? peds-on patch-ahead 1.5 [fd speed] [ask patch-here [set jam_level jam_level + 1] while [any? peds-on patch-ahead 1.5] [ifelse random 2 = 0 [lt random-float 30] [rt random-float 30]]] ifelse random 2 = 1 [lt random-float noise] [rt random-float noise] if times mod 8 = 0 [set cog_convex 0] step_dwg ] ask patches [if any? peds-on self [set step step + 1]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Virture_Tester;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to set-testee set-initial convert-color if not any? patches with [pcolor = yellow] [user-message "No Entrance. Paint yellow at staring patch!" stop] ask one-of patches with [pcolor = yellow] [sprout-peds 1 [set shape "head" set heading testee_heading set color 19.9]] ask patches with [pcolor = white] [sprout-walls 1 [set shape "square" set size 1.1 set heading 0 set color 27]] ask patches with [pcolor = white] [set pcolor 0.01] ride ped 0 set-pictures end to convert-color reset-perspective ask patches with [pcolor = white or pcolor = 0.01][set pcolor white] ask patches with [pcolor = 0.02 or pcolor = 19.8][set pcolor brown] patch-color ask turtles[show-turtle] ask walls [die] end to set-pictures set shape-list nobody set shape-list [ "number 1"] ask patches with [pcolor = brown] [sprout-pictures 1 [set shape one-of shapes set size 0.1] set pcolor 0.02] ask pictures [if any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = 0.01] [face one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = 0.01] fd 0.4]] end to start ifelse mouse-down? [if timer > 0.1 [if timer > 0.2 / speed [ ask ped 0 [facexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] test-walking reset-timer] ] ] [reset-timer] end to Test-Walking if times > sim-time [user-message (word "Your Test is over. Thank you!") ask ped 0 [die] stop] ask peds [ ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead speed = 0.01 or [pcolor] of patch-ahead speed = blue [fd -1 * speed][fd speed] ask peds-on patches [set step step + 1] ] ask patches with [pcolor = 0.02][set pcolor 19.8] ask patches with [pcolor != blue and pcolor != 0.01 and pcolor != 85 and pcolor != 35 and pcolor != green and pcolor != 19.8] [set pcolor 19.9] check-Test-Walking ask patches [set t_exposure 0] set times times + 1 end to check-Test-Walking ask walls [show-turtle] ask pictures [show-turtle] set scale real-width / world-width ask patches [set dumy 0 set di 0] ask peds [without-interruption [let angle 0 while [angle <= view_angle / 2] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-right-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != blue and pcolor != 0.01 [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy 1 ]] [ set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle + atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] set angle 0 while [angle <= view_angle / 2] [let dist 1 while [dist <= view_dist / scale] [let p patch-left-and-ahead angle dist ask p [ifelse pcolor != blue and pcolor != 0.01 [if dumy = 0 [set agent-exposure 1 - (distance myself * scale / view_dist) set dumy 1 ]] [ set dist view_dist / scale] ] set dist dist + 1 ] set angle angle + atan 1 (view_dist / scale * 2) ] let ia count patches with [dumy = 1] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set i_exposure i_exposure + agent-exposure / ia ] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set q_exposure q_exposure + agent-exposure ] ask patches with [dumy = 1] [set t_exposure agent-exposure ] set iso-area count patches with [dumy != 0] ask walls [if not any? neighbors4 with [dumy != 0] [hide-turtle]] ask pictures [if not any? neighbors4 with [dumy != 0] [hide-turtle]] ask patches with [pcolor != blue and pcolor != 0.01 and pcolor != 85 and pcolor != 35 and pcolor != green and pcolor != 19.8 and dumy = 0] [set pcolor black] ask patches with [dumy = 0 and pcolor = 19.8][set pcolor 0.02] ask patches with [dumy != 0] [set agent-exposure 0 set di 0 set dumy 0] ] step_dwg ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Analysis Display;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to show-spectrum cd patch-color ask spectrums [die] ask peds [die] ask vectors [die] ask arrows [die] ask spectrums [die] ask walls [die] ask pictures [die] if Analysis_Type = "Isovist" [ifelse any? patches with [Isovist != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red Isovist min [Isovist] of patches max [Isovist] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "VE I" [ifelse any? patches with [VE1 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red VE1 min [VE1] of patches max [VE1] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "VE II" [ifelse any? patches with [VE2 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red VE2 min [VE2] of patches max [VE2] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iVE III" [ifelse any? patches with [iVE3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red iVE3 min [iVE3] of patches max [iVE3] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qVE III" [ifelse any? patches with [qVE3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red qVE3 min [qVE3] of patches max [qVE3] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qVA III" [ifelse any? patches with [qVA3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red qVA3 min [qVA3] of patches max [qVA3] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iVA III" [ifelse any? patches with [iVA3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red iVA3 min [iVA3] of patches max [iVA3] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iDVE" [ifelse any? patches with [i_exposure != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red i_exposure min [i_exposure] of patches max [i_exposure] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qDVE" [ifelse any? patches with [q_exposure != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red q_exposure min [q_exposure] of patches max [q_exposure] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iDVA" [ifelse any? patches with [iDVA != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red iDVA min [iDVA] of patches max [iDVA] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qDVA" [ifelse any? patches with [qDVA != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red qDVA min [qDVA] of patches max [qDVA] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Steps" [ifelse any? patches with [Step != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red Step min [Step] of patches max [Step] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Wall_Field" [ifelse any? patches with [wall_field_dist != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red wall_field_dist min [wall_field_dist] of patches max [wall_field_dist] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "View from Agent(s)" [ifelse any? patches with [VfT != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red VfT min [VfT] of patches max [VfT] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Potential Field" [ifelse any? patches with [var != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red var min [var] of patches max [var] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Jam_Level" [ifelse any? patches with [jam_level != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor scale-color red jam_level min [jam_level] of patches max [jam_level] of patches]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] end to show-monochrome cd ask peds [die] ask vectors [die] ask arrows [die] ask spectrums [die] ask walls [die] ask pictures [die] ask spectrums [die] patch-color if Analysis_Type = "Isovist" [ifelse any? patches with [isovist != 0] [cd ask patches with [pcolor != blue and isovist != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([isovist] of patch-here - min [isovist] of patches with [isovist != 0]) / (max [isovist] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and isovist != 0] - min [isovist] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and isovist != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "VE I" [ifelse any? patches with [VE1 != 0] [cd ask patches with [pcolor != blue and VE1 != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([VE1] of patch-here - min [VE1] of patches with [VE1 != 0]) / (max [VE1] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and VE1 != 0] - min [VE1] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and VE1 != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "VE II" [ifelse any? patches with [VE2 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and VE2 != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([VE2] of patch-here - min [VE2] of patches with [VE2 != 0]) / (max [VE2] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and VE2 != 0] - min [VE2] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and VE2 != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iVE III" [ifelse any? patches with [iVE3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and iVE3 != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([iVE3] of patch-here - min [iVE3] of patches with [iVE3 != 0]) / (max [iVE3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and iVE3 != 0] - min [iVE3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and iVE3 != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qVE III" [ifelse any? patches with [qVE3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and qVE3 != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([qVE3] of patch-here - min [qVE3] of patches with [qVE3 != 0]) / (max [qVE3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and qVE3 != 0] - min [qVE3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and qVE3 != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iVA III" [ifelse any? patches with [iVA3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and qVA3 != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([iVA3] of patch-here - min [iVA3] of patches with [iVA3 != 0]) / (max [iVA3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and iVA3 != 0] - min [iVA3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and iVA3 != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qVA III" [ifelse any? patches with [qVA3 != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and qVA3 != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([qVA3] of patch-here - min [qVA3] of patches with [qVA3 != 0]) / (max [qVA3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and qVA3 != 0] - min [qVA3] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and qVA3 != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iDVE" [ifelse any? patches with [i_exposure != 0] [cd ask patches with [pcolor != blue and i_exposure != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([i_exposure] of patch-here - min [i_exposure] of patches with [i_exposure != 0]) / (max [i_exposure] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and i_exposure != 0] - min [i_exposure] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and i_exposure != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qDVE" [ifelse any? patches with [q_exposure != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and q_exposure != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([q_exposure] of patch-here - min [q_exposure] of patches with [q_exposure != 0]) / (max [q_exposure] of patches with [q_exposure != 0] - min [q_exposure] of patches with [q_exposure != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "iDVA" [ifelse any? patches with [iDVA != 0] [cd ask patches with [pcolor != blue and iDVA != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([iDVA] of patch-here - min [iDVA] of patches with [iDVA != 0]) / (max [iDVA] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and iDVA != 0] - min [iDVA] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and iDVA != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "qDVA" [ifelse any? patches with [qDVA != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue or qDVA != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([qDVA] of patch-here - min [qDVA] of patches with [qDVA != 0]) / (max [qDVA] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and qDVA != 0] - min [qDVA] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and qDVA != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Steps" [ifelse any? patches with [Step != 0] [cd ask patches with [pcolor != blue and step != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([Step] of patch-here - min [Step] of patches with [step != 0]) / (max [Step] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and step != 0] - min [Step] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and step != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Wall_Field" [ifelse any? patches with [wall_field_dist != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != white or pcolor != blue] [sprout-arrows 1 [set shape "dot" set size 0.5 set color white set heading wall_field_angle pd fd wall_field_dist]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "View from Agent(s)" [ifelse any? patches with [VfT != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and VfT != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([VfT] of patch-here - min [VfT] of patches with [VfT != 0]) / (max [VfT] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and VfT != 0] - min [VfT] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and VfT != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Potential Field" [ifelse any? patches with [var != 0] [ask patches with [pcolor = black or pcolor = brown or pcolor = 85 and var != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([var] of patch-here - min [var] of patches with [var != 0]) / (max [var] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and var != 0] - min [var] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and var != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] if Analysis_Type = "Jam_Level" [ifelse any? patches with [jam_level != 0] [ifelse (max [jam_level] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and jam_level != 0] - min [jam_level] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and jam_level != 0]) != 0 [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and jam_level != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size ([jam_level] of patch-here - min [jam_level] of patches with [jam_level != 0]) / (max [jam_level] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and jam_level != 0] - min [jam_level] of patches with [(pcolor = black or pcolor = brown) and jam_level != 0]) * (1 - dot-size) + dot-size ]]] [ask patches with [pcolor != blue and jam_level != 0] [sprout-spectrums 1 [set shape "circle" set color grey set size 1]]] ] [user-message "No Results of Analysis"]] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 9 years ago by Seung Jae Lee.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
VD-sim.png | preview | Preview for 'VD-sim' | over 9 years ago, by Seung Jae Lee | Download |
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