alg-Aldea Lúdica
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globals [ test xx yy x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 innovacion1 innovacion2 innovacion3 innovacion4 innovacion5 innovacion-1 innovacion-2 innovacion-3 innovacion-4 innovacion-5 ] ;NODOS breed [nodos nodo] breed [halos halo] ;TERRITORIO patches-own [agro vivienda taller laboratorio escenico cultural agro? vivienda? taller? laboratorio? escenico? cultural? nodeable] ;AGENTES breed [ciudadanos-i ciudadano-i] breed [locales local] breed [expertos experto] breed [visitantes visitante] ;RECURSOS breed [economicos economico] breed [hardwares hardware] breed [aplicaciones aplicacion] breed [objetosculturales objetocultural] breed [materiales material] ;PROPIEDADES INTERNAS nodos-own [nciudadano-i nlocal nexperto nvisitante neconomico nhardware naplicacion nobjetocultural nmaterial territorio agentes recursos] turtles-own [tipo meses] ;LINKS undirected-link-breed [relacionesinternas relacioninterna] directed-link-breed [relacionesexternas relacionexterna] relacionesinternas-own [nodolink? vidarelacioninterna] relacionesexternas-own [vidarelacionexterna] to apuntar if mouse-down? [ set xx round mouse-xcor set yy round mouse-ycor ] if nodo? = "alga"[ set x1 xx set y1 yy ] if nodo? = "colorida"[ set x2 xx set y2 yy ] if nodo? = "axouxere"[ set x3 xx set y3 yy ] if nodo? = "ucv"[ set x4 xx set y4 yy ] if nodo? = "sede"[ set x5 xx set y5 yy ] end to pintarprueba ca ask one-of patches [set pcolor blue] ask one-of patches [set pcolor red] ask one-of patches [set pcolor yellow] ask one-of patches [set pcolor pink] ask one-of patches [set pcolor brown] end to posicion ask patches with [pcolor = blue] [ set x1 pxcor set y1 pycor] ask patches with [pcolor = red] [ set x2 pxcor set y2 pycor] ask patches with [pcolor = yellow] [ set x3 pxcor set y3 pycor] ask patches with [pcolor = pink] [ set x4 pxcor set y4 pycor] ask patches with [pcolor = brown] [ set x5 pxcor set y5 pycor] end to setup ; ask patches [set pcolor white] set innovacion1 0 set innovacion2 0 set innovacion3 0 set innovacion4 0 set innovacion5 0 set innovacion-1 0 set innovacion-2 0 set innovacion-3 0 set innovacion-4 0 set innovacion-5 0 set test[ [2 3 2 3 3 2 1 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 2] [3 4 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 2] [0 3 0 0 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 0] [0 1 0 0 4 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 0 4 0] [3 3 1 0 2 3 2 2 0 5 1 1 0 3 0] ] let colors [green blue red yellow orange violet] crt 1 [ set breed nodos setxy x1 y1 set shape "nodo" set tipo 0 set size 5 set color color1 set meses 0 hatch 1 [ set breed halos set shape "halo" set size 25 ask patches in-radius (13) [set nodeable 1] ] set agro item 0 item tipo test set vivienda item 1 item tipo test set taller item 2 item tipo test set laboratorio item 3 item tipo test set escenico item 4 item tipo test set cultural item 5 item tipo test set nciudadano-i item 6 item tipo test set nlocal item 7 item tipo test set nexperto item 8 item tipo test set nvisitante item 9 item tipo test set neconomico item 10 item tipo test set nhardware item 11 item tipo test set naplicacion item 12 item tipo test set nobjetocultural item 13 item tipo test set nmaterial item 14 item tipo test ask n-of agro patches in-radius (2 + 1)[ set pcolor green set agro? 1] ask n-of vivienda patches in-radius (2 + 3) [ set pcolor blue set vivienda? 1] ask n-of taller patches in-radius (2 + 5) [ set pcolor red set taller? 1] ask n-of laboratorio patches in-radius (2 + 7) [ set pcolor yellow set laboratorio? 1] ask n-of escenico patches in-radius (2 + 9) [ set pcolor orange set escenico? 1] ask n-of cultural patches in-radius (2 + 11) [ set pcolor violet set cultural? 1] hatch nciudadano-i [ set breed ciudadanos-i setxy (x1 + random-float 3) (y1 + random-float 2) set shape "ciudadano-i" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nlocal [ set breed locales setxy (x1 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) (y1 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) set shape "local" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nexperto [ set breed expertos setxy (x1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "experto" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nvisitante [ set breed visitantes setxy (x1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y1 + ((random-float 2) + 2)) set shape "visitante" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch neconomico [ set breed economicos setxy (x1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "economico" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nhardware [ set breed hardwares setxy (x1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "hardware" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch naplicacion [ set breed aplicaciones setxy (x1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "aplicacion" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nobjetocultural [ set breed objetosculturales setxy (x1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "objetocultural" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nmaterial [ set breed materiales setxy (x1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y1 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "material" set size 2 rt random 360 ] ] crt 1 [ set breed nodos setxy x2 y2 set shape "nodo" set tipo 1 set size 5 set color color2 set meses 0 hatch 1 [ set breed halos set shape "halo" set size 25 ask patches in-radius (13) [set nodeable 1] ] set agro item 0 item tipo test set vivienda item 1 item tipo test set taller item 2 item tipo test set laboratorio item 3 item tipo test set escenico item 4 item tipo test set cultural item 5 item tipo test set nciudadano-i item 6 item tipo test set nlocal item 7 item tipo test set nexperto item 8 item tipo test set nvisitante item 9 item tipo test set neconomico item 10 item tipo test set nhardware item 11 item tipo test set naplicacion item 12 item tipo test set nobjetocultural item 13 item tipo test ask n-of agro patches in-radius (2 + 1)[ set pcolor green set agro? 2] ask n-of vivienda patches in-radius (2 + 3) [ set pcolor blue set vivienda? 2] ask n-of taller patches in-radius (2 + 5) [ set pcolor red set taller? 2] ask n-of laboratorio patches in-radius (2 + 7) [ set pcolor yellow set laboratorio? 2] ask n-of escenico patches in-radius (2 + 9) [ set pcolor orange set escenico? 2] ask n-of cultural patches in-radius (2 + 11) [ set pcolor violet set cultural? 2] hatch nciudadano-i [ set breed ciudadanos-i setxy (x2 + random-float 3) (y2 + random-float 2) set shape "ciudadano-i" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nlocal [ set breed locales setxy (x2 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) (y2 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) set shape "local" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nexperto [ set breed expertos setxy (x2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "experto" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nvisitante [ set breed visitantes setxy (x2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y2 + ((random-float 2) + 2)) set shape "visitante" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch neconomico [ set breed economicos setxy (x2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "economico" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nhardware [ set breed hardwares setxy (x2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "hardware" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch naplicacion [ set breed aplicaciones setxy (x2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "aplicacion" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nobjetocultural [ set breed objetosculturales setxy (x2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "objetocultural" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nmaterial [ set breed materiales setxy (x2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y2 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "material" set size 2 rt random 360 ] ] crt 1 [ set breed nodos setxy x3 y3 set shape "nodo" set tipo 2 set size 5 set color color3 set meses 0 hatch 1 [ set breed halos set shape "halo" set size 25 ask patches in-radius (13) [set nodeable 1] ] set agro item 0 item tipo test set vivienda item 1 item tipo test set taller item 2 item tipo test set laboratorio item 3 item tipo test set escenico item 4 item tipo test set cultural item 5 item tipo test set nciudadano-i item 6 item tipo test set nlocal item 7 item tipo test set nexperto item 8 item tipo test set nvisitante item 9 item tipo test set neconomico item 10 item tipo test set nhardware item 11 item tipo test set naplicacion item 12 item tipo test set nobjetocultural item 13 item tipo test ask n-of agro patches in-radius (2 + 1)[ set pcolor green set agro? 3] ask n-of vivienda patches in-radius (2 + 3) [ set pcolor blue set vivienda? 3] ask n-of taller patches in-radius (2 + 5) [ set pcolor red set taller? 3] ask n-of laboratorio patches in-radius (2 + 7) [ set pcolor yellow set laboratorio? 3] ask n-of escenico patches in-radius (2 + 9) [ set pcolor orange set escenico? 3] ask n-of cultural patches in-radius (2 + 11) [ set pcolor violet set cultural? 3] hatch nciudadano-i [ set breed ciudadanos-i setxy (x3 + random-float 3) (y3 + random-float 2) set shape "ciudadano-i" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nlocal [ set breed locales setxy (x3 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) (y3 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) set shape "local" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nexperto [ set breed expertos setxy (x3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "experto" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nvisitante [ set breed visitantes setxy (x3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y3 + ((random-float 2) + 2)) set shape "visitante" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch neconomico [ set breed economicos setxy (x3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "economico" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nhardware [ set breed hardwares setxy (x3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "hardware" set size 2 ] hatch naplicacion [ set breed aplicaciones setxy (x3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "aplicacion" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nobjetocultural [ set breed objetosculturales setxy (x3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "objetocultural" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nmaterial [ set breed materiales setxy (x3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y3 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "material" set size 2 rt random 360 ] ] crt 1 [ set breed nodos setxy x4 y4 set shape "nodo" set tipo 3 set size 5 set color color4 set meses 0 hatch 1 [ set breed halos set shape "halo" set size 25 ask patches in-radius (13) [set nodeable 1] ] set agro item 0 item tipo test set vivienda item 1 item tipo test set taller item 2 item tipo test set laboratorio item 3 item tipo test set escenico item 4 item tipo test set cultural item 5 item tipo test set nciudadano-i item 6 item tipo test set nlocal item 7 item tipo test set nexperto item 8 item tipo test set nvisitante item 9 item tipo test set neconomico item 10 item tipo test set nhardware item 11 item tipo test set naplicacion item 12 item tipo test set nobjetocultural item 13 item tipo test ask n-of agro patches in-radius (2 + 1)[ set pcolor green set agro? 4] ask n-of vivienda patches in-radius (2 + 3) [ set pcolor blue set vivienda? 4] ask n-of taller patches in-radius (2 + 5) [ set pcolor red set taller? 4] ask n-of laboratorio patches in-radius (2 + 7) [ set pcolor yellow set laboratorio? 4] ask n-of escenico patches in-radius (2 + 9) [ set pcolor orange set escenico? 4] ask n-of cultural patches in-radius (2 + 11) [ set pcolor violet set cultural? 4] hatch nciudadano-i [ set breed ciudadanos-i setxy (x4 + random-float 3) (y4 + random-float 2) set shape "ciudadano-i" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nlocal [ set breed locales setxy (x4 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) (y4 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) set shape "local" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nexperto [ set breed expertos setxy (x4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "experto" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nvisitante [ set breed visitantes setxy (x4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y4 + ((random-float 2) + 2)) set shape "visitante" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch neconomico [ set breed economicos setxy (x4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "economico" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nhardware [ set breed hardwares setxy (x4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "hardware" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch naplicacion [ set breed aplicaciones setxy (x4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "aplicacion" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nobjetocultural [ set breed objetosculturales setxy (x4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "objetocultural" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nmaterial [ set breed materiales setxy (x4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y4 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "material" set size 2 rt random 360 ] ] crt 1 [ set breed nodos setxy x5 y5 set shape "nodo" set tipo 4 set size 5 set color color5 set meses 0 hatch 1 [ set breed halos set shape "halo" set size 25 ask patches in-radius (13) [set nodeable 1] ] set agro item 0 item tipo test set vivienda item 1 item tipo test set taller item 2 item tipo test set laboratorio item 3 item tipo test set escenico item 4 item tipo test set cultural item 5 item tipo test set nciudadano-i item 6 item tipo test set nlocal item 7 item tipo test set nexperto item 8 item tipo test set nvisitante item 9 item tipo test set neconomico item 10 item tipo test set nhardware item 11 item tipo test set naplicacion item 12 item tipo test set nobjetocultural item 13 item tipo test ask n-of agro patches in-radius (2 + 1)[ set pcolor green set agro? 5] ask n-of vivienda patches in-radius (2 + 3) [ set pcolor blue set vivienda? 5] ask n-of taller patches in-radius (2 + 5) [ set pcolor red set taller? 5] ask n-of laboratorio patches in-radius (2 + 7) [ set pcolor yellow set laboratorio? 5] ask n-of escenico patches in-radius (2 + 9) [ set pcolor orange set escenico? 5] ask n-of cultural patches in-radius (2 + 11) [ set pcolor violet set cultural? 5] hatch nciudadano-i [ set breed ciudadanos-i setxy (x5 + random-float 3) (y5 + random-float 2) set shape "ciudadano-i" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nlocal [ set breed locales setxy (x5 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) (y5 + ((random-float 2) + 1)) set shape "local" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nexperto [ set breed expertos setxy (x5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "experto" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nvisitante [ set breed visitantes setxy (x5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y5 + ((random-float 2) + 2)) set shape "visitante" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch neconomico [ set breed economicos setxy (x5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "economico" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nhardware [ set breed hardwares setxy (x5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "hardware" set size 2 ] hatch naplicacion [ set breed aplicaciones setxy (x5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "aplicacion" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nobjetocultural [ set breed objetosculturales setxy (x5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "objetocultural" set size 2 rt random 360 ] hatch nmaterial [ set breed materiales setxy (x5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) (y5 + ((random-float -2) + 2)) set shape "material" set size 2 rt random 360 ] ] reset-ticks end to make-movie ;; prompt user for movie location user-message "Primero, ponle un nombre a tu película (elige uno terminado en .mov)" let path user-new-file if not is-string? path [ stop ] ;; stop if user canceled ;; run the model ;setup movie-start path movie-grab-view while [continuarpelicula?] [ go if (ayudar?)[ayudar] movie-grab-view ] ;; export the movie movie-close user-message (word "Exported movie to " path) end to visualizar ask nodos with [tipo = 0] [ set label "alg-a" ] ask nodos with [tipo = 1] [ set label "colorida" ] ask nodos with [tipo = 2] [ set label "axouxere" ] ask nodos with [tipo = 3] [ set label "ucv" ] ask nodos with [tipo = 4] [ set label "sede" ] end to ayudar crt ayuda-externa-cantidad[ if (nodo? = "alga") [ setxy x1 y1 set size 2 set tipo 0 set innovacion-1 (innovacion-1 - ayuda-externa-cantidad)] if (nodo? = "colorida") [ setxy x2 y2 set size 2 set tipo 1 set innovacion-2 (innovacion-2 - ayuda-externa-cantidad)] if (nodo? = "axouxere") [ setxy x3 y3 set size 2 set tipo 2 set innovacion-3 (innovacion-3 - ayuda-externa-cantidad)] if (nodo? = "ucv") [ setxy x4 y4 set size 2 set tipo 3 set innovacion-4 (innovacion-4 - ayuda-externa-cantidad)] if (nodo? = "sede") [ setxy x5 y5 set size 2 set tipo 4 set innovacion-5 (innovacion-5 - ayuda-externa-cantidad)] if (ayuda-externa = "ciudadano-i") [ set breed ciudadanos-i set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "experto") [ set breed expertos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "local") [ set breed locales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "visitante") [ set breed visitantes set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "economico") [ set breed economicos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "hardware") [ set breed hardwares set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "aplicacion") [ set breed aplicaciones set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "objetocultural") [ set breed objetosculturales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "material") [ set breed materiales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] ] end to comprar if (nodo? = "alga") [ ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ set innovacion-1 (innovacion-1 - 1) if (ayuda-externa = "ciudadano-i") [ set breed ciudadanos-i set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "experto") [ set breed expertos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "local") [ set breed locales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "visitante") [ set breed visitantes set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "economico") [ set breed economicos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "hardware") [ set breed hardwares set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "aplicacion") [ set breed aplicaciones set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "objetocultural") [ set breed objetosculturales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "material") [ set breed materiales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] ] ] if (nodo? = "colorida") [ ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ set innovacion-2 (innovacion-2 - 1) if (ayuda-externa = "ciudadano-i") [ set breed ciudadanos-i set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "experto") [ set breed expertos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "local") [ set breed locales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "visitante") [ set breed visitantes set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "economico") [ set breed economicos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "hardware") [ set breed hardwares set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "aplicacion") [ set breed aplicaciones set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "objetocultural") [ set breed objetosculturales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "material") [ set breed materiales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] ] ] if (nodo? = "axouxere") [ ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ set innovacion-3 (innovacion-3 - 1) if (ayuda-externa = "ciudadano-i") [ set breed ciudadanos-i set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "experto") [ set breed expertos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "local") [ set breed locales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "visitante") [ set breed visitantes set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "economico") [ set breed economicos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "hardware") [ set breed hardwares set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "aplicacion") [ set breed aplicaciones set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "objetocultural") [ set breed objetosculturales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "material") [ set breed materiales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] ] ] if (nodo? = "ucv") [ ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ set innovacion-4 (innovacion-4 - 1) if (ayuda-externa = "ciudadano-i") [ set breed ciudadanos-i set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "experto") [ set breed expertos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "local") [ set breed locales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "visitante") [ set breed visitantes set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "economico") [ set breed economicos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "hardware") [ set breed hardwares set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "aplicacion") [ set breed aplicaciones set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "objetocultural") [ set breed objetosculturales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "material") [ set breed materiales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] ] ] if (nodo? = "sede") [ ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ set innovacion-5 (innovacion-5 - 1) if (ayuda-externa = "ciudadano-i") [ set breed ciudadanos-i set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "experto") [ set breed expertos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "local") [ set breed locales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "visitante") [ set breed visitantes set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "economico") [ set breed economicos set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "hardware") [ set breed hardwares set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "aplicacion") [ set breed aplicaciones set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "objetocultural") [ set breed objetosculturales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] if (ayuda-externa = "material") [ set breed materiales set size 2 set shape ayuda-externa] ] ] end to go if (color1 >= 55 and color2 >= 55 and color3 >= 55 and color4 >= 55 and color5 >= 55) [ stop ] ask turtles [ movimientosinternos ] ask turtles [ set meses meses + 1] ask nodos [relaciones] ask relacionesinternas [ if vidarelacioninterna > 2 [ die] ] ask relacionesexternas [ if vidarelacionexterna > 2 [ die] ] if rede? [conectarredes] tick update-plots if (ticks != 0) and (ticks mod fase = 0) [ comprobarfase set innovacion1 0 set innovacion2 0 set innovacion3 0 set innovacion4 0 set innovacion5 0 set innovacion-1 0 set innovacion-2 0 set innovacion-3 0 set innovacion-4 0 set innovacion-5 0 ] ask relacionesinternas [set vidarelacioninterna (vidarelacioninterna + 1)] ask relacionesexternas [set vidarelacionexterna (vidarelacionexterna + 1)] if evolucion? [evolucion] if perdidas? [perdidas] end to relaciones relacion1 relacion2 relacion3 relacion4 relacion5 relacion6 relacion7 end to conectarredes rede1 rede2 rede3 rede4 rede5 rede6 rede7 end to marronar set color1 35 set color2 35 set color3 35 set color4 35 set color5 35 end to comprobarfase ask nodos[ if color1 < 56 [set color1 (color1 + round (innovacion1 / 4) + round ((innovacion-1) / 2))] if color2 < 56 [set color2 (color2 + round (innovacion2 / 4) + round ((innovacion-2) / 2))] if color3 < 56 [set color3 (color3 + round (innovacion3 / 4) + round ((innovacion-3) / 2))] if color4 < 56 [set color4 (color4 + round (innovacion4 / 4) + round ((innovacion-4) / 2))] if color5 < 56 [set color5 (color5 + round (innovacion5 / 4) + round ((innovacion-5) / 2))] ] ask nodos with [tipo = 0] [ set color color1 set territorio ((count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = red]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = yellow]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = green]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = orange]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = blue])) set agentes ((count locales with [ tipo = 0]) + (count expertos with [ tipo = 0]) + (count ciudadanos-i with [ tipo = 0]) + (count visitantes with [ tipo = 0])) set recursos ((count materiales with [ tipo = 0]) + (count hardwares with [ tipo = 0]) + (count economicos with [ tipo = 0]) + (count aplicaciones with [ tipo = 0])+ (count objetosculturales with [ tipo = 0])) ] ask nodos with [tipo = 1] [ set color color2 set territorio ((count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = red]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = yellow]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = green]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = orange]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = blue])) set agentes ((count locales with [ tipo = 1]) + (count expertos with [ tipo = 1]) + (count ciudadanos-i with [ tipo = 1]) + (count visitantes with [ tipo = 1])) set recursos ((count materiales with [ tipo = 1]) + (count hardwares with [ tipo = 1]) + (count economicos with [ tipo = 1]) + (count aplicaciones with [ tipo = 1])+ (count objetosculturales with [ tipo = 1])) ] ask nodos with [tipo = 2] [ set color color3 set territorio ((count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = red]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = yellow]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = green]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = orange]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = blue])) set agentes ((count locales with [ tipo = 2]) + (count expertos with [ tipo = 2]) + (count ciudadanos-i with [ tipo = 2]) + (count visitantes with [ tipo = 2])) set recursos ((count materiales with [ tipo = 2]) + (count hardwares with [ tipo = 2]) + (count economicos with [ tipo = 2]) + (count aplicaciones with [ tipo = 2])+ (count objetosculturales with [ tipo = 2])) ] ask nodos with [tipo = 3] [ set color color4 set territorio ((count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = red]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = yellow]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = green]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = orange]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = blue])) set agentes ((count locales with [ tipo = 3]) + (count expertos with [ tipo = 3]) + (count ciudadanos-i with [ tipo = 3]) + (count visitantes with [ tipo = 3])) set recursos ((count materiales with [ tipo = 3]) + (count hardwares with [ tipo = 3]) + (count economicos with [ tipo = 3]) + (count aplicaciones with [ tipo = 3])+ (count objetosculturales with [ tipo = 3])) ] ask nodos with [tipo = 4] [ set color color5 set territorio ((count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = red]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = yellow]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = green]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = orange]) + (count patches in-radius 11 with [pcolor = blue])) set agentes ((count locales with [ tipo = 4]) + (count expertos with [ tipo = 4]) + (count ciudadanos-i with [ tipo = 4]) + (count visitantes with [ tipo = 4])) set recursos ((count materiales with [ tipo = 4]) + (count hardwares with [ tipo = 4]) + (count economicos with [ tipo = 4]) + (count aplicaciones with [ tipo = 4])+ (count objetosculturales with [ tipo = 4])) ] ask halos with [tipo = 0][ set color color1 ] ask halos with [tipo = 1][ set color color2 ] ask halos with [tipo = 2][ set color color3 ] ask halos with [tipo = 3][ set color color4 ] ask halos with [tipo = 4][ set color color5 ] end to movimientosinternos ask turtles with [(breed != nodos) and (breed != halos)][ ifelse (nodeable = 1) [ fd 1 ] [ rt ((random 30) + 180) fd 1 ] ; create-links-with other turtles in-radius 5 with [(breed != nodos) and (breed != halos)] [ ; set color yellow] ] end to recolorear ; if (pcolor < 10) [set pcolor white] if ((pcolor > 12 and pcolor <= 19) or (pcolor >= 22 and pcolor <= 29) or (pcolor >= 122 and pcolor <= 129) or (pcolor >= 132 and pcolor <= 139)) [set pcolor grey set nodeable 1] ; if (pcolor >= 20 and pcolor < 40) [set pcolor orange] ; if (pcolor >= 40 and pcolor < 50) [set pcolor yellow] ; if (pcolor >= 50 and pcolor < 90) [set pcolor green] if ((pcolor >= 72 and pcolor <= 79) or (pcolor >= 82 and pcolor <= 89) or (pcolor >= 92 and pcolor <= 99) or (pcolor >= 112 and pcolor <= 119) or (pcolor >= 102 and pcolor <= 109)) [set pcolor blue] end ;-----------------------------------------------------------EVOLUCION Y PERDIDAS------------------------------------------------------------------------- to evolucion if (ticks != 0) and (ticks mod fase = 0)[ ask ciudadanos-i with [meses >= fase][ ifelse (random 1 = 1) [ set breed expertos set shape "experto" set meses 0] [if (random 2 = 2) [die] ] ] ask expertos with [meses >= fase][ ifelse (random 1 = 1) [ set breed ciudadanos-i set shape "ciudadano-i" set meses 0] [die] ] ask visitantes with [meses >= fase][ ifelse (random 2 = 2) [ set breed expertos set shape "experto" set meses 0] [if random 2 = 2 [die] ] ] ] end to perdidas if (ticks != 0) and (ticks mod fase = 0)[ ask locales with [meses > fase][ if random 7 = 7 [ hatch 1 [ set meses 0] ] ] ] end ;-------------------------------------------------RELACIONES EXTERNAS PORMENORIZADAS-------------------------------------------------------------- to rede1 ;intercambio ciudadanos-i let aleatorio1para0 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 0][ if ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0]) > ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = aleatorio1para0 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 0] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para0][ set color yellow set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para0]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para0]) set tipo aleatorio1para0 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ die] ] let aleatorio1para1 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 1][ if ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1]) > ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = aleatorio1para1 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 1] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para1][ set color yellow set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para1]) set tipo aleatorio1para1 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ die] ] let aleatorio1para2 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 2][ if ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2]) > ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = aleatorio1para2 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 2] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para2][ set color yellow set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para2]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para2]) set tipo aleatorio1para2 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ die] ] let aleatorio1para3 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 3][ if ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3]) > ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = aleatorio1para3 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 3] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para3][ set color yellow set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para3]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para3]) set tipo aleatorio1para3 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ die] ] let aleatorio1para4 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 4][ if ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4]) > ((count ciudadanos-i with [tipo = aleatorio1para4 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 4] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para4][ set color yellow set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para4]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio1para4]) set tipo aleatorio1para4 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ die] ] end to rede2 ;intercambio expertos let aleatorio2para0 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 0][ if ((count expertos with [tipo = 0]) > ((count expertos with [tipo = aleatorio2para0 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 0] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para0][ set color pink set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of expertos with [tipo = 0][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para0]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para0]) set tipo aleatorio2para0 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ die] ] let aleatorio2para1 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 1][ if ((count expertos with [tipo = 1]) > ((count expertos with [tipo = aleatorio2para1 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 1] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para1][ set color pink set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of expertos with [tipo = 1][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para1]) set tipo aleatorio2para1 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ die] ] let aleatorio2para2 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 2][ if ((count expertos with [tipo = 2]) > ((count expertos with [tipo = aleatorio2para2 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 2] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para2][ set color pink set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of expertos with [tipo = 2][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para2]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para2]) set tipo aleatorio2para2 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ die] ] let aleatorio2para3 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 3][ if ((count expertos with [tipo = 3]) > ((count expertos with [tipo = aleatorio2para3 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 3] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para3][ set color pink set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of expertos with [tipo = 3][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para3]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para3]) set tipo aleatorio2para3 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ die] ] let aleatorio2para4 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 4][ if ((count expertos with [tipo = 4]) > ((count expertos with [tipo = aleatorio2para4 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 4] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para4][ set color pink set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of expertos with [tipo = 4][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para4]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio2para4]) set tipo aleatorio2para4 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ die] ] end to rede3 ;intercambio economicos let aleatorio3para0 (random 4) if ((count economicos with [tipo = 0]) > ((count economicos with [tipo = aleatorio3para0 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 0] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para0][ set color orange set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para0]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para0]) set tipo aleatorio3para0 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio3para1 (random 4) if ((count economicos with [tipo = 1]) > ((count economicos with [tipo = aleatorio3para1 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 1] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para1][ set color orange set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para1]) set tipo aleatorio3para1 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio3para2 (random 4) if ((count economicos with [tipo = 2]) > ((count economicos with [tipo = aleatorio3para2 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 2] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para2][ set color orange set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para1]) set tipo aleatorio3para2 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio3para3 (random 4) if ((count economicos with [tipo = 3]) > ((count economicos with [tipo = aleatorio3para3 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 3] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para3][ set color orange set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para3]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para3]) set tipo aleatorio3para3 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio3para4 (random 4) if ((count economicos with [tipo = 4]) > ((count economicos with [tipo = aleatorio3para4 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 4] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para4][ set color orange set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para4]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio3para4]) set tipo aleatorio3para4 ] ] ] ] end to rede4 ;intercambio aplicaciones let aleatorio4para0 (random 4) if ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = 0]) > ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = aleatorio4para0 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 0] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para0][ set color magenta set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of aplicaciones with [tipo = 0][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para0]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para0]) set tipo aleatorio4para0 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio4para1 (random 4) if ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = 1]) > ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = aleatorio4para1 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 1] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para1][ set color magenta set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of aplicaciones with [tipo = 1][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para1]) set tipo aleatorio4para1 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio4para2 (random 4) if ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = 2]) > ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = aleatorio4para2 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 2] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para2][ set color magenta set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of aplicaciones with [tipo = 2][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para2]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para2]) set tipo aleatorio4para2 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio4para3 (random 4) if ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = 3]) > ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = aleatorio4para3 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 3] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para3][ set color magenta set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of aplicaciones with [tipo = 3][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para3]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para3]) set tipo aleatorio4para3 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio4para4 (random 4) if ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = 4]) > ((count aplicaciones with [tipo = aleatorio4para4 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 4] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para4][ set color magenta set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of aplicaciones with [tipo = 4][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para4]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio4para4]) set tipo aleatorio4para4 ] ] ] ] end to rede5 ;intercambio objetos culturales let aleatorio5para0 (random 4) if ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = 0]) > ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = aleatorio5para0 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 0] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para0][ set color blue set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of objetosculturales with [tipo = 0][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para0]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para0]) set tipo aleatorio5para0 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio5para1 (random 4) if ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = 1]) > ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = aleatorio5para1 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 1] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para1][ set color blue set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of objetosculturales with [tipo = 1][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para1]) set tipo aleatorio5para1 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio5para2 (random 4) if ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = 2]) > ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = aleatorio5para2 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 2] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para2][ set color blue set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of objetosculturales with [tipo = 2][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para2]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para2]) set tipo aleatorio5para2 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio5para3 (random 4) if ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = 3]) > ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = aleatorio5para3 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 3] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para3][ set color blue set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of objetosculturales with [tipo = 3][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para3]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para3]) set tipo aleatorio5para3 ] ] ] ] let aleatorio5para4 (random 4) if ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = 4]) > ((count objetosculturales with [tipo = aleatorio5para4 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 4] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para4][ set color blue set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of objetosculturales with [tipo = 4][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para4]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio5para4]) set tipo aleatorio5para4 ] ] ] ] end to rede6 ;intercambio hardwares let aleatorio6para0 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 0][ if ((count hardwares with [tipo = 0]) > ((count hardwares with [tipo = aleatorio6para0 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 0] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para0][ set color brown set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of hardwares with [tipo = 0][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para0]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para0]) set tipo aleatorio6para0 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ die] ] let aleatorio6para1 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 1][ if ((count hardwares with [tipo = 1]) > ((count hardwares with [tipo = aleatorio6para1 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 1] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para1][ set color brown set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of hardwares with [tipo = 1][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para1]) set tipo aleatorio6para1 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ die] ] let aleatorio6para2 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 2][ if ((count hardwares with [tipo = 2]) > ((count hardwares with [tipo = aleatorio6para2 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 2] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para2][ set color brown set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of hardwares with [tipo = 2][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para2]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para2]) set tipo aleatorio6para2 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ die] ] let aleatorio6para3 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 3][ if ((count hardwares with [tipo = 3]) > ((count hardwares with [tipo = aleatorio6para3 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 3] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para3][ set color brown set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of hardwares with [tipo = 3][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para3]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para3]) set tipo aleatorio6para3 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ die] ] let aleatorio6para4 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 4][ if ((count hardwares with [tipo = 4]) > ((count hardwares with [tipo = aleatorio6para4 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 4] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para4][ set color brown set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of hardwares with [tipo = 4][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para4]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio6para4]) set tipo aleatorio6para4 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ die] ] end to rede7 ;intercambio materiales let aleatorio7para0 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 0][ if ((count materiales with [tipo = 0]) > ((count materiales with [tipo = aleatorio7para0 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 0] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para0][ set color violet set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 0][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para0]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para0]) set tipo aleatorio7para0 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ die] ] let aleatorio7para1 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 1][ if ((count materiales with [tipo = 1]) > ((count materiales with [tipo = aleatorio7para1 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 1] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para1][ set color violet set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 1][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para1]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para1]) set tipo aleatorio7para1 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ die] ] let aleatorio7para2 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 2][ if ((count materiales with [tipo = 2]) > ((count materiales with [tipo = aleatorio7para2 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 2] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para2][ set color violet set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 2][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para2]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para2]) set tipo aleatorio7para2 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ die] ] let aleatorio7para3 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 3][ if ((count materiales with [tipo = 3]) > ((count materiales with [tipo = aleatorio7para3 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 3] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para3][ set color violet set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 3][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para3]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para3]) set tipo aleatorio7para3 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ die] ] let aleatorio7para4 (random 4) if any? economicos with [tipo = 4][ if ((count materiales with [tipo = 4]) > ((count materiales with [tipo = aleatorio7para4 ])))[ ask one-of nodos with [tipo = 4] [ create-relacionexterna-to one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para4][ set color violet set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 2) set shape "discontinuas" set vidarelacionexterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 4][ face (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para4]) fd distance (one-of nodos with [tipo = aleatorio7para4]) set tipo aleatorio7para4 ] ] ] ] ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ die] ] end ;--------------------------------------------------RELACIONES INTERNAS PORMENORIZADAS---------------------------------------------------------------- to relacion1 ;La que describe un cultivo en colaboración local: Local + ciudadano-i + tierra = economico if any? patches with [agro? = 1][ ask patches with [agro? = 1][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ set color green set nodolink? "nodo1" set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 2][ ask patches with [agro? = 2][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ set color green set nodolink? "nodo2" set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 3][ ask one-of patches with [agro? = 3][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ set color green set nodolink? "nodo3" set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 4][ ask one-of patches with [agro? = 4][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ set color green set nodolink? "nodo4" set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 5][ ask one-of patches with [agro? = 5][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ set color green set nodolink? "nodo5" set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] end to relacion2 ; La que describe un cultivo que autoproduce el ciudadano if any? patches with [agro? = 1][ ask patches with [agro? = 1][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ set color pink set nodolink? "nodo1" set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 2][ ask patches with [agro? = 2][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ set color pink set nodolink? "nodo2" set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 3][ ask patches with [agro? = 3][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ set color pink set nodolink? "nodo3" set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 4][ ask patches with [agro? = 4][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ set color pink set nodolink? "nodo4" set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? patches with [agro? = 5][ ask patches with [agro? = 5][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ set color pink set nodolink? "nodo5" set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ] hatch ((random 1) + 1) [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] end to relacion3 if any? materiales with [tipo = 0][ if any? patches with [taller? = 1][ ask patches with [taller? = 1][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ set color brown set nodolink? "nodo1" set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 0][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 1] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 1][ if any? patches with [taller? = 2][ ask patches with [taller? = 2][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ set color brown set nodolink? "nodo2" set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 1][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 2] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 2][ if any? patches with [taller? = 3][ ask patches with [taller? = 3][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ set color brown set nodolink? "nodo3" set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 2][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 3] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 3][ if any? patches with [taller? = 4][ ask patches with [taller? = 4][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ set color brown set nodolink? "nodo4" set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 3][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 4] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 4][ if any? patches with [taller? = 5][ ask patches with [taller? = 5][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4]in-radius 5 [ if any? locales with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of locales with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ set color brown set nodolink? "nodo5" set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 4][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 5] ] ] ] ] ] ] end to relacion4 if any? materiales with [tipo = 0][ if any? patches with [taller? = 1][ ask patches with [taller? = 1][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ set color blue set nodolink? "nodo1" set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 0][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 1] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 1][ if any? patches with [taller? = 2][ ask patches with [taller? = 2][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ set color blue set nodolink? "nodo2" set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 1][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 2] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 2][ if any? patches with [taller? = 3][ ask patches with [taller? = 3][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ set color blue set nodolink? "nodo3" set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 2][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 3] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 3][ if any? patches with [taller? = 4][ ask patches with [taller? = 4][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ set color blue set nodolink? "nodo4" set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 3][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 4] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? materiales with [tipo = 4][ if any? patches with [taller? = 5][ ask patches with [taller? = 5][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ if any? other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of other ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ set color blue set nodolink? "nodo5" set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of materiales with [tipo = 4][ die] ] ask patch-here [set pcolor blue set vivienda? 5] ] ] ] ] ] ] end to relacion5 if any? economicos with [tipo = 0][ if any? patches with [laboratorio? = 1][ ask patches with [laboratorio? = 1][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ set color red set nodolink? "nodo1" set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ die] ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed aplicaciones set shape "aplicacion" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed hardwares set shape "hardware" ] hatch random 3 [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 1][ if any? patches with [laboratorio? = 2][ ask patches with [laboratorio? = 2][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ set color red set nodolink? "nodo2" set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ die] ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed aplicaciones set shape "aplicacion" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed hardwares set shape "hardware" ] hatch random 3 [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 2][ if any? patches with [laboratorio? = 3][ ask patches with [laboratorio? = 3][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ set color red set nodolink? "nodo3" set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ die] ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed aplicaciones set shape "aplicacion" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed hardwares set shape "hardware" ] hatch random 3 [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 3][ if any? patches with [laboratorio? = 4][ ask patches with [laboratorio? = 4][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ set color red set nodolink? "nodo4" set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ die] ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed aplicaciones set shape "aplicacion" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed hardwares set shape "hardware" ] hatch random 3 [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 4][ if any? patches with [laboratorio? = 5][ ask patches with [laboratorio? = 5][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ set color red set nodolink? "nodo5" set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ die] ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed aplicaciones set shape "aplicacion" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed hardwares set shape "hardware" ] hatch random 3 [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] end to relacion6 if any? economicos with [tipo = 0][ if any? patches with [escenico? = 1][ ask patches with [escenico? = 1][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ set color turquoise set nodolink? "nodo1" set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed visitantes set shape "visitante" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 1][ if any? patches with [escenico? = 2][ ask patches with [escenico? = 2][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ set color turquoise set nodolink? "nodo2" set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed visitantes set shape "visitante" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 2][ if any? patches with [escenico? = 3][ ask patches with [escenico? = 3][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ set color turquoise set nodolink? "nodo3" set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed visitantes set shape "visitante" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 3][ if any? patches with [escenico? = 4][ ask patches with [escenico? = 4][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ set color turquoise set nodolink? "nodo4" set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed visitantes set shape "visitante" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 4][ if any? patches with [escenico? = 5][ ask patches with [escenico? = 5][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ set color turquoise set nodolink? "nodo5" set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed visitantes set shape "visitante" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] end to relacion7 if any? economicos with [tipo = 0][ if any? patches with [cultural? = 1][ ask patches with [cultural? = 1][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 0] in-radius 5 [ set color lime set nodolink? "nodo1" set innovacion1 (innovacion1 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 0][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 0 set breed objetosculturales set shape "objetocultural" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 1][ if any? patches with [cultural? = 2][ ask patches with [cultural? = 2][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 1] in-radius 5 [ set color lime set nodolink? "nodo2" set innovacion2 (innovacion2 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 1][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 1 set breed objetosculturales set shape "objetocultural" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 2][ if any? patches with [cultural? = 3][ ask patches with [cultural? = 3][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 2] in-radius 5 [ set color lime set nodolink? "nodo3" set innovacion3 (innovacion3 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 2][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 2 set breed objetosculturales set shape "objetocultural" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 3][ if any? patches with [cultural? = 4][ ask patches with [cultural? = 4][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 3] in-radius 5 [ set color lime set nodolink? "nodo4" set innovacion4 (innovacion4 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 3][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 3 set breed objetosculturales set shape "objetocultural" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if any? economicos with [tipo = 4][ if any? patches with [cultural? = 5][ ask patches with [cultural? = 5][ if any? ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ ask one-of ciudadanos-i with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ if any? expertos with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5[ create-relacioninterna-with one-of expertos with [tipo = 4] in-radius 5 [ set color lime set nodolink? "nodo5" set innovacion5 (innovacion5 + 1) set vidarelacioninterna 0 ask one-of economicos with [tipo = 4][ die] ] hatch random 2 [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed economicos set shape "economico" ] hatch 1 [ set meses 0 set tipo 4 set breed objetosculturales set shape "objetocultural" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
alg-Aldea Lúdica.png | preview | Preview for 'alg-Aldea Lúdica' | over 9 years ago, by Alberto de Austria Millán | Download |
montaje2.jpg | background | Archivo para color patches | over 9 years ago, by Alberto de Austria Millán | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
This model does not have any descendants.