Leonardi Model 2
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extensions [table] globals [social-influence material-influence] breed [people person] breed [expectations expectation] breed [technologies technology] people-own [usage understanding influencer persistence] expectations-own [feature strength] technologies-own [affordances] directed-link-breed [holds hold] to setup ca ; If auto-total-people is on, make sure the number of people expecting a, b and both doesn't exceed ;; the total number set. ;; Populate the rest of the world (up to the total number set) with people with no expectations. ifelse auto-total-people != "off" and #-expecting-a + #-expecting-b + #-expecting-both > auto-total-people [ user-message (word "There are too many people. Turn auto-total off, or reduce the number of people expecting a, b or both.")] [ if auto-total-people != "off" [ set #-no-expectations auto-total-people - (#-expecting-a + #-expecting-b + #-expecting-both)] ;; create the total number of people who will be in the model ;; distribute them randomly around the world ;; format their size and shape ;; set their usage blank ;; format their color to reflect their usage ;; give each of them a blank table that will hold their expectations about the technology create-people total-# [ setxy random-pxcor random-pycor set shape "person" set size 1.6 set usage [] color-code usage .8 set understanding table:make ] ;; for the number of people expecting only a, pick people with blank tables, and set their understanding of feature a to 1 ask n-of #-expecting-a people with [ table:length understanding < 1 ] [ table:put understanding "a" 1 ] ;; for the number of people expecting only b, pick people with blank tables, and set their understanding of feature b to 1 ask n-of #-expecting-b people with [ table:length understanding < 1 ] [ table:put understanding "b" 1 ] ;; for the number of people expecting a and b, pick people with blank tables, and set their understanding of ;; features a and b to 1 ask n-of #-expecting-both people with [ table:length understanding < 1 ] [ table:put understanding "a" 1 table:put understanding "b" 1 ] ask people ;; build a network of expectations to provide a visual representation of each person's table of understanding [ update-expectations ;; if limited persistence is on, give people a persistence of 3 ;; if it's off, give people a persistence that is extremely high ifelse limited-persistence [ set persistence 3 ] [ set persistence 1000 ] ] ;; format the network of expectations ask expectations [ format-expectations ] ;; set up the technology adopt-technology set social-influence [] set material-influence [] reset-ticks ] end to update-expectations ;; ask people whose table of understandings doesn't match the visual representation of their expectations ask people with [table:length understanding != count out-hold-neighbors] ;; create a blank slate [ ask out-hold-neighbors [ die ] ;; build the network of expectations up from the understanding table let instructions table:keys understanding while [instructions != []] [ hatch-expectations 1 [ create-hold-from myself ask my-in-holds [hide-link] set feature first instructions set strength [table:get understanding first instructions] of myself set instructions but-first instructions ] ] ] ask expectations [ format-expectations ] end to format-expectations ;; make expectations color, shape and placement reflect what they indicate if strength > 1 [ set strength 1 ] if strength < -1 [ set strength -1 ] if strength > 0 [ show-turtle set shape "circle" set size .5 ] if strength < 0 [ show-turtle set shape "x" set size .6 ] if strength = 0 [hide-turtle] if feature = "a" [ setxy ( [ xcor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors - .5) ( [ ycor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors + .5) ] if feature = "b" [ setxy ( [ xcor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors + .5) ( [ ycor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors + .5) ] color-code feature 1.5 end to adopt-technology create-technologies 1 [ set shape "box" set size 3 ;; create a blank table that will hold affordances set affordances table:make ;; fill in the table from the features selected by the user let instructions (sentence technology-affordances) while [instructions != [] ] [ table:put affordances first instructions 1 set instructions but-first instructions ] color-code (table:keys affordances) -2.5] end ;; color code expectations, usage and affordances to provide a visual indication of whether they match. to color-code [thing number] ;; I tried to let the number (i.e. the amount of color change) be set within this procedure (see below) but I couldn't ;; get it to work. When the procedure was called by something that didn't hold one of the possible "things" it would ;; stop during the if statements and return an error message. Not sure why it wouldn't just return false and keep going... ;; But anyway, I relented and made the number I want each element's color adjusted by its own input, that I just list ;; when I call the procedure. ;; It's still much more parsimonious this way than having entirely separate procedures to color code expectations, ;; usage, and affordances which is what I used to have... ;let number 1 ;if thing = usage ;[set number .8] ;if thing = (table:keys affordances) ;[set number -2.5] ;if thing = feature ;[set number 1.5] if member? "a" thing and not member? "b" thing [ set color blue + number ] if member? "b" thing and not member? "a" thing [ set color yellow + number ] if member? "a" thing and member? "b" thing [ set color green + number] if not member? "a" thing and not member? "b" thing [ set color gray + number ] end to go ;; stop conditions if all? people [persistence = 0] [ stop ] if ticks > 99 and (all? people [usage = []] or all? people [usage = ["a"]] or all? people [usage = ["b"]] or all? people [usage = ["a" "b"] or usage = ["b" "a"]]) [ stop ] ;; running the model ask people [ move interact update-expectations ] update-influences tick end to move let path random-normal 0 30 rt path fd 1 ;; bring visual expectations along with ask out-hold-neighbors [ rt path fd 1 ] end to interact set influencer nobody if persistence > 0 ;; if I am near the technology or a person, pick one of those entities to influence me [ let potential-influencers (turtle-set technologies in-radius 3 other people in-radius 1) set influencer one-of potential-influencers ;; if I am being influenced by a person (social interaction), then learn from their expectations if is-person? influencer [ learn-from ([understanding] of influencer) 1 .2] ;; if I am being influenced by the technology (material interaction), then if I have some expectation of ;; what the technology is for I will try to use it accordingly. ;; otherwise I will learn from the technology if is-technology? influencer [ ifelse table:length understanding > 0 [ use-technology ] [ learn-from ([affordances] of influencer) tech-transparency 1 ] ;; increment my persistence down set persistence persistence - 1 ] ] end to learn-from [source chance influence] ;; set probability of learning ;; if the influencer has any features to learn from, ;; pick one to be the insight I learn if table:length source > 0 and random-float 1 < chance [ let insight one-of table:keys source ;; if that feature is new to me, put the insight into my table of understandings if not table:has-key? understanding insight [ table:put understanding insight 0 ] ;; determine whether this is going to be learning something positive or negative let direction 1 if table:get source insight > 0 [ set direction 1 ] if table:get source insight < 0 [ set direction -1 ] ;; change expectation to be more positive/more negative ;; (amount of change is .2 for people influencers, 1 for technology influencer) table:put understanding insight table:get understanding insight + influence * direction ;; cap expectation strength at >= -1 and <= 1 if abs table:get understanding insight > 1 [table:put understanding insight direction] ;; adjust visual version of expectations to match understanding ask out-hold-neighbors with [feature = insight ] [ set strength [table:get understanding insight] of myself ] ] end to use-technology ;; if can-learn-unexpectly is on, give a 5% chance of trying to learn from the technology before trying to use it if can-learn-unexpectedly [ if random-float 1 < .05 [ learn-from ([affordances] of influencer) tech-transparency 1 ] ] ;; if I have any positive expectations, pick one of those to be the way I try to use the technology if any? out-hold-neighbors with [strength > 0] [ let use [feature] of one-of out-hold-neighbors with [ strength > 0 ] ;; if use-can-fail is on, set the chance that use will be successful down to 95% let chance-use-works 1 if use-can-fail [ set chance-use-works .95 ] ;; if the feature I'm trying to use is one of the technology's affordances, then put that feature into my usage (if use is successful) ;; and set my expectation for that feature fully to 1 ;; if not, set my expectation for that feature fully negative and remove it from my usage ifelse table:has-key? [affordances] of influencer use and random-float 1 < chance-use-works [ table:put understanding use 1 set usage lput use usage set usage remove-duplicates usage color-code usage .8 ] [ table:put understanding use -1 set usage remove use usage color-code usage .8 ] ;;ask my visual expectation network to adjust accordingly ask out-hold-neighbors with [feature = use ] [ set strength [table:get understanding use] of myself ] ] end to update-influences ;; list the proportion of people experiencing social and material influences at each tick if any? people with [persistence > 0] [ set social-influence fput (count people with [is-person? influencer] / count people with [persistence > 0]) social-influence set material-influence fput (count people with [is-technology? influencer] / count people with [persistence > 0]) material-influence ] end to-report total-# ;; report the total number of people in the world report #-expecting-a + #-expecting-b + #-expecting-both + #-no-expectations end to-report %-open-to-influence ;; report the % of people who are still open to being influenced out of the total report count people with [persistence > 0 ] / total-# end to-report %-being-influenced ;; report the % of people currently being influenced, out of the total (or out of the number open to being influenced) report count people with [influencer != nobody] / total-# ;count people with [persistence > 0] end to-report average-social-influence ;; report the average % of people influenced by other people out of the number open to being influenced at each tick report sum social-influence / (length social-influence) end to-report average-material-influence ;; report the average % of people influenced by the technology out of the number open to being influenced at each tick report sum material-influence / (length material-influence) end
There are 2 versions of this model.
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Leonardi Model 2.png | preview | Preview for 'Leonardi Model 2' | almost 11 years ago, by Eleanor Anderson | Download |
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