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Default-person Murilo Moraes (Author)


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  selected-car   ;; the currently selected car

  speed         ;; the current speed of the car
  speed-limit   ;; the maximum speed of the car (different for all cars)
  lane          ;; the current lane of the car
  target-lane   ;; the desired lane of the car
  park-time     ;; the driver's current patience
  park          ;; the driver's probability to be searching for a parking space
  park?         ;; true if the car wants to park
  parked?       ;; true if the car is parked
  leaving?      ;; true if the car is leaving
  just-parked?  ;; true if the car has recently parked
  just-count    ;; time to park

to setup
  set-default-shape turtles "car"
  crt number
  [ setup-cars ]
  crt 20
  [ setup-parked ]

to draw-road
  ask patches
    set pcolor green
    if ((pycor > -1) and (pycor < 2))
    [ set pcolor gray ]
    if ((pycor = 1) and ((pxcor mod 5) = 0)) and (pxcor != -60) and (pxcor != 60)
    [ set pcolor yellow ]
    if ((pycor = 2) or (pycor = -1) or (((pxcor = -1) or (pxcor = 1)) and (pycor < -1)))
    [ set pcolor black ]
    if ((pycor = 2) or (pycor = -1))
    [ set pcolor black ]
    if ((pxcor = 0) and (pycor < 0))
    [ set pcolor gray ]

to setup-parked
  set color blue
  set park? false
  set park 1000
  set parked? true
  setxy (random 120) 1
  set heading 90
  set heading 180
  set park-time 1 + random parking-time
  set speed-limit  1
  set just-parked? false

to separate-parked
  if any? other turtles-here [ fd 1
  if (pcolor != yellow) [ fd 1

to setup-cars
  set color black
  setxy random-xcor 0
  set heading 90
  ifelse (gb-park = true)
  [set park random 1000]
  [set park 1000]
  ifelse (park > park-ratio * 10)
  [set park? false
   set speed  0.1 + random-float .9
   set speed-limit  1
   set park-time 0
  [set park? true
   set park-time 1 + random parking-time
   set speed  0.1 + random-float ((park-drive-speed - 10 ) / 100) ;; cars that are looking for a parking space are slower
   set speed-limit  park-drive-speed / 100
   set color red
  set just-parked? false
  set parked? false
  ;; make sure no two cars are on the same patch

to separate-cars  ;; turtle procedure
  if any? other turtles-here
    [ fd 1
      separate-cars ]

;; All turtles look first to see if there is a turtle directly in front of it,
;; if so, set own speed to front turtle's speed and decelerate.  Otherwise, if
;; look-ahead is set for 2, look ahead one more patch and do the same.  If no front
;; turtles are found, accelerate towards speed-limit

to drive
  ;; first determine average speed of the cars
  ask turtles
  [ ifelse (parked? = true)
   ifelse ([pcolor] of (patch-at 0 1) = yellow) and (not any? turtles-at 0 1) and (park? = true)
   ifelse ([pcolor] of (patch-at 1 0) = red)
   [set speed 0]
    ifelse (any? turtles-at 1 0)
      set speed ([speed] of (one-of (turtles-at 1 0)))
      ifelse (look-ahead = 2)
        ifelse (any? turtles-at 2 0)
          set speed ([speed] of (one-of turtles-at 2 0))
    if (speed < 0.01)
    [ set speed 0.01 ]
    if (speed > speed-limit)
    [ set speed speed-limit ]
    ;; Control for making sure no one crashes.
    if ((xcor + speed > 60) or ((xcor + speed > 0) and  (xcor + speed < 1.1))) and (leaving? = true) [setup-newcars]
    ifelse (any? turtles-at 1 0) and (xcor != min-pxcor - .5)
    [ set speed [speed] of (one-of turtles-at 1 0) ]
      ifelse ((any? turtles-at 2 0) and (speed > 1.0))
        set speed ([speed] of (one-of turtles-at 2 0))
        fd 1
      [jump speed]

to setup-newcars
  set color black
  ifelse (gb-park = true)
  [set park random 1000]
  [set park 1000]
  ifelse (park > park-ratio * 10)
  [set park? false
   set leaving? true
   set speed  0.1 + random-float .9
   set speed-limit  1
   set park-time 0
  [set park? true
   set leaving? false
   set park-time 1 + random parking-time
   set speed  0.1 + random-float ((park-drive-speed - 10 ) / 100) ;; cars that are looking for a parking space are slower
   set speed-limit  park-drive-speed / 100
   set color red

  set parked? false
  ;; make sure no two cars are on the same patch

to park-car
      ask patch-at 0 0
     [set pcolor red]
      set heading 0
      fd 1
      set heading 180
      set leaving? false
      set park? false
      set parked? true
      set color blue 
      set just-parked? true
      set just-count time-to-park

to leave-parkspace
 ifelse (just-parked? = true)
   ifelse (just-count > 0)
 [set just-count just-count - 1]
 [ask patch-at 0 -1
      [set pcolor gray]
  set just-parked? false
  set just-count time-to-park
    ifelse (park-time > just-count)
    [set park-time park-time - 1]
    ifelse (any? turtles-at 0 1) or (park-time > 0)
    [ask patch-at 0 -1
      [set pcolor red]
    set park-time park-time - 1
      fd 1
      ask patch-at 0 0
     [set pcolor gray]
      set heading 90
      set leaving? true
      set park? false
      set parked? false
      set color black
      set speed  0.1 + random-float .9
      set speed-limit  1
      set park-time 0

;; increase speed of cars

to accelerate  ;; turtle procedure
  set speed (speed + (speed-up / 1000))

;; reduce speed of cars

to decelerate  ;; turtle procedure
  set speed (speed - (slow-down / 1000))

There is only one version of this model, created almost 10 years ago by Murilo Moraes.

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