Route Planner

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1 collaborator

Default-person Larry Lin (Author)


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  ;; expected time to reach node - based on expectation of previous nodes (linked)
  ;; this will be used for calculation of immediate rewards
  ;; variable to store value obtained from value iteration

;  prob-high ;; for node linking node A to node B, this represents the probability that the driver will take 1 time step to reach node B when the traffic level at node A is high
;  prob-medium ;; for node linking node A to node B, this represents the probability that the driver will take 1 time step to reach node B when the traffic level at node A is medium
;  prob-low ;; for node linking node A to node B, this represents the probability that the driver will take 1 time step to reach node B when the traffic level at node A is low

to go
  ask turtle 9[value-iteration]
  ask turtles[
    set label (word who ": " value)
    set color blue

to value-iteration
    ifelse(who != 9)[
      set color red
      ;; count of possible ways to travel (out link neighbors)
      let count-n (count out-link-neighbors)
      ;; who of out link neighbors
      let who-n (sort ([who] of out-link-neighbors))
      ;; prob of main direction (for value iteration calculation)
      let main-prob (1 - ((count-n - 1) * 0.1))
      ;; list which stores all possible values of all actions taken in state s - used to computing max
      ;; immediate reward (R) is taken as negative of expected time to reach state/node s' (to reflect the reward function of rewarding user for reaching node early)
      let val-list []
      foreach who-n[
        let main-dir-node ?
        let val (main-prob * ([value] of turtle main-dir-node)) - ([expectation] of turtle main-dir-node)
        ;; iterate through other nodes
        foreach who-n[
          if(? != main-dir-node)[
            set val (val + (0.1 * ([value] of turtle ?)))
        set val-list lput val val-list
      ;; set value as max in val-list - value iteration
      set value (precision (max val-list) 2)
      set value 100
    ;; recursively call value iteration on in link neighbors
    ask in-link-neighbors[value-iteration]

to update-expectation
  ;  0
  ifelse(who = 0)[
    set expectation 0
    set color red
  ;; for all other nodes
    ;; boolean to check if all neighbors has expectation updated - will not proceed to update node if boolean is false (some neighbors not updated)
    let n-expect? true
    foreach([who] of in-link-neighbors)[
      if(([color] of turtle ?) != red)[
        set n-expect? false
    ;; proceed to update expectation if all neighbors are updated
    if(n-expect? = true)[
      ;; sum of expectation of all in-link neighbors
      let sum-expectation 0
      foreach([who] of in-link-neighbors)[
        let n-who ([who] of (turtle ?))
        let n-expectation ([expectation] of (turtle ?))
        set sum-expectation (sum-expectation + n-expectation + (mean-travel-time n-who (traffic-conditions n-who n-expectation)))
      ;; average over all neighbors
      set sum-expectation (sum-expectation / (length ([who] of in-link-neighbors)))
      set expectation sum-expectation
      set color red
  ;; recursively call update-expectation procedure to all out link neighbors
  ask out-link-neighbors[update-expectation]

to setup
  ask patches[set pcolor 69]
  ;; update expected time to reach all nodes
  ;; this will be used to compute the immediate reward
  ask turtle 0[update-expectation]
  ask turtle 9[set value 100]
  ask turtles[
    set label (word who ": " value)
    set color blue

;; setup nodes in the network

to setup-nodes
  crt 1[setxy 3 13 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 1 10 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 3 10 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 5 10 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 2 7 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 4 7 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 1 4 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 3 4 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 5 4 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]
  crt 1[setxy 3 1 set shape "rounded-rectangle" set color blue set label who set label-color black]

;; setup links between nodes

to setup-links
  crt-links 0 1
  crt-links 0 3
  crt-links 1 2
  crt-links 1 4
  crt-links 2 4
  crt-links 2 5
  crt-links 3 2
  crt-links 3 5
  crt-links 3 8
  crt-links 4 5
  crt-links 4 6
  crt-links 4 8
  crt-links 4 9
  crt-links 5 6
  crt-links 5 7
  crt-links 6 9
  crt-links 7 9
  crt-links 8 7

;; procedure to create links from turtle to turtle - used in setup-links procedure

to crt-links[from-turtle to-turtle]
  ask turtle from-turtle[create-link-to turtle to-turtle]

;; procedure to report mean travel time along an edge with source node (as input) given certain traffic conditions (input)

to-report mean-travel-time[node traffic]
  let prob 0

  if(node = 0)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n0-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n0-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n0-low-prob
  if(node = 1)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n1-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n1-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n1-low-prob
  if(node = 2)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n2-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n2-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n2-low-prob
  if(node = 3)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n3-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n3-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n3-low-prob
  if(node = 4)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n4-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n4-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n4-low-prob
  if(node = 5)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n5-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n5-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n5-low-prob
  if(node = 6)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n6-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n6-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n6-low-prob
  if(node = 7)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n7-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n7-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n7-low-prob
  if(node = 8)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n8-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n8-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n8-low-prob
  if(node = 9)[
    if(traffic = "high")[
      set prob n9-high-prob
    if(traffic = "medium")[
      set prob n9-medium-prob
    if(traffic = "low")[
      set prob n9-low-prob
  report ((prob * 1.0) + ((1.0 - prob) * 2.0))

;; procedure to retrieve traffic conditions at a node at time step

to-report traffic-conditions[node timestep]
  ;; string to retrieve traffic
  let report-list ""
  if(node = 0)[
    set report-list n0-traffic-level
  if(node = 1)[
    set report-list n1-traffic-level
  if(node = 2)[
    set report-list n2-traffic-level
  if(node = 3)[
    set report-list n3-traffic-level
  if(node = 4)[
    set report-list n4-traffic-level
  if(node = 5)[
    set report-list n5-traffic-level
  if(node = 6)[
    set report-list n6-traffic-level
  if(node = 7)[
    set report-list n7-traffic-level
  if(node = 8)[
    set report-list n8-traffic-level
  if(node = 9)[
    set report-list n9-traffic-level
  ;; convert to list format
  set report-list (read-from-string report-list)
  ;; retrieve item in report-list based on timestep
  ifelse(timestep <= 10)[
    ;; 0 to 10
    report item 0 report-list
    ifelse(timestep <= 15)[
      ;; 11 - 15
      report item 1 report-list
      ifelse(timestep <= 30)[
        ;; 16 - 30
        report item 2 report-list
        ifelse(timestep <= 100)[
          ;; 31 - 100
          report item 3 report-list
          ;; nothing
          report 0

There is only one version of this model, created about 10 years ago by Larry Lin.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Route Planner.png preview Preview for 'Route Planner' about 10 years ago, by Larry Lin Download

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