Juvenile Delinquency Model

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1 collaborator

Default-person Allen Nie (Author)


delinquency rate 

Tagged by Marzieh Jahanbazi over 9 years ago

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globals [ 
  domestic-violence-rate ;; this replaces "family disruption"
  government-initial-income ;; ticks will affect this part
  funding-apply-rate ;; this is decided by investment-method on the interface
  business-index ;; how thriving this area is
  total-number-of-crimes ;; counter, totally

patches-own [
  propensity-to-aggression ;; genetic
  exposure-to-delinquent-peers-base ;; base
  attachment-to-parents-base ;; base
  personal-goal-base ;; personal
  relations-with-peers-base ;; base
  personal-belief-base ;; genetic

to setup

to-report total-proportion
  let result proportion-of-family-subsidy + proportion-of-police-control + proportion-of-small-medium-business + proportion-of-educational-programs
  ifelse result > 1 [ user-message "can't be larger than 1" ]
  [ report result ]

to check-user-input
  if proportion-of-family-subsidy + proportion-of-police-control + proportion-of-small-medium-business + proportion-of-educational-programs > 1
  [ error "can't be larger than 1" ]

to setup-enviornment-variables
  set government-initial-income 10
  set government-total-income government-initial-income + additional-funding
  set community-unemployment 21 ;; NJ.com income less than $20,000 employment rate 21%
  set domestic-violence-rate 23 ;; 23% women receiving food welfare was abused in the past 12 months - page 4 http://www.vawnet.org/Assoc_Files_VAWnet/BCS15_BP.pdf
  set school-violence 30 ;;not sure about this
  set school-involvement 10 ;;not sure
  set direct-control-parents 10 ;; made up number
  set direct-control-police 20 ;; made up number (Think about "Charlestown" in the movie "The Town")
  if investment-method = "aggressive" [set funding-apply-rate [0.1 0.5 0.2 0.2] ] ;; Q1 -> 1, Q2 -> 2, Q3 -> 3, Q4 -> 0
  if investment-method = "smooth" [set funding-apply-rate [0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25] ]
  if investment-method = "delayed" [set funding-apply-rate [0.5 0.1 0.2 0.2] ]
  if community-attitude = "Positive" [ set community-norm 70 ]
  if community-attitude = "Neutral" [ set community-norm 50 ]
  if community-attitude = "Negative" [ set community-norm 30 ]
  if community-attitude = "Extremely Negative" [ set community-norm 10 ]
  set business-index 5

to setup-patches
  foreach n-values 15 [?]
  [ let $x ? - 7
    foreach n-values 15 [?] ;;this is y variable
    [ let $y ? - 7
      ;; this is the initiation of all patches
      ;;set up individual value
      ask patch $x $y [
        set self-control 20 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100 ;;only self-control is genetic (all in 100)
        set family-income 20 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100 ;; 10-30 are low income, 30-60 medium, 60-90 high, 100 wealthy $13,000 is the wage for McDonald's worker
        set personal-goal-base 20 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100 ;; different people have different dreams
        set personal-belief-base 20 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100
        set personal-stress-base direct-control-parents * 0.1 + domestic-violence-rate * 0.5 + school-violence * 0.6
        set attachment-to-parents-base 20 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100 ;; random attachment to parents
        set relations-with-peers-base 20 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100
        set exposure-to-delinquent-peers-base 50 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100
        set propensity-to-aggression 30 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100 ;; genetic

to go
  if ticks >= 40 [ stop ] ;; stop after 40 quaters (10 years)
  first-iteration ;;affects all Enviornmental factors
  patch-iteration ;;affects all agent attributes (patch)

to first-iteration
  set direct-control-parents direct-control-parents + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-family-subsidy * 0.1 + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-small-medium-business * 0.1
  set domestic-violence-rate domestic-violence-rate + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-family-subsidy * -0.2
  set school-involvement school-involvement + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-family-subsidy * 0.1 + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-educational-programs * 0.5
  set direct-control-police direct-control-police + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-police-control * 0.5
  set school-violence school-violence + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-police-control * -0.15 + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-educational-programs * -0.1
  set community-unemployment community-unemployment + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-small-medium-business * -0.1
  set community-norm community-norm + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-educational-programs * 0.2

  ;; this should also be tied to deliquent rate, direct-police control
  set business-index business-index + item remainder ticks 4 funding-apply-rate * government-total-income * proportion-of-small-medium-business * 0.15

to patch-iteration
foreach n-values 15 [?]
  [ let $x ? - 7
    foreach n-values 15 [?] ;;this is y variable
    [ let $y ? - 7
      ;; this is the random initiation of all patches
      ;; color range from lowest blue 105 to 109, then to magenta 129 to 125 (red 15 flash means crime)
      ;;set up individual value
      ask patch $x $y [
        ;; these two are not very certain, adjust them if you must
        set personal-stress personal-stress-base + direct-control-parents * 0.1 + domestic-violence-rate * 0.5 + school-violence * 0.6 + 10 * abs random-normal 0 50 / 100 ;; plus random events
        set exposure-to-delinquent-peers exposure-to-delinquent-peers-base + direct-control-parents * -0.25 + direct-control-police * -0.25 + school-violence * 0.5
        set family-income family-income + business-index / 50 + random-normal 0 1 * business-index ;; first part base, second part adjust the base
        set personal-goal personal-goal-base + community-unemployment * 0.15 + school-involvement * 0.1
        set attachment-to-parents attachment-to-parents-base + domestic-violence-rate * -0.23
        set relations-with-peers relations-with-peers-base - school-violence * 0.3 + school-involvement * 0.2
        set personal-belief personal-belief-base + community-norm * 0.25
        set delinquent-likelihood propensity-to-aggression * 0.5 + personal-stress * 0.23 - self-control * 0.165 + exposure-to-delinquent-peers * 0.556 - attachment-to-parents * 0.155 - family-income * 0.009 - personal-goal * 0.1 - relations-with-peers * 0.165 - personal-goal * 0.08
        ;; set up patch color dependent on the delinquent-likelihood
        set pcolor scale-color blue delinquent-likelihood 100 0
        ;; this should be the right way to do it
        if delinquent-likelihood > 0 [
            let crime-dice random delinquent-likelihood
            if crime-dice >= 35 [ 
              set pcolor 15 
              set total-number-of-crimes total-number-of-crimes + 1

There is only one version of this model, created over 10 years ago by Allen Nie.

Attached files

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Juvenile Delinquency Model .png preview Preview for 'Juvenile Delinquency Model ' over 10 years ago, by Allen Nie Download

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