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Please refere to the original model to understand the big picture of the system. You can find the model here :
Aquaponics consist of two main parts : Aquaculture (fish farming) and Hydroponics (soil-less growing of plants). It combines fish and plants in a "closed" integrated system. Closed means that there is no water loss - so Aquaponics is a very water efficient way of growing plants and fish, requiring only one tenth the water! Fish wastes in the water are converted by beneficial bacteria to nutrients (plant food). Plants then use the nutrients to grow and clean water is then returned to the fish tank. The fish, plants and bacteria create a mutually beneficial relationship where the only input needed is to feed the fish and top up the water. In order to create a balance in the aquaponic system, fish and plants need to be balanced. If there are too many fish, then the plants will not be able to extract enough of the nutrients and clean the water, if there are too many plants, then there will not be enough nutrients in the water for all of the plants.
This model focus on how nutrient-rich water that result from raising fish provides a source of natural fertilizer for the growing plants. This conversion is done by 2 types of bacteria: Nitrosomonas ( turns ammonia into Nitrites) , and Nitrobacter (turns Nitrites into Nitrates). This conversions create a sustainable ecosystem where both the fish and plants can thrive. The interface for this model shows the fish tank with number of fish that can be specified by the user. when fish produce ammonia, The first type of bacteria (Nitrosomonas) grow and convert the ammonia to Nitrites which is intermediate compound. This Nitrites is then converted to Nitrates (NO3- ) by the second type of the bacteria (Nitrobacter). It is beneficial for plants to consume because it serves as an essential plant nutrient helping with tissue development and building immune systems, and it helps plants develop and produce seeds. In the system, water is the carrier for all these compounds that circulate the system from the tank to growbed, then it is filtered by the plants and return clean to the tank.
When fish produce ammonia, The first type of bacteria (Nitrosomonas) grow and convert the ammonia to Nitrites (water drop become yellow) which is intermediate compound. This Nitrites is then converted to Nitrates NO3- (water drop become green) by the second type of the bacteria (Nitrobacter).
1) Choose the amount of water in the tank 2) Choose number of fish in the system 3) Choose the lifespan for bacteria 4) Press (setup) 5) press (go) button
Notice that when you have few fish in large tank, Bacteria take long time to grow. Also, notice the effect of the bacteria life-span on the model. One important thing to notice by observing the plot that components reaches a stable state where the amount of Ammonia remain stable when the amount of the other minerals become stable.
You can try to have a lot of fish in a small tank, or vice versa. Try to play with the bacteria life-span to see how this will affect material conversion.
An interesting extension would be to add antibiotics to the system and see how this will affect the whole system.
This model had to do a lot of generalizations of breed-related functions. Each component (fish,water,Nitrosomonas,Nitrobacter) corresponds to a breed of turtles which increase the readability of the code and the model performance.
Source for information on Aquaponics:
Comments and Questions
;;; Asmaa aljuhani ;;; Agent Based Modeling ;; Aquaponics breed [fish a-fish] breed [water a-water] breed [Nitrosomonas a-Nitrosomonas] ; convert ammonia (brown) to Nitrites (yellow) breed [Nitrobacter a-Nitrobacter] ; conver Nitrites (yellow) to Nitrates (Green) water-own [ head-to ;; this variable is to arrange the flow of water ( to make crossing tunnels easy) clean ;; this variable holds arrange of int from 1-5 (1 is clean and 5 is toxic) nitrites? nitrates? ] fish-own [ tank ;; variable that hold how the amount of food a fish eat ;;if it reach the max-amount-0f-food-afish-can-eat fish will stop eat waste ;; amount of waste a-fish produce ] Nitrosomonas-own [ life-span] Nitrobacter-own [life-span] globals[ window-edge day day-change? t2b-entrance b2t-exit ] to setup ca ask patches [set pcolor brown + 3] draw-tank draw-walls draw-tunnels set t2b-entrance tank-to-bed-tunnel-entrance set b2t-exit bed-to-tank-tunnel-exit set day-change? false ;;;create fish create-fish number-of-fish [ set shape "fish" set color orange set size 2 set tank 0 set waste 0 arrange-within-tank ] ;;;create water create-water tank-size * 50 [ set shape "drop" set color scale-color (blue) ((random-float 2.0) + 5) 0 10 set size 1 set clean 1 set nitrites? false set nitrates? false arrange-within-tank ] reset-ticks end to go ask fish [ swim produce-ammonia ] ask water[ circulate grow-Nitrosomonas grow-Nitrobacter cross-tunnels recolor ;; to recolor water depends on how clean it is ] if any? Nitrosomonas [ ask Nitrosomonas [ swim convert-ammonia-to-Nitrites calculate-life-span ] ] if any? Nitrobacter [ ask Nitrobacter [ swim convert-Nitrites-to-Nitrates calculate-life-span ] ] ifelse ticks mod 100 = 0 [ set day day + 1 set day-change? true ] [ set day-change? false ] tick end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; setup functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to draw-tank ask patches [ set pcolor blue ;scale-color (blue) ((random-float 2.0) + 5) 0 10 ] end to draw-walls ask patches with [pxcor = max-pycor or pxcor = min-pycor + 1 or pycor = max-pxcor or pycor = min-pxcor] [ set pcolor black ] ask patches with [pxcor = min-pycor] [ set pcolor brown + 3 ] end to draw-tunnels ask patches with [(pycor = max-pycor / 2 + 1 or pycor = max-pycor / 2 - 1) or (pycor = (- max-pycor / 2 + 1) or pycor =(- max-pycor / 2 - 1))] [ if (pxcor <= min-pycor + 1 )[ set pcolor black ] ] ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor / 2 or pycor = (- max-pycor / 2)] [ if (pxcor <= min-pycor + 1 )[ set pcolor brown + 3 ] ] end ;; turtle procedure that randomizes position on the tanks to arrange-within-tank setxy random-xcor random-ycor if any? patches in-radius 2 with [pcolor = black or pcolor = brown + 3] [ arrange-within-tank ] ;; try again until we don't land on or near black end ;;; ;;; ;;; turtles procedures ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;FISH PROCEDURS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;turtle procedure that let fish to swim within the tank to swim fd 1 rt 3 if any? patches in-radius 2 with [pcolor = black] [ rt 180 ] end to produce-ammonia let drops one-of water in-radius (size / 2) if drops != nobody and random 10 = 5 [ set waste waste - 1 ask drops [ if clean < 5 [ set clean (clean + 1) ] ] ] end to empty-fish-tank ask fish [ set tank 0 ] end to grow-produce if day-change? [ set size size + .01 ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;WATER PROCEDURS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to circulate if ( head-to = 0) [ flow ] ;; for water in the lower part of the tank --> move towards the tunnel if (random 10 = 1 and floor ycor = [pycor] of t2b-entrance); max-pycor / -3 and xcor > max-pxcor / 3) [ face t2b-entrance set head-to t2b-entrance ; set color red ] if (head-to = b2t-exit and ycor > 0 and xcor > min-pxcor / 2) [ set head-to 0 ] ;; for water in the upper part of the grow-bed --> move towards the tunnle if (random 10 = 1 and floor ycor = [pycor] of b2t-exit and xcor < 0) [ face b2t-exit set head-to b2t-exit ; set color yellow ] end to flow fd 1 rt random 10 if any? patches in-radius 2 with [pcolor = black][ rt 180 ] end to cross-tunnels if (head-to = t2b-entrance or head-to = b2t-exit ) [ fd 1 if ( xcor < min-pxcor + .5) [ set ycor [pycor] of b2t-exit ; set color green set heading 90 set head-to b2t-exit ;; return clean water set clean 1 set nitrites? false set nitrates? false ] ] end to recolor ifelse clean > 1 and (not nitrites?) and (not nitrates?) [ set color scale-color (brown) (( 2.0) + 5) clean 10 ] [ ifelse nitrites? [ set color yellow ] [ ifelse nitrates? [ set color green - 1 ] [ set color scale-color (blue) ((random-float 2.0) + 5) 0 10 ] ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;BACTERIA PROCEDURS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to grow-Nitrosomonas if all? water in-radius 2 [clean > 1] [ hatch-Nitrosomonas 1[ set shape "bacteria" set color blue set size 1 set life-span bacteria-life-span * 100 ] ] end to grow-Nitrobacter if all? water in-radius 2 [nitrites?] [ hatch-Nitrobacter 1[ set shape "bacteria2" set color pink set size 1 set life-span bacteria-life-span * 100 ] ] end to convert-ammonia-to-Nitrites let drops water with [clean > 2] in-radius 1 if drops != nobody [ ask drops [ set nitrites? true ] ] end to convert-Nitrites-to-Nitrates let drops water with [nitrites?] in-radius 1 if drops != nobody [ ask drops [ set nitrites? false set nitrates? true ] ] end to calculate-life-span ifelse life-span > 1 [ set life-span life-span - 1 ] [ die ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; helper reporters ;;; ;;; ;;; to-report tank-to-bed-tunnel-entrance report patch ((min-pxcor ) ) (max-pycor / -2) end to-report bed-to-tank-tunnel-exit report patch ((max-pxcor)) (max-pycor / 2) end
There are 2 versions of this model.
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Aquaponics-Details.png | preview | Preview for 'Aquaponics-Details' | almost 12 years ago, by Asmaa AlJuhani | Download |
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