Mafia Model

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Default-person Benedito Neto (Author)


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globals [endowment]                                                                                  ; The Patch represents a previous endowment which simulates the market dynamics, with the
                                                                                                     ; possibility of getting profits as the storeowners interact.
breed [mafious a-mafious]
breed [cops a-cop]
breed [storeowners a-storeowner]
turtles-own [money]
patches-own [countdown]

to setup
  ask patches [set pcolor green]
  if endowment? [ask patches
  [ set countdown random-exponential 360 endowment-return                  ; Definition of the countdown of the patches   
   set pcolor one-of [green red]                                           ; Randomize the pcolor with the term "one-of"
set-default-shape mafious "mafious"                                        ; In the turtle shape editor we have defined a shape called mafious
create-mafious initial-number-mafious                                      ; Lets us adjust the initial number of mafious by a slider
  set color black
  set size 2
  set money initial-money-mafious                                          ; Nå som slider 
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor                                            ; En reporter

set-default-shape cops "cops"
create-cops initial-number-cops
  set color blue
  set size 2
  set money initial-money-cops
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor

set-default-shape storeowners "storeowner"
create-storeowners initial-number-storeowner
  set color white
  set size 2
  set money initial-money-storeowners
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor]

set endowment count patches with [pcolor = green]                                   ; Endowment er generert profitt som simulerer tidligere markedsdynamikk og som representerer profitt.
reset-ticks                                                                         ; Fargen på disse feltene er grønn. Når en storeowner genererer profitt vil patcen bli rød.

to go
    if not any? turtles [ stop ]                          ; Spørsmålstegn fordi det er en logisk variabel. stop er en Netlogo commando.                                    
  ask storeowners [
    multiply-storeowner                                   ; reproduce the storeowners turtles, as they get profits.
  ask mafious [
    catch-storeowners                                     ; the mafious asks for the pizo to a storeowner. En storeowner spør etter en sum penger av storeowners. 
    death                                                 ; Gevinst er bedre 
    ask cops [
    catch-mafious                                         ; the cop ask a bribe for don't arrest the mafious.

  if endowment? [ ask patches [ endowment-return ] ]
  set endowment count patches with [pcolor = green]

to move 
  rt random 50
  lt random 50
  fd 1

to take-money  
  if pcolor = green [
    set pcolor red
    set money money + 5

to catch-storeowners
  let mafia-power sum ([money] of mafious in-radius 20) / 100  ;  We define the local variable mafia-power: the more rich the mafious are in a radius of 10, the bigger its influence 
                                                                                                     ; is in that area.
  let ProbRefuse-myself sum ([money] of cops in-radius 20) / 100             ; Vi definerer Probrefuse-myself som tilhører storeowners som en funksjon som er avhengig av politiets ressurser 
                                                                             ; i nærheten. (Radius 10). Sannsynligheten for å betale mafiaen penger.                   
  let prey one-of storeowners-here                   
  if prey != nobody                                                          ; Hvis bytte(storeowner) er forskjellig fra ingen gjør følgende
  [ask prey [ifelse (((ProbRefuse-myself  * ((storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 ))) < mafia-power )
     ;  Storeowners(prey): Hvis summen av politiets ressurser i nærheten og 
     ; (Probrefuse) sannsynligheten for å ikke betale mafiaen (Innstilt med slider) multiplisert med politiets-styrker (innstit med slider)/100 /1000 er mindre enn mafians ressurser
     ; som representerer inflytelse i det området (mafia-power)   Hvis sant: prey(storeowner) betaler tre penger til mafian. Gevinst: Vekst i profitt i nærliggende område vil øke (endowment)
     ;                                                            Hvis falskt: Storeowner mister en pengeenhet som følge av mafiaens undertrykkelse.
           [set money money - 3 ask patches in-radius 5 [endowment-return]] [set money money - 1 ask patches in-radius 2 [stop endowment-return]]]]
  ifelse (((ProbRefuse-myself * ((storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 ))) < mafia-power )
 [set money money + 3] [set money money + 0]                     ; The mafious obtain 3 coins if the storeowner pays, and anything if the storeowner refuses to pay. The police-power variable
end                                                               ; is a coefficient that can turns negative, in the case in wich the police helps the mafious.

to catch-mafious
  let payment sum ([money] of mafious-here)                      ; Definerer payment som bestikkelsen en mafious må betale til en politi-agent. payment would be the bribe paid by the mafious to the cop turtle.
  let prey one-of mafious-here                                   ; Byttet er nå en random mafia-agent
  if prey != nobody
  [ask prey [ifelse (storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 > 0 [set money money - (((storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 / 100) * payment)] [set money money + (((storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 / 1000) * payment)]]] 
  ; Hvis politiets makt er større enn null så vil en mafious betale politiet og avhengig av payment(bestikkelse) multiplisert med politiets innflytelse/100
  ; Hvis politiets makt ikke er større enn null, i tilfellet hvis politiet samarbeider med mafiaen,
  ; så vil mafiaen få et friere spillerom av politiet, noe som vil øke mafiaens inflytelse og formue.
  ifelse (storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 > 0 [set money money + ((storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 / 100) * payment] 
  [set money money + ((storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 / 1000) * payment]                              ; If the police decides to go against the mafious, its bribe is bigger than
                                                                                   ; if it decides to help the mafious in domaining the market.

to endowment-return                 ; Definerer veksten i profitt. Instilles ved hjelp av en slider.                                        defines the regrowth of the patch of endowment.
  if pcolor = red [                 ; Hvis patch er rød(Ikke noe profitt å hente)
    ifelse countdown <= 0                         ; Hvis countdown er mindre eller lik null gjør fargen om til grønn (profitt) og sett nedtelling lik endowment-rate som justeres med slider.
    [set pcolor green
      set countdown endowment-rate ]           ; endowment-rate is the control of the "growt" of profits in the market. Man kan instille hvor kjapt profitten skal endres.
   [set countdown countdown - 1 ]              ; Hvis ikke countdown er mindre eller lik null, sett trekk ifra en pengeenhet.

to death
  if money < 0 [die]                   ; Variabel som tilhører mafia og storeowner. Forsvinner ut av markedet dersom de ikke har penger.

to multiply-storeowner
     let mafia-power sum ([money] of mafious in-radius 10) / 1000
    if money > 10 and random-float 100 < storeowners-multiply                                                  
    ; a storeowner just will expand its business if it has the
    ; sufficient money, if the power of police linked with the global probability of refusal to pay the pizo would be bigger than the
    ; the power of mafia (it means that the presence of mafia may reduce the willingness of new people to join in the market).
    ; storeowners-multiply is a slider wich can control the reproduction of the storeowner turtle.
    and ((storeowners-thrust-in-govs-ability-to-fight-mafia * police-power) / 2 / 100) > mafia-power  
    [hatch 1 rt random-float 360 fd 1 
      let ProbRefuse-myself sum ([money] of cops in-radius 10) / 1000] ; the new hatches of storeowners are born with the endogenous probability of refusal
    ;to pay the piso.
  set money (money / 1.5)

; Copyright: Adrian Ordemann and
; Benedito Faustinoni

There is only one version of this model, created about 11 years ago by Benedito Neto.

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Mafia Model.png preview Preview for 'Mafia Model' about 11 years ago, by Benedito Neto Download

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