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globals [number-of-digged total] patches-own [treasure? resource] breed [gold-digger a-gold-digger] breed [cowboy a-cowboy] breed [sheriff a-sheriff] turtles-own[money] to setup ca set total 0 ask patches[ ; set pcolor brown ifelse (random-float 100.0) < treasure-ratio ;;some place have treasure under ground [set treasure? true set total total + 1] [set treasure? false] ] create-gold-digger number-of-gold-digger[ set size 2; set money 100 set shape "person" set color green ;;gold-digger is green setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] create-cowboy number-of-cowboy[ set size 2; set money 100 set shape "person" set color red ;;cowboy is red setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] create-sheriff number-of-sheriff[ set size 2; set money 100 set shape "person" set color yellow setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set number-of-digged 0 recolor-resource reset-ticks end to go if number-of-digged = total ;;is all treasure all digged out [stop] if sum [money] of gold-digger = 0 [stop] if number-of-cowboy = 0 ;;the society is finally stable [stop] ask turtles[ search ] ask gold-digger[ dig ;;gold digger will dig treasure first then search other place ] ask cowboy[ grab-money ;;cowboy will grab money from gold-digger then search others ] ask sheriff[ punish-cowboy ] recolor-resource tick end to search if money > 0 ;;move to other place, it costs 1 dollar [rt random 90 lt random 90 fd 1 set money money - 1] end to dig if money > detect-cost + dig-cost [set money money - detect-cost ;;dig treasure but cost some money if treasure? ;if there is treasure here [ set money money - dig-cost set treasure? false set money money + 100 set number-of-digged number-of-digged + 1] ] ;;record how many treasure are discovered end to grab-money let money-from 0 if any? gold-digger-here [ ;; if there are gold-digger then grab money ask one-of gold-digger-here[ set money-from money ;;record how many money can grab set money 0 digger-killed ] set money money + money-from ;;add this money to cowboy's money ] end to punish-cowboy let money-from 0 if any? cowboy-here [ ;; if there are gold-digger then grab money ask one-of cowboy-here[ set money-from money ;;record how many money can punish set money 0 cowboy-killed ] set money money + money-from ;;add this money to cowboy's money ] end to digger-killed if (random-float 100) < cowboy-kill-digger-chance [die] end to cowboy-killed if (random-float 100) < sheriff-kill-cowboy-chance [die] end ;; recolor the resource to indicate how much has been eaten to recolor-resource ask patches with [treasure? = false] [ set pcolor black ] ask patches with [treasure? = true] [ set pcolor brown ] end to-report total-money-of-gold-digger ;;report all money of gold-digger report sum [money] of gold-digger end to-report total-money-of-cowboy ;;report all money of cowboy report sum [money] of cowboy end to-report total-money-of-sheriff ;;report all money of cowboy report sum [money] of sheriff end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 12 years ago by Yu Liu.
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