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Default-person soheir othman (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 4.1.2 • Viewed 91 times • Downloaded 18 times • Run 0 times
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This code example is a demo of a basic random walk. At each step, the yellow turtle changes its heading randomly.


The turtle's pen is down, so it leaves a trail behind it in the drawing.


Random Grid Walk Example - the same except that the random walk is constrained to lie on a grid

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to box
  crt 1                                 ;; create one turtle
    face one-of neighbors4
    set color yellow
    set size 2                          ;; make it easier to see               
    pen-down                            ;; have it draw its path
    repeat 4 [ fd 15 rt 90 ]

;; declare a global variable, halfedge, to be used when the box center is at (0,0)

globals [halfedge]

to setup-center
  ca                                              ;; clear everything
  ;; set halfedge as edge divided by two. in case edge is an odd number,
  ;; halfedge get the integer value of the division.
  set halfedge int (edge / 2)
  ask patches[
    ;; if patches are between (-halfedge,-halfedge) to (-halfedge,halfedge)...
    if (pxcor = (- halfedge) and pycor >= (- halfedge) and pycor <= (0 + halfedge) )
      [set pcolor blue]                                ;; ... draws left edge in blue
    ;; if patches are between (halfedge,-halfedge) to (halfedge,halfedge)...
    if ( pxcor = (0 + halfedge) and pycor >= (- halfedge) and pycor <= (0 + halfedge) )
      [set pcolor blue]                                ;; ... draws right edge in blue
    ;; if patches are between (-halfedge,-halfedge) to (halfedge,-halfedge)...
    if ( pycor = (- halfedge) and pxcor >= (- halfedge) and pxcor <= (0 + halfedge) )
      [set pcolor blue]                                ;; ... draws bottom edge in blue
    ;; if patches are between (-halfedge,halfedge) to (halfedge,halfedge)...
    if ( pycor = (0 + halfedge) and pxcor >= (- halfedge) and pxcor <= (0 + halfedge) )
      [set pcolor blue]                                ;; ... draws upper edge in blue

There is only one version of this model, created over 13 years ago by soheir othman.

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