Racing (without GOGO)

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55 Nathan Holbert (Author)


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Model group LS 426-2009 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
Model was written in NetLogo 4.1beta3 • Viewed 455 times • Downloaded 44 times • Run 9 times
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 extensions [ gogo ]
globals [
  speed-out                                                    ;; globals for monitors
turtles-own [ speed speed-other max-speed ]
breed [ player-cars player-car ]
breed [ other-cars other-car ]

;; Setup procedures ;;

to setup
  if Choose-Track = "Ring" [                                   ;; load maps
    import-pcolors "ringtrack.png"
  if Choose-Track = "Square" [
    import-pcolors "squaretrack.png"
  if Choose-Track = "Hard" [
    import-pcolors "hardtrack.png"
  ask patches with [ pcolor = 0.3 ] [                           ;; tweak patch colors so they're easier to identify
    set pcolor black
  ask patches with [ pcolor = 64.4 ] [
    set pcolor green
;; make halfway line
;;  ask patches with [pxcor < -220 and abs pycor <= 1 and pcolor = black] [
;;    set pcolor yellow - 4
;;  ]

  ask patches with [pxcor > 200 and abs pycor <= 1 and pcolor = black] [   ;; make finishing line
    set pcolor yellow
;; make road
;;  ask patches with [ pcolor = black ]
;;    [ set pcolor random white ]

;; make-grass
   if View3D? [                                                   ;; 3D view switch
    ifelse first-person? 
      [ ride player-car 0 ]
      [ follow player-car 0 ]

to check-for-gogo
   if gogo-attached? = true [
     if gogo:open? = false                                        ;; set up gogo board
      [ set serial-port user-one-of "Select a port:" gogo:ports
        gogo:open serial-port
        repeat 5
        [ if not gogo:ping
        [ user-message "The GoGo Board is not responding." ] ]
        gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ] ]

to make-cars
  create-player-cars 1 [                                       ;; set up the player's car
    set size 20
    set shape "car"
    set heading 0
    set color blue
    set xcor max-pxcor * 0.85
    set ycor 5
    set speed 0

  create-other-cars 5 [                                        ;; set up the competition
    set size 20
    set shape "car"
    set heading 0
    set color red
    move-to one-of patches with [ pcolor = black and pycor > 1 and pycor < 30  and pxcor > 225 and pxcor < 300]    
    set speed-other 1.4

to make-grass
  ask n-of 300 patches with [ pcolor = green ]                 ;; make grass to help visualize in 3D view
    [ sprout 1 [
      set shape "plant"
      set color green + 2
      set size 20 ] ]

to set-traction                                                ;; add a slide factor based on weather
  if Weather = "Sunny" [
    set slide 0
  if Weather = "Rain" [
    set slide 3
  if Weather = "Snow" [
    set slide 5
  if Weather = "Random" [                                      ;; set chooser to one of the other weather types
    set Weather one-of [ "Sunny" "Rain" "Snow" ]


;; go procedures ;;

to go
  ask turtles [
    if [pcolor] of patch-here = yellow                            ;; stop if you cross the yellow line --not working...
      [ set speed 0                                               ;; need to make one for other-car and player-car
        set shape "face happy"
        user-message "You won!  Press 'halt' to play again!"
  ask player-cars [
    let car-ahead one-of other turtles-on patches in-cone 10 30
    set max-speed velocity-factor * 2.5
    if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = green                          ;; if the pach ahead is grass, report a crash and kill car
      [ set speed 0 
        set shape "x"
        user-message "You crashed! Press 'halt' and try again!"
  if gogo-attached? = true [
    ifelse gogo:sensor 1 > 1000                                   ;; sensor reads over 1000 when untouched
      [ set speed speed - 0.03 ]                                  ;; slows down when sensor 1 isn't pressed
      [ set speed speed - 0.03 + ( ( 1 + acceleration-factor ) / gogo:sensor 1 ) ]        ;; speed up when pressing sensor 1
    if gogo:sensor 2 < 1000
      [ set speed speed - ( ( 10 - slide ) / gogo:sensor 2 ) ]        ;; sensor 2 brakes if pressed
    if speed < 0
      [ set speed 0 ]                                             ;; keeps speed from going negative
    if speed > max-speed [                          ;; sets max-velocity relative to velocity factor
      set speed max-speed
    if car-ahead != nobody [
      set speed speed - 4
    fd speed                                                      ;; moves
    set speed-out speed                                           ;; sets speedometer monitor (may remove)
  ask other-cars [                                                ;; auto acceleration for other-car
    let car-ahead one-of other turtles-on patches in-cone 10 30   ;; looks for cars ahead
    if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = green                          ;; if the pach ahead is grass, report a crash and stop the race
      [ set speed 0 
        set shape "x" 
        die ]
    set speed-other speed-other + 0.1                             ;; gradually speeds up
    if speed-other > 6 [                                          ;; sets a max speed of 6...may need tweaked
      set speed-other 6
    if speed-other < 0 [                                          ;; keeps speed from going negative
      set speed-other 0
    ifelse [pcolor] of patch-left-and-ahead 15 15 = green [       ;; looks forward and left for grass...
      fd ( .5 + slide ) rt ( random-float 30 - slide ) ]          ;; turns slightly right if it sees grass...slide due to traction
      [ ifelse [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 15 15 = green [  ;; looks forward and right for grass...
      fd ( .5 + slide ) lt ( random-float 30 - slide ) ]          ;; turns slightly left if it sees grass...slide due to traction
        [ ifelse car-ahead != nobody [                            ;; if car ahead slow way down
            set speed-other speed-other - 4 fd .5 ]
      [ fd speed-other                                            ;; moves
        set speed-out2 speed-other ]                              ;; sets speed-out2 monitor (may remove once debugged)
  ] ] ]

;; button commands ;;

to speed-up
  ask player-cars [
    set speed speed + 0.1

to slow-down
  ask player-cars [
    set speed speed - 0.2

to turn-left
  ask player-cars [
    fd ( slide + speed ) left 15 - slide

to turn-right
  ask player-cars [
    fd ( slide + speed) right 15 - slide


There are 5 versions of this model.

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Nathan Holbert almost 14 years ago (Default description) Download this version
Nathan Holbert almost 14 years ago (Default description) Download this version
Nathan Holbert almost 14 years ago (Default description) Download this version
Nathan Holbert almost 14 years ago (Default description) Download this version
Nathan Holbert almost 14 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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